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The category of finite types. #

We define the category of finite types, denoted FintypeCat as (bundled) types with a Fintype instance.

We also define FintypeCat.Skeleton, the standard skeleton of FintypeCat whose objects are Fin n for n : ℕ. We prove that the obvious inclusion functor FintypeCat.SkeletonFintypeCat is an equivalence of categories in FintypeCat.Skeleton.equivalence. We prove that FintypeCat.Skeleton is a skeleton of FintypeCat in FintypeCat.isSkeleton.

structure FintypeCat :
Type (u_1 + 1)

The category of finite types.

Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev FintypeCat.of (X : Type u_1) [Fintype X] :

    Construct a bundled FintypeCat from the underlying type and typeclass.

    Instances For

      The fully faithful embedding of FintypeCat into the category of types.

      Instances For
        theorem FintypeCat.incl_map {X✝ Y✝ : CategoryTheory.InducedCategory (Type u_1) carrier} (f : X✝ Y✝) (a✝ : X✝.carrier) : f a✝ = f a✝
        theorem FintypeCat.incl_obj (self : FintypeCat) :
        incl.obj self = self.carrier
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        theorem FintypeCat.comp_apply {X Y Z : FintypeCat} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z) (x : X.carrier) :
        theorem FintypeCat.hom_inv_id_apply {X Y : FintypeCat} (f : X Y) (x : X.carrier) :
        f.inv (f.hom x) = x
        theorem FintypeCat.inv_hom_id_apply {X Y : FintypeCat} (f : X Y) (y : Y.carrier) :
        f.hom (f.inv y) = y
        theorem FintypeCat.hom_ext {X Y : FintypeCat} (f g : X Y) (h : ∀ (x : X.carrier), f x = g x) :
        f = g

        Equivalences between finite types are the same as isomorphisms in FintypeCat.

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        Instances For
          theorem FintypeCat.equivEquivIso_symm_apply_apply {A B : FintypeCat} (i : A B) (a✝ : A.carrier) :
          (equivEquivIso.symm i) a✝ = i.hom a✝
          theorem FintypeCat.equivEquivIso_symm_apply_symm_apply {A B : FintypeCat} (i : A B) (a✝ : B.carrier) :
          (equivEquivIso.symm i).symm a✝ = i.inv a✝

          The "standard" skeleton for FintypeCat. This is the full subcategory of FintypeCat spanned by objects of the form ULift (Fin n) for n : ℕ. We parameterize the objects of Fintype.Skeleton directly as ULift, as the type ULift (Fin m) ≃ ULift (Fin n) is nonempty if and only if n = m. Specifying universes, Skeleton : Type u is a small skeletal category equivalent to Fintype.{u}.

          Instances For

            Given any natural number n, this creates the associated object of Fintype.Skeleton.

            Instances For

              Given any object of Fintype.Skeleton, this returns the associated natural number.

              Instances For
                theorem FintypeCat.Skeleton.ext (X Y : Skeleton) :
                X.len = Y.lenX = Y
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                The canonical fully faithful embedding of Fintype.Skeleton into FintypeCat.

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                Instances For

                  If u and v are two arbitrary universes, we may construct a functor uSwitch.{u, v} : FintypeCat.{u} ⥤ FintypeCat.{v} by sending X : FintypeCat.{u} to ULift.{v} (Fin (Fintype.card X)).

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                  Instances For

                    Switching the universe of an object X : FintypeCat.{u} does not change X up to equivalence of types. This is natural in the sense that it commutes with f for any f : X ⟶ Y in FintypeCat.{u}.

                    Instances For

                      uSwitch.{u, v} is an equivalence of categories with quasi-inverse uSwitch.{v, u}.

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                      Instances For
                        theorem FunctorToFintypeCat.naturality {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] (F G : CategoryTheory.Functor C FintypeCat) {X Y : C} (σ : F G) (f : X Y) (x : (F.obj X).carrier) :
                        σ.app Y ( f x) = f (σ.app X x)