PhysLean Documentation


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Auxiliary structure used for proof extraction.

Instances For

    Auxiliary inductive type for representing contraints and equalities that should be propagated to core. Recall that we cannot compute proofs until the short-distance data-structures have been fully updated when a new edge is inserted. Thus, we store the information to be propagated into a list. See field propagate in State.

    Instances For

      State of the constraint offset procedure.

      • nodes : PArray Expr

        Mapping from NodeId to the Expr represented by the node.

      • Mapping from Expr to a node representing it.

      • Mapping from Expr representing inequalites to constraints.

      • Mapping from pairs (u, v) to a list of offset constraints on u and v. We use this mapping to implement exhaustive constraint propagation.

      • For each node with id u, sources[u] contains pairs (v, k) s.t. there is a path from v to u with weight k.

      • For each node with id u, targets[u] contains pairs (v, k) s.t. there is a path from u to v with weight k.

      • Proof reconstruction information. For each node with id u, proofs[u] contains pairs (v, { w, proof }) s.t. there is a path from u to v, and w is the penultimate node in the path, and proof is the justification for the last edge.

      • propagate : List ToPropagate

        Truth values and equalities to propagate to core.

      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

        State for the arithmetic procedures.

        Instances For