PhysLean Documentation


Adjoining a zero/one to semigroups and related algebraic structures #

This file contains different results about adjoining an element to an algebraic structure which then behaves like a zero or a one. An example is adjoining a one to a semigroup to obtain a monoid. That this provides an example of an adjunction is proved in Mathlib.Algebra.Category.MonCat.Adjunctions.

Another result says that adjoining to a group an element zero gives a GroupWithZero. For more information about these structures (which are not that standard in informal mathematics, see Mathlib.Algebra.GroupWithZero.Basic)


WithOne.coe_mul and WithZero.coe_mul have inconsistent use of implicit parameters

def WithOne (α : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

Add an extra element 1 to a type

Instances For
    def WithZero (α : Type u_1) :
    Type u_1

    Add an extra element 0 to a type

    Instances For
      instance WithOne.instReprWithZero {α : Type u} [Repr α] :
      instance WithOne.instRepr {α : Type u} [Repr α] :
      instance WithZero.instRepr {α : Type u} [Repr α] :
      instance {α : Type u} :
      instance {α : Type u} :
      instance WithOne.mul {α : Type u} [Mul α] :
      instance WithZero.add {α : Type u} [Add α] :
      instance WithOne.inv {α : Type u} [Inv α] :
      instance WithZero.neg {α : Type u} [Neg α] :
      instance WithOne.inhabited {α : Type u} :
      instance WithZero.inhabited {α : Type u} :
      def WithOne.coe {α : Type u} :
      αWithOne α

      The canonical map from α into WithOne α

      Instances For
        def WithZero.coe {α : Type u} :
        αWithZero α

        The canonical map from α into WithZero α

        Instances For
          instance WithOne.coeTC {α : Type u} :
          CoeTC α (WithOne α)
          instance WithZero.coeTC {α : Type u} :
          CoeTC α (WithZero α)
          def WithOne.recOneCoe {α : Type u} {C : WithOne αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 1) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) (n : WithOne α) :
          C n

          Recursor for WithOne using the preferred forms 1 and ↑a.

          Instances For
            def WithZero.recZeroCoe {α : Type u} {C : WithZero αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 0) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) (n : WithZero α) :
            C n

            Recursor for WithZero using the preferred forms 0 and ↑a.

            Instances For
              theorem WithOne.recOneCoe_one {α : Type u} {C : WithOne αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 1) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) :
              recOneCoe h₁ h₂ 1 = h₁
              theorem WithZero.recZeroCoe_zero {α : Type u} {C : WithZero αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 0) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) :
              recZeroCoe h₁ h₂ 0 = h₁
              theorem WithOne.recOneCoe_coe {α : Type u} {C : WithOne αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 1) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) (a : α) :
              recOneCoe h₁ h₂ a = h₂ a
              theorem WithZero.recZeroCoe_coe {α : Type u} {C : WithZero αSort u_1} (h₁ : C 0) (h₂ : (a : α) → C a) (a : α) :
              recZeroCoe h₁ h₂ a = h₂ a
              def WithOne.unone {α : Type u} {x : WithOne α} :
              x 1α

              Deconstruct an x : WithOne α to the underlying value in α, given a proof that x ≠ 1.

              Instances For
                def WithZero.unzero {α : Type u} {x : WithZero α} :
                x 0α

                Deconstruct an x : WithZero α to the underlying value in α, given a proof that x ≠ 0.

                Instances For
                  theorem WithOne.unone_coe {α : Type u} {x : α} (hx : x 1) :
                  unone hx = x
                  theorem WithZero.unzero_coe {α : Type u} {x : α} (hx : x 0) :
                  unzero hx = x
                  theorem WithOne.coe_unone {α : Type u} {x : WithOne α} (hx : x 1) :
                  (unone hx) = x
                  theorem WithZero.coe_unzero {α : Type u} {x : WithZero α} (hx : x 0) :
                  (unzero hx) = x
                  theorem WithOne.coe_ne_one {α : Type u} {a : α} :
                  a 1
                  theorem WithZero.coe_ne_zero {α : Type u} {a : α} :
                  a 0
                  theorem WithOne.one_ne_coe {α : Type u} {a : α} :
                  1 a
                  theorem WithZero.zero_ne_coe {α : Type u} {a : α} :
                  0 a
                  theorem WithOne.ne_one_iff_exists {α : Type u} {x : WithOne α} :
                  x 1 (a : α), a = x
                  theorem WithZero.ne_zero_iff_exists {α : Type u} {x : WithZero α} :
                  x 0 (a : α), a = x
                  instance WithOne.canLift {α : Type u} :
                  CanLift (WithOne α) α coe fun (a : WithOne α) => a 1
                  instance WithZero.canLift {α : Type u} :
                  CanLift (WithZero α) α coe fun (a : WithZero α) => a 0
                  theorem WithOne.coe_inj {α : Type u} {a b : α} :
                  a = b a = b
                  theorem WithZero.coe_inj {α : Type u} {a b : α} :
                  a = b a = b
                  theorem WithOne.cases_on {α : Type u} {P : WithOne αProp} (x : WithOne α) :
                  P 1(∀ (a : α), P a)P x
                  theorem WithZero.cases_on {α : Type u} {P : WithZero αProp} (x : WithZero α) :
                  P 0(∀ (a : α), P a)P x
                  theorem WithOne.coe_mul {α : Type u} [Mul α] (a b : α) :
                  ↑(a * b) = a * b
                  theorem WithZero.coe_add {α : Type u} [Add α] (a b : α) :
                  ↑(a + b) = a + b
                  instance WithOne.monoid {α : Type u} [Semigroup α] :
                  theorem WithOne.coe_inv {α : Type u} [Inv α] (a : α) :
                  a⁻¹ = (↑a)⁻¹
                  theorem WithZero.coe_neg {α : Type u} [Neg α] (a : α) :
                  ↑(-a) = -a