PhysLean Documentation


Monoids as discrete monoidal categories #

The discrete category on a monoid is a monoidal category. Multiplicative morphisms induced monoidal functors.

theorem CategoryTheory.Discrete.monoidal_associator (M : Type u) [Monoid M] (x✝ x✝¹ x✝² : Discrete M) :

A multiplicative morphism between monoids gives a monoidal functor between the corresponding discrete monoidal categories.

Instances For

    An additive morphism between add_monoids gives a monoidal functor between the corresponding discrete monoidal categories.

    Instances For
      theorem CategoryTheory.Discrete.monoidalFunctor_obj {M : Type u} [Monoid M] {N : Type u'} [Monoid N] (F : M →* N) (m : M) :
      (monoidalFunctor F).obj { as := m } = { as := F m }
      theorem CategoryTheory.Discrete.addMonoidalFunctor_obj {M : Type u} [AddMonoid M] {N : Type u'} [AddMonoid N] (F : M →+ N) (m : M) :
      (addMonoidalFunctor F).obj { as := m } = { as := F m }
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      The monoidal natural isomorphism corresponding to composing two multiplicative morphisms.

      Instances For