PhysLean Documentation


Coherence tactic #

This file provides a meta framework for the coherence tactic, which solves goals of the form η = θ, where η and θ are 2-morphism in a bicategory or morphisms in a monoidal category made up only of associators, unitors, and identities.

The function defined here is a meta reimplementation of the formalized coherence theorems provided in the following files:

The actual tactics that users will use are given in

The result of normalizing a 1-morphism.

  • normalizedHom : NormalizedHom

    The normalized 1-morphism.

  • toNormalize : Mor₂Iso

    The 2-morphism from the original 1-morphism to the normalized 1-morphism.

Instances For

    Meta version of CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.normalizeIso.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Lemmas to prove the meta version of CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.normalize_naturality.


        Meta version of CategoryTheory.FreeBicategory.normalize_naturality.

        Prove the equality between structural isomorphisms using the naturality of normalize.


          Close the goal of the form η = θ, where η and θ are 2-isomorphisms made up only of associators, unitors, and identities.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For