PhysLean Documentation


Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def Lean.Meta.caseArraySizes (mvarId : MVarId) (fvarId : FVarId) (sizes : Array Nat) (xNamePrefix : Name := `x) (hNamePrefix : Name := `h) :

      Split goal ... |- C a into sizes.size + 1 subgoals

      1. ..., x_1 ... x_{sizes[0]} |- C #[x_1, ... x_{sizes[0]}] ... n) ..., x_1 ... x_{sizes[n-1]} |- C #[x_1, ..., x_{sizes[n-1]}] n+1) ..., (h_1 : a.size != sizes[0]), ..., (h_n : a.size != sizes[n-1]) |- C a where n = sizes.size
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For