PhysLean Documentation


Local rings #

Define local rings as commutative rings having a unique maximal ideal.

Main definitions #

class IsLocalRing (R : Type u_1) [Semiring R] extends Nontrivial R :

A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and a or b is a unit whenever a + b = 1. Note that IsLocalRing is a predicate.

  • of_is_unit_or_is_unit_of_add_one :: (
    • isUnit_or_isUnit_of_add_one {a b : R} (h : a + b = 1) : IsUnit a IsUnit b

      in a local ring R, if a + b = 1, then either a is a unit or b is a unit. In another word, for every a : R, either a is a unit or 1 - a is a unit.

  • )
    @[deprecated IsLocalRing (since := "2024-11-09")]
    def LocalRing (R : Type u_1) [Semiring R] :

    Alias of IsLocalRing.

    A semiring is local if it is nontrivial and a or b is a unit whenever a + b = 1. Note that IsLocalRing is a predicate.

    Instances For