PhysLean Documentation


inductive Lake.EResult (ε : Type u) (σ : Type v) (α : Type w) :
Type (max u v w)

EResult ε σ α is equivalent to Except ε α × σ, but using a single combined inductive yields a more efficient data representation.

  • ok {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} : ασEResult ε σ α

    A success value of type α, and a new state σ.

  • error {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} : εσEResult ε σ α

    A failure value of type ε, and a new state σ.

Instances For
    instance Lake.instInhabitedEResult {α : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {ε : Type u_3} [Inhabited α] [Inhabited σ] :
    Inhabited (EResult ε σ α)
    instance Lake.instInhabitedEResult_1 {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} [Inhabited ε] [Inhabited σ] :
    Inhabited (EResult ε σ α)
    def Lake.EResult.state {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
    EResult ε σ ασ

    Extract the state σ from a EResult ε σ α.

    Instances For
      def Lake.EResult.modifyState {σ : Type u_1} {σ' : Type u_2} {ε : Type u_3} {α : Type u_4} (f : σσ') :
      EResult ε σ αEResult ε σ' α
      Instances For
        def Lake.EResult.setState {σ' : Type u_1} {ε : Type u_2} {σ : Type u_3} {α : Type u_4} (s : σ') (r : EResult ε σ α) :
        EResult ε σ' α
        Instances For
          def Lake.EResult.toProd {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
          EResult ε σ αExcept ε α × σ

          Convert a EResult ε σ α into Except ε α × σ.

          Instances For
            def Lake.EResult.toProd? {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
            EResult ε σ αOption α × σ

            Convert an EResult ε σ α into Option α × σ, discarding the exception contents.

            Instances For
              def Lake.EResult.result? {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
              EResult ε σ αOption α

              Extract the result α from a EResult ε σ α.

              Instances For
                def Lake.EResult.error? {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
                EResult ε σ αOption ε

                Extract the error ε from a EResult ε σ α.

                Instances For
                  def Lake.EResult.toExcept {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} {α : Type u_3} :
                  EResult ε σ αExcept ε α

                  Convert an EResult ε σ α into Except ε α, discarding its state.

                  Instances For
                    def {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {ε : Type u_3} {σ : Type u_4} (f : αβ) :
                    EResult ε σ αEResult ε σ β
                    Instances For
                      instance Lake.instFunctorEResult {ε : Type u_1} {σ : Type u_2} :
                      def Lake.EStateT (ε : Type u) (σ : Type v) (m : Type (max u v w) → Type x) (α : Type w) :
                      Type (max v x)

                      EStateT ε σ m is a combined error and state monad transformer, equivalent to ExceptT ε (StateT σ m) but more efficient.

                      Instances For
                        instance Lake.EStateT.instInhabitedOfPure {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Inhabited ε] [Pure m] :
                        Inhabited (EStateT ε σ m α)
                        def {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max u v w) → Type u_1} (init : σ) (self : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                        m (EResult ε σ α)

                        Execute an EStateT on initial state init to get an EResult result.

                        Instances For
                          def' {ε : Type u} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max u w) → Type u_1} {σ : Type (max u w)} [Functor m] (init : σ) (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                          m (Except ε α)

                          Execute an EStateT on initial state init to get an Except result, discarding the final state.

                          Instances For
                            def Lake.EStateT.toStateT {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ α : Type u} [Functor m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                            StateT σ m (Except ε α)

                            Convert an EStateT to a StateT, returning an Except result.

                            Instances For
                              def Lake.EStateT.toStateT? {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ α : Type u} [Functor m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                              StateT σ m (Option α)

                              Convert an EStateT to a StateT, returning an Option result.

                              Instances For
                                def {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max v w) → Type u_1} {ε : Type (max v w)} [Functor m] (init : σ) (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                                m (Option α × σ)

                                Execute an EStateT on initial state init to get an Option result, discarding the exception contents.

                                Instances For
                                  def' {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ α : Type u} [Functor m] (init : σ) (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                                  m (Option α)

                                  Execute an EStateT on initial state init to get an Option result, discarding the final state.

