PhysLean Documentation


Data types for declaration ranges #

The environment extension for declaration ranges is in Lean.DeclarationRange.

Store position information for declarations.

  • pos : Position
  • charUtf16 : Nat

    A precomputed UTF-16 character field as in Lean.Lsp.Position. We need to store this because LSP clients want us to report the range in terms of UTF-16, but converting a Unicode codepoint stored in Lean.Position to UTF-16 requires loading and mapping the target source file, which is IO-heavy.

  • endPos : Position
  • endCharUtf16 : Nat
Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

      A declaration location is a declaration range along with the name of the module the declaration resides in.

      Instances For