PhysLean Documentation


The embedding of a cancellative semigroup into itself by multiplication by a fixed element. #

def mulLeftEmbedding {G : Type u_1} [Mul G] [IsLeftCancelMul G] (g : G) :

If left-multiplication by any element is cancellative, left-multiplication by g is an embedding.

Instances For
    def addLeftEmbedding {G : Type u_1} [Add G] [IsLeftCancelAdd G] (g : G) :
    G G

    If left-addition by any element is cancellative, left-addition by g is an embedding.

    Instances For
      theorem addLeftEmbedding_apply {G : Type u_1} [Add G] [IsLeftCancelAdd G] (g h : G) :
      (addLeftEmbedding g) h = g + h
      theorem mulLeftEmbedding_apply {G : Type u_1} [Mul G] [IsLeftCancelMul G] (g h : G) :
      (mulLeftEmbedding g) h = g * h
      def mulRightEmbedding {G : Type u_1} [Mul G] [IsRightCancelMul G] (g : G) :
      G G

      If right-multiplication by any element is cancellative, right-multiplication by g is an embedding.

      Instances For
        def addRightEmbedding {G : Type u_1} [Add G] [IsRightCancelAdd G] (g : G) :
        G G

        If right-addition by any element is cancellative, right-addition by g is an embedding.

        Instances For
          theorem mulRightEmbedding_apply {G : Type u_1} [Mul G] [IsRightCancelMul G] (g h : G) :
          theorem addRightEmbedding_apply {G : Type u_1} [Add G] [IsRightCancelAdd G] (g h : G) :