PhysLean Documentation


Galois Groups of Polynomials #

In this file, we introduce the Galois group of a polynomial p over a field F, defined as the automorphism group of its splitting field. We also provide some results about some extension E above p.SplittingField.

Main definitions #

Main results #

Other results #

def Polynomial.Gal {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) :
Type u_1

The Galois group of a polynomial.

Instances For
    theorem Polynomial.Gal.ext {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) {σ τ : p.Gal} (h : xp.rootSet p.SplittingField, σ x = τ x) :
    σ = τ

    If p splits in F then the is trivial.

    Instances For
      def Polynomial.Gal.restrict {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
      (E ≃ₐ[F] E) →* p.Gal

      Restrict from a superfield automorphism into a member of gal p.

      Instances For
        theorem Polynomial.Gal.restrict_surjective {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] [Normal F E] :
        def Polynomial.Gal.mapRoots {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
        (p.rootSet p.SplittingField)(p.rootSet E)

        The function taking rootSet p p.SplittingField to rootSet p E. This is actually a bijection, see Polynomial.Gal.mapRoots_bijective.

        Instances For
          theorem Polynomial.Gal.mapRoots_bijective {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [h : Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
          def Polynomial.Gal.rootsEquivRoots {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
          (p.rootSet p.SplittingField) (p.rootSet E)

          The bijection between rootSet p p.SplittingField and rootSet p E.

          Instances For
            instance Polynomial.Gal.smul {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
            SMul p.Gal (p.rootSet E)
            theorem Polynomial.Gal.smul_def {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] (ϕ : p.Gal) (x : (p.rootSet E)) :
            ϕ x = (rootsEquivRoots p E) (ϕ (rootsEquivRoots p E).symm x)
            instance Polynomial.Gal.galAction {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :
            MulAction p.Gal (p.rootSet E)

            The action of gal p on the roots of p in E.

            theorem Polynomial.Gal.restrict_smul {F : Type u_1} [Field F] {p : Polynomial F} {E : Type u_2} [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] (ϕ : E ≃ₐ[F] E) (x : (p.rootSet E)) :
            ↑((restrict p E) ϕ x) = ϕ x

            Polynomial.Gal.restrict p E is compatible with Polynomial.Gal.galAction p E.

            def Polynomial.Gal.galActionHom {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :

            Polynomial.Gal.galAction as a permutation representation

            Instances For
              theorem Polynomial.Gal.galActionHom_restrict {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] (ϕ : E ≃ₐ[F] E) (x : (p.rootSet E)) :
              (((galActionHom p E) ((restrict p E) ϕ)) x) = ϕ x
              theorem Polynomial.Gal.galActionHom_injective {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p : Polynomial F) (E : Type u_2) [Field E] [Algebra F E] [Fact (Splits (algebraMap F E) p)] :

              gal p embeds as a subgroup of permutations of the roots of p in E.

              def Polynomial.Gal.restrictDvd {F : Type u_1} [Field F] {p q : Polynomial F} (hpq : p q) :

              Polynomial.Gal.restrict, when both fields are splitting fields of polynomials.

              Instances For
                theorem Polynomial.Gal.restrictDvd_def {F : Type u_1} [Field F] {p q : Polynomial F} [Decidable (q = 0)] (hpq : p q) :
                restrictDvd hpq = if hq : q = 0 then 1 else restrict p q.SplittingField
                theorem Polynomial.Gal.restrictDvd_surjective {F : Type u_1} [Field F] {p q : Polynomial F} (hpq : p q) (hq : q 0) :
                def Polynomial.Gal.restrictProd {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p q : Polynomial F) :
                (p * q).Gal →* p.Gal × q.Gal

                The Galois group of a product maps into the product of the Galois groups.

                Instances For

                  Polynomial.Gal.restrictProd is actually a subgroup embedding.

                  theorem Polynomial.Gal.mul_splits_in_splittingField_of_mul {F : Type u_1} [Field F] {p₁ q₁ p₂ q₂ : Polynomial F} (hq₁ : q₁ 0) (hq₂ : q₂ 0) (h₁ : Splits (algebraMap F q₁.SplittingField) p₁) (h₂ : Splits (algebraMap F q₂.SplittingField) p₂) :
                  Splits (algebraMap F (q₁ * q₂).SplittingField) (p₁ * p₂)

                  p splits in the splitting field of p ∘ q, for q non-constant.

                  def Polynomial.Gal.restrictComp {F : Type u_1} [Field F] (p q : Polynomial F) (hq : q.natDegree 0) :
                  (p.comp q).Gal →* p.Gal

                  Polynomial.Gal.restrict for the composition of polynomials.

                  Instances For

                    For a separable polynomial, its Galois group has cardinality equal to the dimension of its splitting field over F.