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Pointwise actions of equivariant maps #

theorem MulAction.smul_bijective_of_is_unit {M : Type u_1} [Monoid M] {α : Type u_2} [MulAction M α] {m : M} (hm : IsUnit m) :
Function.Bijective fun (a : α) => m a
theorem AddAction.vadd_bijective_of_is_addUnit {M : Type u_1} [AddMonoid M] {α : Type u_2} [AddAction M α] {m : M} (hm : IsAddUnit m) :
Function.Bijective fun (a : α) => m +ᵥ a
theorem image_smul_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] (σ : RS) [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (c : R) (s : Set M) :
h '' (c s) = σ c h '' s
theorem image_vadd_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] (σ : RS) [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (c : R) (s : Set M) :
h '' (c +ᵥ s) = σ c +ᵥ h '' s
theorem Set.MapsTo.smul_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_6} [Monoid R] [Monoid S] {σ : RS} [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_7} {h : F} [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {s : Set M} {t : Set N} (hst : MapsTo (⇑h) s t) (c : R) :
MapsTo (⇑h) (c s) (σ c t)
theorem Set.MapsTo.vadd_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} {M : Type u_3} {N : Type u_6} [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] {σ : RS} [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_7} {h : F} [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {s : Set M} {t : Set N} (hst : MapsTo (⇑h) s t) (c : R) :
MapsTo (⇑h) (c +ᵥ s) (σ c +ᵥ t)
theorem smul_preimage_set_leₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] (σ : RS) [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (c : R) (t : Set N) :
c h ⁻¹' t h ⁻¹' (σ c t)

Translation of preimage is contained in preimage of translation

theorem vadd_preimage_set_leₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] (σ : RS) [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (c : R) (t : Set N) :
c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t)
theorem preimage_smul_setₛₗ' {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] (σ : RS) [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {c : R} (t : Set N) (hc : Function.Surjective fun (m : M) => c m) (hc' : Function.Injective fun (n : N) => σ c n) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c t) = c h ⁻¹' t

General version of preimage_smul_setₛₗ

theorem preimage_vadd_setₛₗ' {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] (σ : RS) [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {c : R} (t : Set N) (hc : Function.Surjective fun (m : M) => c +ᵥ m) (hc' : Function.Injective fun (n : N) => σ c +ᵥ n) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem preimage_smul_setₛₗ_of_units {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] (σ : RS) [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {c : R} (t : Set N) (hc : IsUnit c) (hc' : IsUnit (σ c)) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c t) = c h ⁻¹' t

preimage_smul_setₛₗ when both scalars act by unit

theorem preimage_vadd_setₛₗ_of_addUnits {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] (σ : RS) [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] {c : R} (t : Set N) (hc : IsAddUnit c) (hc' : IsAddUnit (σ c)) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem MonoidHom.preimage_smul_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] (σ : R →* S) {F : Type u_8} [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F (⇑σ) M N] (h : F) {c : R} (hc : IsUnit c) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c t) = c h ⁻¹' t

preimage_smul_setₛₗ in the context of a MonoidHom

theorem AddMonoidHom.preimage_vadd_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] (σ : R →+ S) {F : Type u_8} [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F (⇑σ) M N] (h : F) {c : R} (hc : IsAddUnit c) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem preimage_smul_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [Monoid R] [Monoid S] [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {G : Type u_8} [FunLike G R S] [MonoidHomClass G R S] (σ : G) {F : Type u_9} [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F (⇑σ) M N] (h : F) {c : R} (hc : IsUnit c) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c t) = c h ⁻¹' t

preimage_smul_setₛₗ in the context of a MonoidHomClass

theorem preimage_vadd_setₛₗ {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) [AddMonoid R] [AddMonoid S] [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {G : Type u_8} [FunLike G R S] [AddMonoidHomClass G R S] (σ : G) {F : Type u_9} [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F (⇑σ) M N] (h : F) {c : R} (hc : IsAddUnit c) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem Group.preimage_smul_setₛₗ (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) {R : Type u_8} {S : Type u_9} [Group R] [Group S] (σ : RS) [MulAction R M] [MulAction S N] {F : Type u_10} [FunLike F M N] [MulActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (h : F) (c : R) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c t) = c h ⁻¹' t

preimage_smul_setₛₗ in the context of a groups

theorem AddGroup.preimage_vadd_setₛₗ (M : Type u_3) (N : Type u_6) {R : Type u_8} {S : Type u_9} [AddGroup R] [AddGroup S] (σ : RS) [AddAction R M] [AddAction S N] {F : Type u_10} [FunLike F M N] [AddActionSemiHomClass F σ M N] (h : F) (c : R) (t : Set N) :
h ⁻¹' (σ c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem image_smul_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [Monoid R] [MulAction R M₁] [MulAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [MulActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (c : R) (s : Set M₁) :
h '' (c s) = c h '' s
theorem image_vadd_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [AddMonoid R] [AddAction R M₁] [AddAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [AddActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (c : R) (s : Set M₁) :
h '' (c +ᵥ s) = c +ᵥ h '' s
theorem smul_preimage_set_le (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [Monoid R] [MulAction R M₁] [MulAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [MulActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (c : R) (t : Set M₂) :
c h ⁻¹' t h ⁻¹' (c t)
theorem vadd_preimage_set_le (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [AddMonoid R] [AddAction R M₁] [AddAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [AddActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (c : R) (t : Set M₂) :
c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t h ⁻¹' (c +ᵥ t)
theorem Set.MapsTo.smul_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [Monoid R] [MulAction R M₁] [MulAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} {h : F} [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [MulActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] {s : Set M₁} {t : Set M₂} (hst : MapsTo (⇑h) s t) (c : R) :
MapsTo (⇑h) (c s) (c t)
theorem Set.MapsTo.vadd_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [AddMonoid R] [AddAction R M₁] [AddAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} {h : F} [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [AddActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] {s : Set M₁} {t : Set M₂} (hst : MapsTo (⇑h) s t) (c : R) :
MapsTo (⇑h) (c +ᵥ s) (c +ᵥ t)
theorem preimage_smul_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [Monoid R] [MulAction R M₁] [MulAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [MulActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] {c : R} (t : Set M₂) (hc : IsUnit c) :
h ⁻¹' (c t) = c h ⁻¹' t
theorem preimage_vadd_set (R : Type u_1) (M₁ : Type u_4) (M₂ : Type u_5) [AddMonoid R] [AddAction R M₁] [AddAction R M₂] {F : Type u_7} (h : F) [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [AddActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] {c : R} (t : Set M₂) (hc : IsAddUnit c) :
h ⁻¹' (c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t
theorem Group.preimage_smul_set {R : Type u_8} [Group R] (M₁ : Type u_9) (M₂ : Type u_10) [MulAction R M₁] [MulAction R M₂] {F : Type u_11} [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [MulActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (h : F) (c : R) (t : Set M₂) :
h ⁻¹' (c t) = c h ⁻¹' t
theorem AddGroup.preimage_vadd_set {R : Type u_8} [AddGroup R] (M₁ : Type u_9) (M₂ : Type u_10) [AddAction R M₁] [AddAction R M₂] {F : Type u_11} [FunLike F M₁ M₂] [AddActionHomClass F R M₁ M₂] (h : F) (c : R) (t : Set M₂) :
h ⁻¹' (c +ᵥ t) = c +ᵥ h ⁻¹' t