PhysLean Documentation

Mathlib.Algebra.Star.Center, Set.centralizer and the star operation #

theorem Set.star_mem_center {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [StarMul R] {a : R} (ha : a center R) :
theorem Set.star_centralizer {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [StarMul R] {s : Set R} :
theorem Set.union_star_self_comm {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [StarMul R] {s : Set R} (hcomm : xs, ys, y * x = x * y) (hcomm_star : xs, ys, y * star x = star x * y) (x : R) :
x s star sys star s, y * x = x * y
theorem Set.star_mem_centralizer' {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [StarMul R] {a : R} {s : Set R} (h : as, star a s) (ha : a s.centralizer) :
theorem Set.star_mem_centralizer {R : Type u_1} [Mul R] [StarMul R] {a : R} {s : Set R} (ha : a (s star s).centralizer) :