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Constructions of (co)limits in CommRingCat #

In this file we provide the explicit (co)cones for various (co)limits in CommRingCat, including

The explicit cocone with tensor products as the fibered product in CommRingCat.

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Instances For
    theorem CommRingCat.pushoutCocone_pt (R A B : Type u) [CommRing R] [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra R A] [Algebra R B] :

    Verify that the pushout_cocone is indeed the colimit.

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    Instances For

      The tensor product A ⊗[ℤ] B is a coproduct for A and B.

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      Instances For

        The limit cone of the tensor product A ⊗[ℤ] B in CommRingCat.

        Instances For

          The product in CommRingCat is the cartesian product. This is the binary fan.

          Instances For
            theorem CommRingCat.prodFan_pt (A B : CommRingCat) :
            (A.prodFan B).pt = of (A × B)

            The product in CommRingCat is the cartesian product.

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            Instances For
              noncomputable def CommRingCat.piFan {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) :

              The categorical product of rings is the cartesian product of rings. This is its Fan.

              Instances For
                theorem CommRingCat.piFan_pt {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) :
                (piFan R).pt = of ((i : ι) → (R i))
                noncomputable def CommRingCat.piFanIsLimit {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) :

                The categorical product of rings is the cartesian product of rings.

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                Instances For
                  noncomputable def CommRingCat.piIsoPi {ι : Type u} (R : ιCommRingCat) :
                  ∏ᶜ R of ((i : ι) → (R i))

                  The categorical product and the usual product agrees

                  Instances For
                    noncomputable def RingEquiv.piEquivPi {ι : Type u} (R : ιType u) [(i : ι) → CommRing (R i)] :
                    ↑(∏ᶜ fun (i : ι) => CommRingCat.of (R i)) ≃+* ((i : ι) → R i)

                    The categorical product and the usual product agrees

                    Instances For
                      noncomputable def CommRingCat.equalizerFork {A B : CommRingCat} (f g : A B) :

                      The equalizer in CommRingCat is the equalizer as sets. This is the equalizer fork.

                      Instances For

                        The equalizer in CommRingCat is the equalizer as sets.

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                        Instances For
                          noncomputable def CommRingCat.pullbackCone {A B C : CommRingCat} (f : A C) (g : B C) :

                          In the category of CommRingCat, the pullback of f : A ⟶ C and g : B ⟶ C is the eqLocus of the two maps A × B ⟶ C. This is the constructed pullback cone.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            noncomputable def CommRingCat.pullbackConeIsLimit {A B C : CommRingCat} (f : A C) (g : B C) :

                            The constructed pullback cone is indeed the limit.

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                            Instances For