PhysLean Documentation


Ordered monoids #

This file provides the definitions of ordered monoids.

class OrderedAddCommMonoid (α : Type u_2) extends AddCommMonoid α, PartialOrder α :
Type u_2

An ordered (additive) commutative monoid is a commutative monoid with a partial order such that addition is monotone.

    class OrderedCommMonoid (α : Type u_2) extends CommMonoid α, PartialOrder α :
    Type u_2

    An ordered commutative monoid is a commutative monoid with a partial order such that multiplication is monotone.

      class OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid (α : Type u_2) extends OrderedAddCommMonoid α :
      Type u_2

      An ordered cancellative additive commutative monoid is a partially ordered commutative additive monoid in which addition is cancellative and monotone.

        class OrderedCancelCommMonoid (α : Type u_2) extends OrderedCommMonoid α :
        Type u_2

        An ordered cancellative commutative monoid is a partially ordered commutative monoid in which multiplication is cancellative and monotone.


          A linearly ordered additive commutative monoid.

            class LinearOrderedCommMonoid (α : Type u_2) extends OrderedCommMonoid α, LinearOrder α :
            Type u_2

            A linearly ordered commutative monoid.


              A linearly ordered cancellative additive commutative monoid is an additive commutative monoid with a decidable linear order in which addition is cancellative and monotone.


                A linearly ordered cancellative commutative monoid is a commutative monoid with a linear order in which multiplication is cancellative and monotone.

                  theorem one_le_mul_self_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  1 a * a 1 a
                  theorem nonneg_add_self_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  0 a + a 0 a
                  theorem one_lt_mul_self_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  1 < a * a 1 < a
                  theorem pos_add_self_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  0 < a + a 0 < a
                  theorem mul_self_le_one_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  a * a 1 a 1
                  theorem add_self_nonpos_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  a + a 0 a 0
                  theorem mul_self_lt_one_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  a * a < 1 a < 1
                  theorem add_self_neg_iff {α : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedAddCommMonoid α] {a : α} :
                  a + a < 0 a < 0