PhysLean Documentation


The check_compositions tactic, which checks the typing of categorical compositions in the goal, reporting discrepancies at "instances and reducible" transparency.

Reports from this tactic do not necessarily indicate a problem, although typically simp should reduce rather than increase the reported discrepancies.

check_compositions may be useful in diagnosing uses of erw in the category theory library.

Find appearances of CategoryStruct.comp C inst X Y Z f g, and apply f to each.

Instances For

    Given a composition CategoryStruct.comp _ _ X Y Z f g, infer the types of f and g and check whether their sources and targets agree, at "instances and reducible" transparency, with X, Y, and Z, reporting any discrepancies.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Check the typing of categorical compositions in the goal.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        For each composition f ≫ g in the goal, which internally is represented as CategoryStruct.comp C inst X Y Z f g, infer the types of f and g and check whether their sources and targets agree with X, Y, and Z at "instances and reducible" transparency, reporting any discrepancies.

        An example:

        example (j : J) :
            colimit.ι ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) j ≫ (preservesColimitIso (G ⋙ H) F).inv =
     ( (colimit.ι F j)) := by
          -- We know which lemma we want to use, and it's even a simp lemma, but `rw`
          -- won't let us apply it
          fail_if_success rw [ι_preservesColimitIso_inv]
          fail_if_success rw [ι_preservesColimitIso_inv (G ⋙ H)]
          fail_if_success simp only [ι_preservesColimitIso_inv]
          -- This would work:
          -- erw [ι_preservesColimitIso_inv (G ⋙ H)]
          -- `check_compositions` checks if the two morphisms we're composing are
          -- composed by abusing defeq, and indeed it tells us that we are abusing
          -- definitional associativity of composition of functors here: it prints
          -- the following.
          -- info: In composition
          --   colimit.ι ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H) j ≫ (preservesColimitIso (G ⋙ H) F).inv
          -- the source of
          --   (preservesColimitIso (G ⋙ H) F).inv
          -- is
          --   colimit (F ⋙ G ⋙ H)
          -- but should be
          --   colimit ((F ⋙ G) ⋙ H)
          -- In this case, we can "fix" this by reassociating in the goal, but
          -- usually at this point the right thing to do is to back off and
          -- check how we ended up with a bad goal in the first place.
          dsimp only [Functor.assoc]
          -- This would work now, but it is not needed, because simp works as well
          -- rw [ι_preservesColimitIso_inv]
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For