PhysLean Documentation


The by_contra tactic #

The by_contra! tactic is a variant of the by_contra tactic, for proofs of contradiction.

If the target of the main goal is a proposition p, by_contra! reduces the goal to proving False using the additional hypothesis this : ¬ p. by_contra! h can be used to name the hypothesis h : ¬ p. The hypothesis ¬ p will be negation normalized using push_neg. For instance, ¬ a < b will be changed to b ≤ a. by_contra! h : q will normalize negations in ¬ p, normalize negations in q, and then check that the two normalized forms are equal. The resulting hypothesis is the pre-normalized form, q. If the name h is not explicitly provided, then this will be used as name. This tactic uses classical reasoning. It is a variant on the tactic by_contra. Examples:

example : 1 < 2 := by
  by_contra! h
  -- h : 2 ≤ 1 ⊢ False

example : 1 < 2 := by
  by_contra! h : ¬ 1 < 2
  -- h : ¬ 1 < 2 ⊢ False
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