PhysLean Documentation


The source of a Dependency. That is, where Lake should look to materialize the dependency.

Instances For

    A Dependency of a package. It specifies a package which another package depends on. This encodes the information contained in the require DSL syntax.

    • name : Lean.Name

      The package name of the dependency. This name must match the one declared in its configuration file, as that name is used to index its target data types. For this reason, the package name must also be unique across packages in the dependency graph.

    • scope : String

      An additional qualifier used to distinguish packages of the same name in a Lake registry. On Reservoir, this is the package owner.

    • version? : Option String

      The target version of the dependency. A Git revision can be specified with the syntax git#<rev>.

    • The source of a dependency. If none, looks up the dependency in the default registry (e.g., Reservoir). See the documentation of DependencySrc for supported sources.

    • Arguments to pass to the dependency's package configuration.

    Instances For

      The full name of a dependency (i.e., <scope>/<name>)

      Instances For