PhysLean Documentation


Tactics that transform types into definitionally equal types #

This module defines a standard wrapper that can be used to create tactics that change hypotheses and the goal to things that are definitionally equal.

It then provides a number of tactics that transform local hypotheses and/or the target.

def Lean.MVarId.changeLocalDecl' (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId) (typeNew : Expr) (checkDefEq : Bool := true) :

This is Lean.MVarId.changeLocalDecl but makes sure to preserve local variable order.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    def Mathlib.Tactic.runDefEqTactic (m : Option Lean.FVarIdLean.ExprLean.MetaM Lean.Expr) (loc? : Option (Lean.TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.location)) (tacticName : String) (checkDefEq : Bool := true) :

    For the main goal, use m to transform the types of locations specified by loc?. If loc? is none, then transforms the type of target. m is provided with an expression with instantiated metavariables as well as, if the location is a local hypothesis, the fvar.

    m must transform expressions to defeq expressions. If checkDefEq = true (the default) then runDefEqTactic will throw an error if the resulting expression is not definitionally equal to the original expression.

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    Instances For

      Like Mathlib.Tactic.runDefEqTactic but for conv mode.

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      Instances For

        whnf #

        whnf at loc puts the given location into weak-head normal form. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

        Weak-head normal form is when the outer-most expression has been fully reduced, the expression may contain subexpressions which have not been reduced.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          beta_reduce #

          beta_reduce at loc completely beta reduces the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

          This means that whenever there is an applied lambda expression such as (fun x => f x) y then the argument is substituted into the lambda expression yielding an expression such as f y.

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          Instances For

            beta_reduce at loc completely beta reduces the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

            This means that whenever there is an applied lambda expression such as (fun x => f x) y then the argument is substituted into the lambda expression yielding an expression such as f y.

            Instances For

              reduce #

              reduce at loc completely reduces the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

              This does the same transformation as the #reduce command.

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              Instances For

                unfold_let #

                Unfold all the fvars from fvars in e that have local definitions (are "let-bound").

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                Instances For
                  @[deprecated Lean.Meta.unfold (since := "2024-11-11")]

                  This tactic is subsumed by the unfold tactic.

                  unfold_let x y z at loc unfolds the local definitions x, y, and z at the given location, which is known as "zeta reduction." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                  If no local definitions are given, then all local definitions are unfolded. This variant also exists as the conv-mode tactic zeta.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    @[deprecated Lean.Meta.unfold (since := "2024-11-11")]

                    This tactic is subsumed by the unfold tactic.

                    unfold_let x y z at loc unfolds the local definitions x, y, and z at the given location, which is known as "zeta reduction." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                    If no local definitions are given, then all local definitions are unfolded. This variant also exists as the conv-mode tactic zeta.

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                    Instances For

                      refold_let #

                      For each fvar, looks for its body in e and replaces it with the fvar.

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                      Instances For

                        refold_let x y z at loc looks for the bodies of local definitions x, y, and z at the given location and replaces them with x, y, or z. This is the inverse of "zeta reduction." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For

                          refold_let x y z at loc looks for the bodies of local definitions x, y, and z at the given location and replaces them with x, y, or z. This is the inverse of "zeta reduction." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For

                            unfold_projs #

                            Recursively unfold all the projection applications for class instances.

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For

                              unfold_projs at loc unfolds projections of class instances at the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For

                                unfold_projs at loc unfolds projections of class instances at the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                Instances For

                                  eta_reduce #

                                  Eta reduce everything

                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For

                                    eta_reduce at loc eta reduces all sub-expressions at the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                    For example, fun x y => f x y becomes f after eta reduction.

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For

                                      eta_reduce at loc eta reduces all sub-expressions at the given location. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                      For example, fun x y => f x y becomes f after eta reduction.

                                      Instances For

                                        eta_expand #

                                        Eta expand every sub-expression in the given expression.

                                        As a side-effect, beta reduces any pre-existing instances of eta expanded terms.

                                        eta_expand at loc eta expands all sub-expressions at the given location. It also beta reduces any applications of eta expanded terms, so it puts it into an eta-expanded "normal form." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                        For example, if f takes two arguments, then f becomes fun x y => f x y and f x becomes fun y => f x y.

                                        This can be useful to turn, for example, a raw HAdd.hAdd into fun x y => x + y.

                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For

                                          eta_expand at loc eta expands all sub-expressions at the given location. It also beta reduces any applications of eta expanded terms, so it puts it into an eta-expanded "normal form." This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                          For example, if f takes two arguments, then f becomes fun x y => f x y and f x becomes fun y => f x y.

                                          This can be useful to turn, for example, a raw HAdd.hAdd into fun x y => x + y.

                                          Instances For

                                            eta_struct #

                                            Given an expression that's either a native projection or a registered projection function, gives (1) the name of the structure type, (2) the index of the projection, and (3) the object being projected.

                                            Instances For

                                              Checks if the expression is of the form x.1 ... x.n with n nonzero and a structure constructor and returns x. Each projection x.i can be either a native projection or from a projection function.

                                              tryWhnfR controls whether to try applying whnfR to arguments when none of them are obviously projections.

                                              Once an obviously correct projection is found, relies on the structure eta rule in isDefEq.

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                                              Instances For

                                                Check to see if there's an argument at some index i such that it's the ith projection of a some expression. Returns the expression.

                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                Instances For

                                                  Finds all occurrences of expressions of the form x.1 ... x.n where is a structure constructor and replaces them by x.

                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                  Instances For

                                                    eta_struct at loc transforms structure constructor applications such as x.1 ... x.n (pretty printed as, for example, {a := x.a, b := x.b, ...}) into x. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                                    The transformation is known as eta reduction for structures, and it yields definitionally equal expressions.

                                                    For example, given x : α × β, then (x.1, x.2) becomes x after this transformation.

                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                    Instances For

                                                      eta_struct at loc transforms structure constructor applications such as x.1 ... x.n (pretty printed as, for example, {a := x.a, b := x.b, ...}) into x. This also exists as a conv-mode tactic.

                                                      The transformation is known as eta reduction for structures, and it yields definitionally equal expressions.

                                                      For example, given x : α × β, then (x.1, x.2) becomes x after this transformation.

                                                      Instances For