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Real differentiability of complex-differentiable functions #

HasDerivAt.real_of_complex expresses that, if a function on is differentiable (over ), then its restriction to is differentiable over , with derivative the real part of the complex derivative.

Differentiability of the restriction to of complex functions #

theorem HasStrictDerivAt.real_of_complex {e : } {e' : } {z : } (h : HasStrictDerivAt e e' z) :
HasStrictDerivAt (fun (x : ) => (e x).re) e'.re z

If a complex function is differentiable at a real point, then the induced real function is also differentiable at this point, with a derivative equal to the real part of the complex derivative.

theorem HasDerivAt.real_of_complex {e : } {e' : } {z : } (h : HasDerivAt e e' z) :
HasDerivAt (fun (x : ) => (e x).re) e'.re z

If a complex function e is differentiable at a real point, then the function ℝ → ℝ given by the real part of e is also differentiable at this point, with a derivative equal to the real part of the complex derivative.

theorem ContDiffAt.real_of_complex {e : } {z : } {n : WithTop ℕ∞} (h : ContDiffAt n e z) :
ContDiffAt n (fun (x : ) => (e x).re) z
theorem ContDiff.real_of_complex {e : } {n : WithTop ℕ∞} (h : ContDiff n e) :
ContDiff n fun (x : ) => (e x).re
theorem HasDerivAt.complexToReal_fderiv {f : } {f' x : } (h : HasDerivAt f f' x) :
HasFDerivAt f (f' 1) x
theorem HasDerivWithinAt.complexToReal_fderiv {f : } {s : Set } {f' x : } (h : HasDerivWithinAt f f' s x) :
HasFDerivWithinAt f (f' 1) s x
theorem HasDerivAt.comp_ofReal {e : } {e' : } {z : } (hf : HasDerivAt e e' z) :
HasDerivAt (fun (y : ) => e y) e' z

If a complex function e is differentiable at a real point, then its restriction to is differentiable there as a function ℝ → ℂ, with the same derivative.

theorem HasDerivAt.ofReal_comp {z : } {f : } {u : } (hf : HasDerivAt f u z) :
HasDerivAt (fun (y : ) => (f y)) (↑u) z

If a function f : ℝ → ℝ is differentiable at a (real) point x, then it is also differentiable as a function ℝ → ℂ.