PhysLean Documentation


Big operators for Pi Types #

This file contains theorems relevant to big operators in binary and arbitrary product of monoids and groups

theorem Pi.list_prod_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} [(a : α) → Monoid (β a)] (a : α) (l : List ((a : α) → β a)) : a = ( (fun (f : (a : α) → β a) => f a) l).prod
theorem Pi.list_sum_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} [(a : α) → AddMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (l : List ((a : α) → β a)) :
l.sum a = ( (fun (f : (a : α) → β a) => f a) l).sum
theorem Pi.multiset_prod_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} [(a : α) → CommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (s : Multiset ((a : α) → β a)) : a = ( (fun (f : (a : α) → β a) => f a) s).prod
theorem Pi.multiset_sum_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} [(a : α) → AddCommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (s : Multiset ((a : α) → β a)) :
s.sum a = ( (fun (f : (a : α) → β a) => f a) s).sum
theorem Finset.prod_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [(a : α) → CommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (s : Finset γ) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
(∏ cs, g c) a = cs, g c a
theorem Finset.sum_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [(a : α) → AddCommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (s : Finset γ) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
(∑ cs, g c) a = cs, g c a
theorem Finset.prod_fn {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [(a : α) → CommMonoid (β a)] (s : Finset γ) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
cs, g c = fun (a : α) => cs, g c a

An 'unapplied' analogue of Finset.prod_apply.

theorem Finset.sum_fn {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [(a : α) → AddCommMonoid (β a)] (s : Finset γ) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
cs, g c = fun (a : α) => cs, g c a

An 'unapplied' analogue of Finset.sum_apply.

theorem Fintype.prod_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [Fintype γ] [(a : α) → CommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
(∏ c : γ, g c) a = c : γ, g c a
theorem Fintype.sum_apply {α : Type u_4} {β : αType u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [Fintype γ] [(a : α) → AddCommMonoid (β a)] (a : α) (g : γ(a : α) → β a) :
(∑ c : γ, g c) a = c : γ, g c a
theorem prod_mk_prod {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [CommMonoid α] [CommMonoid β] (s : Finset γ) (f : γα) (g : γβ) :
(xs, f x, xs, g x) = xs, (f x, g x)
theorem prod_mk_sum {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] (s : Finset γ) (f : γα) (g : γβ) :
(xs, f x, xs, g x) = xs, (f x, g x)
theorem pi_eq_sum_univ {ι : Type u_4} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] {R : Type u_5} [Semiring R] (x : ιR) :
x = i : ι, x i fun (j : ι) => if i = j then 1 else 0

decomposing x : ι → R as a sum along the canonical basis

theorem prod_indicator_apply {ι : Type u_1} {κ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιSet κ) (g : ικα) (j : κ) :
is, (f i).indicator (g i) j = (⋂ xs, f x).indicator (∏ is, g i) j
theorem prod_indicator {ι : Type u_1} {κ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιSet κ) (g : ικα) :
is, (f i).indicator (g i) = (⋂ xs, f x).indicator (∏ is, g i)
theorem prod_indicator_const_apply {ι : Type u_1} {κ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιSet κ) (g : κα) (j : κ) :
is, (f i).indicator g j = (⋂ xs, f x).indicator (g ^ s.card) j
theorem prod_indicator_const {ι : Type u_1} {κ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [CommSemiring α] (s : Finset ι) (f : ιSet κ) (g : κα) :
is, (f i).indicator g = (⋂ xs, f x).indicator (g ^ s.card)
theorem Finset.univ_prod_mulSingle {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → CommMonoid (Z i)] [Fintype I] (f : (i : I) → Z i) :
i : I, Pi.mulSingle i (f i) = f
theorem Finset.univ_sum_single {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (Z i)] [Fintype I] (f : (i : I) → Z i) :
i : I, Pi.single i (f i) = f
theorem MonoidHom.functions_ext {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → CommMonoid (Z i)] [Finite I] (G : Type u_6) [CommMonoid G] (g h : ((i : I) → Z i) →* G) (H : ∀ (i : I) (x : Z i), g (Pi.mulSingle i x) = h (Pi.mulSingle i x)) :
g = h
theorem AddMonoidHom.functions_ext {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (Z i)] [Finite I] (G : Type u_6) [AddCommMonoid G] (g h : ((i : I) → Z i) →+ G) (H : ∀ (i : I) (x : Z i), g (Pi.single i x) = h (Pi.single i x)) :
g = h
theorem AddMonoidHom.functions_ext' {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → AddCommMonoid (Z i)] [Finite I] (M : Type u_6) [AddCommMonoid M] (g h : ((i : I) → Z i) →+ M) (H : ∀ (i : I), g.comp (single Z i) = h.comp (single Z i)) :
g = h

