PhysLean Documentation


norm_num extensions for GCD-adjacent functions #

This module defines some norm_num extensions for functions such as Nat.gcd, Nat.lcm, Int.gcd, and Int.lcm.

Note that Nat.coprime is reducible and defined in terms of Nat.gcd, so the Nat.gcd extension also indirectly provides a Nat.coprime extension.

theorem Tactic.NormNum.int_gcd_helper' {d : } {x y : } (a b : ) (h₁ : d x) (h₂ : d y) (h₃ : x * a + y * b = d) :
x.gcd y = d
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_dvd_left (x y : ) (h : y % x = 0) :
x.gcd y = x
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_dvd_right (x y : ) (h : x % y = 0) :
x.gcd y = y
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_2 (d x y a b : ) (hu : x % d = 0) (hv : y % d = 0) (h : x * a = y * b + d) :
x.gcd y = d
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_1 (d x y a b : ) (hu : x % d = 0) (hv : y % d = 0) (h : y * b = x * a + d) :
x.gcd y = d
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_1' (x y a b : ) (h : y * b = x * a + 1) :
x.gcd y = 1
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_gcd_helper_2' (x y a b : ) (h : x * a = y * b + 1) :
x.gcd y = 1
theorem Tactic.NormNum.nat_lcm_helper (x y d m : ) (hd : x.gcd y = d) (d0 : d.beq 0 = false) (dm : x * y = d * m) :
x.lcm y = m
theorem Tactic.NormNum.int_gcd_helper {x y : } {x' y' d : } (hx : x.natAbs = x') (hy : y.natAbs = y') (h : x'.gcd y' = d) :
x.gcd y = d
theorem Tactic.NormNum.int_lcm_helper {x y : } {x' y' d : } (hx : x.natAbs = x') (hy : y.natAbs = y') (h : x'.lcm y' = d) :
x.lcm y = d
def Tactic.NormNum.proveNatGCD (ex ey : Q()) :
(ed : Q()) × Q(«$ex».gcd «$ey» = «$ed»)

Given natural number literals ex and ey, return their GCD as a natural number literal and an equality proof. Panics if ex or ey aren't natural number literals.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    Evaluate the Nat.gcd function.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def Tactic.NormNum.proveNatLCM (ex ey : Q()) :
      (ed : Q()) × Q(«$ex».lcm «$ey» = «$ed»)

      Given natural number literals ex and ey, return their LCM as a natural number literal and an equality proof. Panics if ex or ey aren't natural number literals.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        Evaluates the Nat.lcm function.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def Tactic.NormNum.proveIntGCD (ex ey : Q()) :
          (ed : Q()) × Q(«$ex».gcd «$ey» = «$ed»)

          Given two integers, return their GCD and an equality proof. Panics if ex or ey aren't integer literals.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            Evaluates the Int.gcd function.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              def Tactic.NormNum.proveIntLCM (ex ey : Q()) :
              (ed : Q()) × Q(«$ex».lcm «$ey» = «$ed»)

              Given two integers, return their LCM and an equality proof. Panics if ex or ey aren't integer literals.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                Evaluates the Int.lcm function.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem Tactic.NormNum.isInt_ratNum {q : } {n : } {n' d : } :
                  theorem Tactic.NormNum.isNat_ratDen {q : } {n : } {n' d : } :

                  Evaluates the Rat.num function.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For

                    Evaluates the Rat.den function.

                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For