                                  Instances For
                                    def Lake.EStateT.catchExceptions {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ α : Type u} [Monad m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) (h : εStateT σ m α) :
                                    StateT σ m α
                                    Instances For
                                      def Lake.EStateT.lift {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ α : Type u} [Monad m] (x : m α) :
                                      EStateT ε σ m α

                                      Lift the m monad into the EStateT ε σ m monad transformer.

                                      Instances For
                                        instance Lake.EStateT.instMonadLiftOfMonad {m : Type u → Type u_1} {ε σ : Type u} [Monad m] :
                                        MonadLift m (EStateT ε σ m)
                                        def Lake.EStateT.pure {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Pure m] (a : α) :
                                        EStateT ε σ m α

                                        The pure operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                        Instances For
                                          instance Lake.EStateT.instPure {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) u_1) → Type u_2} [Pure m] :
                                          Pure (EStateT ε σ m)
                                          def {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α β : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Functor m] (f : αβ) (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                                          EStateT ε σ m β

                                          The map operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            instance Lake.EStateT.instFunctor {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) u_1) → Type u_2} [Functor m] :
                                            Functor (EStateT ε σ m)
                                            def Lake.EStateT.bind {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α β : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Monad m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) (f : αEStateT ε σ m β) :
                                            EStateT ε σ m β

                                            The bind operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                            Instances For
                                              def Lake.EStateT.seqRight {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α β : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Monad m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) (y : UnitEStateT ε σ m β) :
                                              EStateT ε σ m β

                                              The seqRight operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                              Instances For
                                                instance Lake.EStateT.instMonad {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) u_1) → Type u_2} [Monad m] :
                                                Monad (EStateT ε σ m)
                                                def Lake.EStateT.set {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Pure m] (s : σ) :
                                                EStateT ε σ m PUnit

                                                The set operation of the EStateT monad.

                                                Instances For
                                                  def Lake.EStateT.get {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max u v) → Type u_1} [Pure m] :
                                                  EStateT ε σ m σ

                                                  The get operation of the EStateT monad.

                                                  Instances For
                                                    def Lake.EStateT.modifyGet {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Pure m] (f : σα × σ) :
                                                    EStateT ε σ m α

                                                    The modifyGet operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                                    Instances For
                                                      instance Lake.EStateT.instMonadStateOfOfPure {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max u v) → Type u_1} [Pure m] :
                                                      MonadStateOf σ (EStateT ε σ m)
                                                      def Lake.EStateT.throw {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Pure m] (e : ε) :
                                                      EStateT ε σ m α

                                                      The throw operation of the EStateT monad transformer.

                                                      Instances For
                                                        def Lake.EStateT.tryCatch {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Monad m] (x : EStateT ε σ m α) (handle : εEStateT ε σ m α) :
                                                        EStateT ε σ m α
                                                        Instances For
                                                          instance Lake.EStateT.instMonadExceptOfOfMonad {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) u_1) → Type u_2} [Monad m] :
                                                          MonadExceptOf ε (EStateT ε σ m)
                                                          def Lake.EStateT.orElse {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Monad m] (x₁ : EStateT ε σ m α) (x₂ : UnitEStateT ε σ m α) :
                                                          EStateT ε σ m α
                                                          Instances For
                                                            instance Lake.EStateT.instOrElseOfMonad {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Monad m] :
                                                            OrElse (EStateT ε σ m α)
                                                            def Lake.EStateT.adaptExcept {ε ε' : Type u} {σ : Type v} {α : Type w} {m : Type (max (max u v) w) → Type u_1} [Functor m] (f : εε') (x : EStateT ε σ m α) :
                                                            EStateT ε' σ m α

                                                            Map the exception type of a EStateT ε σ m α by a function f : ε → ε'.

                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                            Instances For
                                                              instance Lake.EStateT.instMonadFinallyOfMonad {ε : Type u} {σ : Type v} {m : Type (max (max u v) u_1) → Type u_2} [Monad m] :
                                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.