This is used as the ext lemma instead of AddMonoidHom.functions_ext for reasons explained in note [partially-applied ext lemmas].

theorem MonoidHom.functions_ext' {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {Z : IType u_5} [(i : I) → CommMonoid (Z i)] [Finite I] (M : Type u_6) [CommMonoid M] (g h : ((i : I) → Z i) →* M) (H : ∀ (i : I), g.comp (mulSingle Z i) = h.comp (mulSingle Z i)) :
g = h

This is used as the ext lemma instead of MonoidHom.functions_ext for reasons explained in note [partially-applied ext lemmas].

theorem RingHom.functions_ext {I : Type u_4} [DecidableEq I] {f : IType u_5} [(i : I) → NonAssocSemiring (f i)] [Finite I] (G : Type u_6) [NonAssocSemiring G] (g h : ((i : I) → f i) →+* G) (H : ∀ (i : I) (x : f i), g (Pi.single i x) = h (Pi.single i x)) :
g = h
theorem Prod.fst_prod {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [CommMonoid α] [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset γ} {f : γα × β} :
(∏ cs, f c).1 = cs, (f c).1
theorem Prod.fst_sum {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset γ} {f : γα × β} :
(∑ cs, f c).1 = cs, (f c).1
theorem Prod.snd_prod {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [CommMonoid α] [CommMonoid β] {s : Finset γ} {f : γα × β} :
(∏ cs, f c).2 = cs, (f c).2
theorem Prod.snd_sum {α : Type u_4} {β : Type u_5} {γ : Type u_6} [AddCommMonoid α] [AddCommMonoid β] {s : Finset γ} {f : γα × β} :
(∑ cs, f c).2 = cs, (f c).2
def Pi.monoidHomMulEquiv {ι : Type u_4} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] (M : ιType u_5) [(i : ι) → CommMonoid (M i)] (M' : Type u_6) [CommMonoid M'] :
(((i : ι) → M i) →* M') ≃* ((i : ι) → M i →* M')

The canonical isomorphism between the monoid of homomorphisms from a finite product of commutative monoids to another commutative monoid and the product of the homomorphism monoids.

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Instances For
    def Pi.addMonoidHomAddEquiv {ι : Type u_4} [Fintype ι] [DecidableEq ι] (M : ιType u_5) [(i : ι) → AddCommMonoid (M i)] (M' : Type u_6) [AddCommMonoid M'] :
    (((i : ι) → M i) →+ M') ≃+ ((i : ι) → M i →+ M')

    The canonical isomorphism between the additive monoid of homomorphisms from a finite product of additive commutative monoids to another additive commutative monoid and the product of the homomorphism monoids.

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    Instances For
      theorem Pi.single_induction {ι : Type u_1} [Finite ι] [DecidableEq ι] {M : Type u_4} [AddCommMonoid M] (p : (ιM)Prop) (f : ιM) (zero : p 0) (add : ∀ (f g : ιM), p fp gp (f + g)) (single : ∀ (i : ι) (m : M), p (single i m)) :
      p f
      theorem Pi.mulSingle_induction {ι : Type u_1} [Finite ι] [DecidableEq ι] {M : Type u_4} [CommMonoid M] (p : (ιM)Prop) (f : ιM) (one : p 1) (mul : ∀ (f g : ιM), p fp gp (f * g)) (mulSingle : ∀ (i : ι) (m : M), p (mulSingle i m)) :
      p f