PhysLean Documentation


Definitions for String #

This file defines a bunch of functions for the String datatype.

def String.leftpad (n : Nat) (c : Char := ' ') (s : String) :

Pad s : String with repeated occurrences of c : Char until it's of length n. If s is initially larger than n, just return s.

Instances For
    def String.replicate (n : Nat) (c : Char) :

    Construct the string consisting of n copies of the character c.

    Instances For
      def String.rightpad (n : Nat) (c : Char := ' ') (s : String) :

      Pad s : String with repeated occurrences of c : Char on the right until it's of length n. If s is initially larger than n, just return s.

      Instances For

        s.IsPrefix t checks if the string s is a prefix of the string t.

        Instances For

          s.IsSuffix t checks if the string s is a suffix of the string t.

          Instances For
            def String.mapTokens (c : Char) (f : StringString) :

            String.mapTokens c f s tokenizes s : string on c : char, maps f over each token, and then reassembles the string by intercalating the separator token c over the mapped tokens.

            Instances For

              Produce the head character from the string s, if s is not empty, otherwise 'A'.

              Instances For