PhysLean Documentation


Nilpotency in polynomial rings. #

This file is a place for results related to nilpotency in (single-variable) polynomial rings.

Main results: #

theorem Polynomial.isNilpotent_iff {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {P : Polynomial R} :
IsNilpotent P ∀ (i : ), IsNilpotent (P.coeff i)
theorem Polynomial.isUnit_of_coeff_isUnit_isNilpotent {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {P : Polynomial R} (hunit : IsUnit (P.coeff 0)) (hnil : ∀ (i : ), i 0IsNilpotent (P.coeff i)) :

Let P be a polynomial over R. If its constant term is a unit and its other coefficients are nilpotent, then P is a unit.

See also Polynomial.isUnit_iff_coeff_isUnit_isNilpotent.

theorem Polynomial.coeff_isUnit_isNilpotent_of_isUnit {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {P : Polynomial R} (hunit : IsUnit P) :
IsUnit (P.coeff 0) ∀ (i : ), i 0IsNilpotent (P.coeff i)

Let P be a polynomial over R. If P is a unit, then all its coefficients are nilpotent, except its constant term which is a unit.

See also Polynomial.isUnit_iff_coeff_isUnit_isNilpotent.

theorem Polynomial.isUnit_iff_coeff_isUnit_isNilpotent {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {P : Polynomial R} :
IsUnit P IsUnit (P.coeff 0) ∀ (i : ), i 0IsNilpotent (P.coeff i)

Let P be a polynomial over R. P is a unit if and only if all its coefficients are nilpotent, except its constant term which is a unit.

See also Polynomial.isUnit_iff'.

theorem Polynomial.isUnit_C_add_X_mul_iff {R : Type u_1} {r : R} [CommRing R] {P : Polynomial R} :
theorem Polynomial.isNilpotent_aeval_sub_of_isNilpotent_sub {R : Type u_2} {S : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] (P : Polynomial R) {a b : S} (h : IsNilpotent (a - b)) :
IsNilpotent ((aeval a) P - (aeval b) P)
theorem Polynomial.isUnit_aeval_of_isUnit_aeval_of_isNilpotent_sub {R : Type u_2} {S : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] [Algebra R S] {P : Polynomial R} {a b : S} (hb : IsUnit ((aeval b) P)) (hab : IsNilpotent (a - b)) :
IsUnit ((aeval a) P)