PhysLean Documentation


inductive Lean.Data.Trie (α : Type) :

A Trie is a key-value store where the keys are of type String, and the internal structure is a tree that branches on the bytes of the string.

Instances For
    def Lean.Data.Trie.upsert {α : Type} (t : Trie α) (s : String) (f : Option αα) :
    Trie α

    Insert or update the value at a the given key s.

    Instances For
      partial def Lean.Data.Trie.upsert.insertEmpty {α : Type} (s : String) (f : Option αα) (i : Nat) :
      Trie α
      partial def Lean.Data.Trie.upsert.loop {α : Type} (s : String) (f : Option αα) :
      NatTrie αTrie α
      def Lean.Data.Trie.insert {α : Type} (t : Trie α) (s : String) (val : α) :
      Trie α

      Inserts a value at a the given key s, overriding an existing value if present.

      Instances For
        def Lean.Data.Trie.find? {α : Type} (t : Trie α) (s : String) :

        Looks up a value at the given key s.

        Instances For
          partial def Lean.Data.Trie.find?.loop {α : Type} (s : String) :
          NatTrie αOption α
          def Lean.Data.Trie.values {α : Type} (t : Trie α) :

          Returns an Array of all values in the trie, in no particular order.

          Instances For
            partial def Lean.Data.Trie.values.go {α : Type} :
            Trie αStateM (Array α) Unit
            def Lean.Data.Trie.findPrefix {α : Type} (t : Trie α) (pre : String) :

            Returns all values whose key have the given string pre as a prefix, in no particular order.

            Instances For
              partial def Lean.Data.Trie.findPrefix.go {α : Type} (pre : String) (t : Trie α) (i : Nat) :
              def Lean.Data.Trie.matchPrefix {α : Type} (s : String) (t : Trie α) (i : String.Pos) :

              Find the longest key in the trie that is contained in the given string s at position i, and return the associated value.

              Instances For
                partial def Lean.Data.Trie.matchPrefix.loop {α : Type} (s : String) :
                Trie αNatOption αOption α