PhysLean Documentation


Algebraic Closure #

In this file we construct the algebraic closure of a field

Main Definitions #

Tags #

algebraic closure, algebraically closed

The subtype of monic polynomials.

Instances For

    Vars k provides n variables $X_{f,1}, \dots, X_{f,n}$ for each monic polynomial f : k[X] of degree n.

    Instances For

      Given a monic polynomial f : k[X], subProdXSubC f is the polynomial $f - \prod_i (X - X_{f,i})$.

      Instances For

        The span of all coefficients of subProdXSubC f as f ranges all polynomials in k[X].

        Instances For
          def AlgebraicClosure.finEquivRoots {k : Type u} [Field k] {K : Type u_1} [Field K] [DecidableEq K] {i : k →+* K} {f : Monics k} (hf : Polynomial.Splits i f) :

          If a monic polynomial f : k[X] splits in K, then it has as many roots (counting multiplicity) as its degree.

          Instances For
            theorem AlgebraicClosure.Monics.splits_finsetProd {k : Type u} [Field k] {s : Finset (Monics k)} {f : Monics k} (hf : f s) :
            Polynomial.Splits (algebraMap k (∏ fs, f).SplittingField) f
            def AlgebraicClosure.toSplittingField {k : Type u} [Field k] (s : Finset (Monics k)) :
            MvPolynomial (Vars k) k →ₐ[k] (∏ fs, f).SplittingField

            Given a finite set of monic polynomials, construct an algebra homomorphism to the splitting field of the product of the polynomials sending indeterminates $X_{f_i}$ to the distinct roots of f.

            Instances For
              theorem AlgebraicClosure.toSplittingField_coeff {k : Type u} [Field k] {s : Finset (Monics k)} {f : Monics k} (h : f s) (n : ) :

              A random maximal ideal that contains spanEval k

              Instances For
                def AlgebraicClosure (k : Type u) [Field k] :

                The canonical algebraic closure of a field, the direct limit of adding roots to the field for each polynomial over the field.

                Stacks Tag 09GT

                Instances For
                  instance AlgebraicClosure.instIsScalarTower (k : Type u) [Field k] {R : Type u_1} {S : Type u_2} [CommSemiring R] [CommSemiring S] [Algebra R S] [Algebra S k] [Algebra R k] [IsScalarTower R S k] :