PhysLean Documentation


Denotes a set of locations where a tactic should be applied for the main goal. See also withLocation.

  • wildcard : Location

    Apply the tactic everywhere.

  • targets (hypotheses : Array Syntax) (type : Bool) : Location

    hypotheses are hypothesis names in the main goal that the tactic should be applied to. If type is true, then the tactic should also be applied to the target type.

Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def Lean.Elab.Tactic.withLocation (loc : Location) (atLocal : FVarIdTacticM Unit) (atTarget : TacticM Unit) (failed : MVarIdTacticM Unit) :

      Runs the given atLocal and atTarget methods on each of the locations selected by the given loc.

      • If loc is a list of locations, runs at each specified hypothesis (and finally the goal if is included), and fails if any of the tactic applications fail.
      • If loc is *, runs at the target first and then the hypotheses in reverse order. If atTarget closes the main goal, withLocation does not run atLocal. If all tactic applications fail, withLocation with call failed with the main goal mvar.
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For