PhysLean Documentation


Normal mono categories with finite products and kernels have all equalizers. #

This, and the dual result, are used in the development of abelian categories.


The pullback of two monomorphisms exists.

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Instances For

    The equalizer of f and g exists.

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    Instances For
      @[instance 100]

      A NormalMonoCategory category with finite products and kernels has all equalizers.

      If a zero morphism is a cokernel of f, then f is an epimorphism.

      If f ≫ g = 0 implies g = 0 for all g, then g is a monomorphism.


      The pushout of two epimorphisms exists.

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      Instances For

        The coequalizer of f and g exists.

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        Instances For
          @[instance 100]

          A NormalEpiCategory category with finite coproducts and cokernels has all coequalizers.

          If a zero morphism is a kernel of f, then f is a monomorphism.

          If g ≫ f = 0 implies g = 0 for all g, then f is a monomorphism.