PhysLean Documentation


Functors which reflect isomorphisms #

A functor F reflects isomorphisms if whenever f is an isomorphism, f was too.

It is formalized as a Prop valued typeclass ReflectsIsomorphisms F.

Any fully faithful functor reflects isomorphisms.

Define what it means for a functor F : C ⥤ D to reflect isomorphisms: for any morphism f : A ⟶ B, if f is an isomorphism then f is as well. Note that we do not assume or require that F is faithful.

  • reflects {A B : C} (f : A B) [IsIso ( f)] : IsIso f

    For any f, if f is an iso, then so was f.

    theorem CategoryTheory.isIso_of_reflects_iso {C : Type u₁} [Category.{v₁, u₁} C] {D : Type u₂} [Category.{v₂, u₂} D] {A B : C} (f : A B) (F : Functor C D) [IsIso ( f)] [F.ReflectsIsomorphisms] :

    If F reflects isos and f is an iso, then f is an iso.