PhysLean Documentation


A Lean library's declarative configuration.

  • name : Lean.Name

    The name of the target.

  • The subdirectory of the package's source directory containing the library's Lean source files. Defaults simply to said srcDir.

    (This will be passed to lean as the -R option.)

  • The root module(s) of the library. Submodules of these roots (e.g., Lib.Foo of Lib) are considered part of the library. Defaults to a single root of the target's name.

  • globs : Array Glob

    An Array of module Globs to build for the library. Defaults to a of each of the library's roots.

    Submodule globs build every source file within their directory. Local imports of glob'ed files (i.e., fellow modules of the workspace) are also recursively built.

  • libName : String

    The name of the library. Used as a base for the file names of its static and dynamic binaries. Defaults to the name of the target.

  • extraDepTargets : Array Lean.Name

    An Array of target names to build before the library's modules.

  • precompileModules : Bool

    Whether to compile each of the library's modules into a native shared library that is loaded whenever the module is imported. This speeds up evaluation of metaprograms and enables the interpreter to run functions marked @[extern].

    Defaults to false.

  • defaultFacets : Array Lean.Name

    An Array of library facets to build on a bare lake build of the library. For example, #[LeanLib.sharedLib] will build the shared library facet.

  • nativeFacets (shouldExport : Bool) : Array (ModuleFacet System.FilePath)

    The module facets to build and combine into the library's static and shared libraries. If shouldExport is true, the module facets should export any symbols a user may expect to lookup in the library. For example, the Lean interpreter will use exported symbols in linked libraries.

    Defaults to a singleton of Module.oExportFacet (if shouldExport) or Module.oFacet. That is, the object files compiled from the Lean sources, potentially with exported Lean symbols.

Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

    Whether the given module is considered local to the library.

    Instances For

      Whether the given module is a buildable part of the library.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For