PhysLean Documentation


Gaussian Elimination algorithm #

The first step of Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.findPositiveVector is finding initial feasible solution which is done by standard Gaussian Elimination algorithm implemented in this file.

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.Gauss.GaussM (n m : Nat) (matType : NatNatType) (α : Type) :

The monad for the Gaussian Elimination algorithm.

Instances For
    def Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.Gauss.findNonzeroRow {n m : Nat} {matType : NatNatType} [UsableInSimplexAlgorithm matType] (rowStart col : Nat) :
    GaussM n m matType (Option Nat)

    Finds the first row starting from the rowStart with nonzero element in the column col.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.Gauss.getTableauImp {n m : Nat} {matType : NatNatType} [UsableInSimplexAlgorithm matType] :
      GaussM n m matType (Tableau matType)

      Implementation of getTableau in GaussM monad.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        def Linarith.SimplexAlgorithm.Gauss.getTableau {n m : Nat} {matType : NatNatType} [UsableInSimplexAlgorithm matType] (A : matType n m) :

        Given matrix A, solves the linear equation A x = 0 and returns the solution as a tableau where some variables are free and others (basic) variable are expressed as linear combinations of the free ones.

        Instances For