PhysLean Documentation


The natural numbers form a linear order #

This file contains the linear order instance on the natural numbers.

See note [foundational algebra order theory].


Move the LinearOrder instance here (

Miscellaneous lemmas #

theorem Nat.bot_eq_zero :
= 0
theorem Nat.isLeast_find {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (hp : (n : ), p n) :
IsLeast {n : | p n} (Nat.find hp)

Nat.find is the minimum natural number satisfying a predicate p.

theorem Set.Nonempty.isLeast_natFind {s : Set } [DecidablePred fun (x : ) => x s] (hs : s.Nonempty) :

Nat.find is the minimum element of a nonempty set of natural numbers.