PhysLean Documentation


Remark: the insertResetReuse transformation is applied before we have inserted inc/dec instructions, and performed lower level optimizations that introduce the instructions release and set.

Remark: the functions S, D and R defined here implement the corresponding functions in the paper "Counting Immutable Beans"

Here are the main differences:

  • alreadyFound : PHashSet VarId

    Contains all variables in cases statements in the current path and variables that are already in reset statements when we invoke R.

    We use this information to prevent double-reset in code such as

    case x_i : obj of →
      case x_i : obj of →

    A variable can already be in a reset statement when we invoke R because we execute it with and without relaxedReuse.

  • relaxedReuse : Bool

    If relaxedReuse := true, then allow memory cells from different constructors to be reused. For example, we can reuse a to allocate a To avoid counterintuitive behavior, we first try relaxedReuse := false, and then relaxedReuse := true.

Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]

    We use Context to track join points in scope.

    Instances For
      @[reducible, inline]
      Instances For
        def Lean.IR.Decl.insertResetReuseCore (d : Decl) (relaxedReuse : Bool) :
        Instances For