PhysLean Documentation


Centers of monoids #

Main definitions #

We provide,,, and in other files.

The center of a multiplication with unit M is the set of elements that commute with everything in M

Instances For

    The center of an addition with zero M is the set of elements that commute with everything in M

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]

      The center of a multiplication with unit is commutative and associative.

      This is not an instance as it forms an non-defeq diamond with Submonoid.toMonoid in the npow field.

      Instances For
        @[reducible, inline]

        The center of an addition with zero is commutative and associative.

        Instances For

          The center of a monoid is commutative.

          theorem Submonoid.mem_center_iff {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {z : M} :
          z center M ∀ (g : M), g * z = z * g
          theorem AddSubmonoid.mem_center_iff {M : Type u_1} [AddMonoid M] {z : M} :
          z center M ∀ (g : M), g + z = z + g
          instance Submonoid.decidableMemCenter {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] (a : M) [Decidable (∀ (b : M), b * a = a * b)] :
          instance AddSubmonoid.decidableMemCenter {M : Type u_1} [AddMonoid M] (a : M) [Decidable (∀ (b : M), b + a = a + b)] :

          The center of a monoid acts commutatively on that monoid.

          The center of a monoid acts commutatively on that monoid.

          Note that smulCommClass (center M) (center M) M is already implied by Submonoid.smulCommClass_right


          For a monoid, the units of the center inject into the center of the units. This is not an equivalence in general; one case when it is is for groups with zero, which is covered in centerUnitsEquivUnitsCenter.

          Instances For

            For an additive monoid, the units of the center inject into the center of the units.

            Instances For
              theorem val_unitsCenterToCenterUnits_apply_coe (M : Type u_1) [Monoid M] (n : (↥( M))ˣ) :
              ((unitsCenterToCenterUnits M) n) = n
              theorem MulEquivClass.apply_mem_center {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [EquivLike F M N] [Mul M] [Mul N] [MulEquivClass F M N] (e : F) {x : M} (hx : x M) :
              theorem AddEquivClass.apply_mem_center {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [EquivLike F M N] [Add M] [Add N] [AddEquivClass F M N] (e : F) {x : M} (hx : x Set.addCenter M) :
              theorem MulEquivClass.apply_mem_center_iff {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [EquivLike F M N] [Mul M] [Mul N] [MulEquivClass F M N] (e : F) {x : M} :
              theorem AddEquivClass.apply_mem_center_iff {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_1} {F : Type u_2} [EquivLike F M N] [Add M] [Add N] [AddEquivClass F M N] (e : F) {x : M} :
              def Subsemigroup.centerCongr {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Mul M] [Mul N] (e : M ≃* N) :
              (center M) ≃* (center N)

              The center of isomorphic magmas are isomorphic.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                def AddSubsemigroup.centerCongr {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Add M] [Add N] (e : M ≃+ N) :
                (center M) ≃+ (center N)

                The center of isomorphic additive magmas are isomorphic.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem Subsemigroup.centerCongr_symm_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Mul M] [Mul N] (e : M ≃* N) (s : (center N)) :
                  ((centerCongr e).symm s) = e.symm s
                  theorem AddSubsemigroup.centerCongr_symm_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Add M] [Add N] (e : M ≃+ N) (s : (center N)) :
                  ((centerCongr e).symm s) = e.symm s
                  theorem AddSubsemigroup.centerCongr_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Add M] [Add N] (e : M ≃+ N) (r : (center M)) :
                  ((centerCongr e) r) = e r
                  theorem Subsemigroup.centerCongr_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [Mul M] [Mul N] (e : M ≃* N) (r : (center M)) :
                  ((centerCongr e) r) = e r
                  def Submonoid.centerCongr {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (e : M ≃* N) :
                  (center M) ≃* (center N)

                  The center of isomorphic monoids are isomorphic.

                  Instances For
                    def AddSubmonoid.centerCongr {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (e : M ≃+ N) :
                    (center M) ≃+ (center N)

                    The center of isomorphic additive monoids are isomorphic.

                    Instances For
                      theorem AddSubmonoid.centerCongr_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (e : M ≃+ N) (r : ( M)) :
                      ((centerCongr e) r) = e r
                      theorem Submonoid.centerCongr_symm_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (e : M ≃* N) (s : ( N)) :
                      ((centerCongr e).symm s) = e.symm s
                      theorem AddSubmonoid.centerCongr_symm_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [AddZeroClass M] [AddZeroClass N] (e : M ≃+ N) (s : ( N)) :
                      ((centerCongr e).symm s) = e.symm s
                      theorem Submonoid.centerCongr_apply_coe {M : Type u_2} {N : Type u_1} [MulOneClass M] [MulOneClass N] (e : M ≃* N) (r : ( M)) :
                      ((centerCongr e) r) = e r

                      The center of a magma is isomorphic to the center of its opposite.

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For

                        The center of an additive magma is isomorphic to the center of its opposite.

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For

                          The center of a monoid is isomorphic to the center of its opposite.

                          Instances For

                            The center of an additive monoid is isomorphic to the center of its opposite.

                            Instances For