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Functions functorial with respect to equivalences #

An EquivFunctor is a function from Type → Type equipped with the additional data of coherently mapping equivalences to equivalences.

In categorical language, it is an endofunctor of the "core" of the category Type.

class EquivFunctor (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) :
Type (max (u₀ + 1) u₁)

An EquivFunctor is only functorial with respect to equivalences.

To construct an EquivFunctor, it suffices to supply just the function f α → f β from an equivalence α ≃ β, and then prove the functor laws. It's then a consequence that this function is part of an equivalence, provided by EquivFunctor.mapEquiv.

  • map {α β : Type u₀} : α βf αf β

    The action of f on isomorphisms.

  • map_refl' (α : Type u₀) : map (Equiv.refl α) = id

    map of f preserves the identity morphism.

  • map_trans' {α β γ : Type u₀} (k : α β) (h : β γ) : map (k.trans h) = map h map k

    map is functorial on equivalences.

    def EquivFunctor.mapEquiv (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] {α β : Type u₀} (e : α β) :
    f α f β

    An EquivFunctor in fact takes every equiv to an equiv.

    Instances For
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv_apply (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] {α β : Type u₀} (e : α β) (x : f α) :
      (mapEquiv f e) x = map e x
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv_symm_apply (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] {α β : Type u₀} (e : α β) (y : f β) :
      (mapEquiv f e).symm y = map e.symm y
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv_refl (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] (α : Type u₀) :
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv_symm (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] {α β : Type u₀} (e : α β) :
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv_trans (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [EquivFunctor f] {α β γ : Type u₀} (ab : α β) (bc : β γ) :
      (mapEquiv f ab).trans (mapEquiv f bc) = mapEquiv f (ab.trans bc)

      The composition of mapEquivs is carried over the EquivFunctor. For plain Functors, this lemma is named map_map when applied or map_comp_map when not applied.

      @[instance 100]
      theorem EquivFunctor.mapEquiv.injective (f : Type u₀ → Type u₁) [Applicative f] [LawfulApplicative f] {α β : Type u₀} (h : ∀ (γ : Type u₀), Function.Injective pure) :