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Adjoints of fully faithful functors #

A left adjoint is

A right adjoint is

This is Lemma 4.5.13 in Riehl's Category Theory in Context [riehl2017]. See also for the statements about fully faithful functors.

In the file Mathlib.CategoryTheory.Monad.Adjunction, we prove that in fact, if there exists an isomorphism L ā‹™ R ā‰… šŸ­ C, then the unit is an isomorphism, and similarly for the counit. See CategoryTheory.Adjunction.isIso_unit_of_iso and CategoryTheory.Adjunction.isIso_counit_of_iso.

instance CategoryTheory.Adjunction.unit_mono_of_L_faithful {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [L.Faithful] (X : C) :
Mono ( X)

If the left adjoint is faithful, then each component of the unit is an monomorphism.

noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Adjunction.unitSplitEpiOfLFull {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [L.Full] (X : C) :

If the left adjoint is full, then each component of the unit is a split epimorphism.

Instances For
    instance CategoryTheory.Adjunction.unit_isSplitEpi_of_L_full {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [L.Full] (X : C) :

    If the right adjoint is full, then each component of the counit is a split monomorphism.

    If the left adjoint is fully faithful, then the unit is an isomorphism.

    instance CategoryTheory.Adjunction.counit_epi_of_R_faithful {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [R.Faithful] (X : D) :
    Epi ( X)

    If the right adjoint is faithful, then each component of the counit is an epimorphism.

    noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Adjunction.counitSplitMonoOfRFull {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [R.Full] (X : D) :

    If the right adjoint is full, then each component of the counit is a split monomorphism.

    Instances For

      If the right adjoint is full, then each component of the counit is a split monomorphism.

      If the right adjoint is fully faithful, then the counit is an isomorphism.

      theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.inv_map_unit {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) {X : C} [IsIso ( X)] :
      inv ( ( X)) = (L.obj X)

      If the unit of an adjunction is an isomorphism, then its inverse on the image of L is given by L whiskered with the counit.

      noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Adjunction.whiskerLeftLCounitIsoOfIsIsoUnit {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [IsIso h.unit] :
      L.comp (R.comp L) ā‰… L

      If the unit is an isomorphism, bundle one has an isomorphism L ā‹™ R ā‹™ L ā‰… L.

      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.inv_counit_map {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) {X : D} [IsIso ( X)] :
        inv ( ( X)) = (R.obj X)

        If the counit of an adjunction is an isomorphism, then its inverse on the image of R is given by R whiskered with the unit.

        noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Adjunction.whiskerLeftRUnitIsoOfIsIsoCounit {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [IsIso h.counit] :
        R.comp (L.comp R) ā‰… R

        If the counit of an is an isomorphism, one has an isomorphism (R ā‹™ L ā‹™ R) ā‰… R.

        Instances For
          theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.faithful_L_of_mono_unit_app {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [āˆ€ (X : C), Mono ( X)] :

          If each component of the unit is a monomorphism, then the left adjoint is faithful.

          theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.full_L_of_isSplitEpi_unit_app {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [āˆ€ (X : C), IsSplitEpi ( X)] :

          If each component of the unit is a split epimorphism, then the left adjoint is full.

          If the unit is an isomorphism, then the left adjoint is fully faithful.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.faithful_R_of_epi_counit_app {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [āˆ€ (X : D), Epi ( X)] :

            If each component of the counit is an epimorphism, then the right adjoint is faithful.

            theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.full_R_of_isSplitMono_counit_app {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [āˆ€ (X : D), IsSplitMono ( X)] :

            If each component of the counit is a split monomorphism, then the right adjoint is full.

            If the counit is an isomorphism, then the right adjoint is fully faithful.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.isIso_counit_app_of_iso {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [L.Faithful] [L.Full] {X : D} {Y : C} (e : X ā‰… L.obj Y) :
              theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.mem_essImage_of_unit_isIso {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) (A : C) [IsIso ( A)] :

              If Ī·_A is an isomorphism, then A is in the essential image of i.

              theorem CategoryTheory.Adjunction.isIso_unit_app_of_iso {C : Type uā‚} [Category.{vā‚, uā‚} C] {D : Type uā‚‚} [Category.{vā‚‚, uā‚‚} D] {L : Functor C D} {R : Functor D C} (h : L āŠ£ R) [R.Faithful] [R.Full] {X : D} {Y : C} (e : Y ā‰… R.obj X) :
              IsIso ( Y)