PhysLean Documentation


This file contains monotonicity lemmas for higher-order monadic operations (e.g. mapM) in the standard library. This allows recursive definitions using partial_fixpoint to use nested recursion.

Ideally, every higher-order monadic funciton in the standard library has a lemma here. At the time of writing, this file covers functions from

in the order of their apperance there. No automation to check the exhaustiveness exists yet.

The lemma statements are written manually, but follow a predictable scheme, and could be automated. Likewise, the proofs are written very naively. Most of them could be handled by a tactic like monotonicity (extended to make use of local hypotheses).

theorem Lean.Order.Functor.monotone_map {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] [LawfulMonad m] (f : γm α) (g : αβ) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => g <$> f x
theorem Lean.Order.Seq.monotone_seq {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] [LawfulMonad m] (f : γm α) (g : γm (αβ)) (hmono₁ : monotone g) (hmono₂ : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => g x <*> f x
theorem Lean.Order.SeqLeft.monotone_seqLeft {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] [LawfulMonad m] (f : γm α) (g : γm β) (hmono₁ : monotone g) (hmono₂ : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => g x <* f x
theorem Lean.Order.SeqRight.monotone_seqRight {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] [LawfulMonad m] (f : γm α) (g : γm β) (hmono₁ : monotone g) (hmono₂ : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => g x *> f x
theorem Lean.Order.Option.monotone_bindM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Option β)) (xs : Option α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Option.bindM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Option.monotone_mapM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm β) (xs : Option α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Option.mapM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Option.monotone_elimM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (a : γm (Option α)) (n : γm β) (s : γαm β) (hmono₁ : monotone a) (hmono₂ : monotone n) (hmono₃ : monotone s) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Option.elimM (a x) (n x) (s x)
theorem Lean.Order.Option.monotone_getDM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] {α : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (o : Option α) (y : γm α) (hmono : monotone y) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => o.getDM (y x)
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_mapM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm β) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.mapM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_forM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm PUnit) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => xs.forM (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_filterAuxM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs acc : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.filterAuxM (f x) xs acc
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_filterM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.filterM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_filterRevM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.filterRevM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_foldlM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γβαm β) (init : β) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.foldlM (f x) init xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_foldrM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαβm β) (init : β) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.foldrM (f x) init xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_anyM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.anyM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_allM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.allM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_findM? {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.findM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_findSomeM? {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Option β)) (xs : List α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.findSomeM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_forIn'_loop {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : List α) (f : γ(a : α) → a asβm (ForInStep β)) (as' : List α) (b : β) (p : (bs : List α), bs ++ as' = as) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => List.forIn'.loop as (f x) as' b p
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_forIn' {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : List α) (init : β) (f : γ(a : α) → a asβm (ForInStep β)) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => forIn' as init (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.List.monotone_forIn {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : List α) (init : β) (f : γαβm (ForInStep β)) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => forIn as init (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_modifyM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (a : Array α) (i : Nat) (f : γαm α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => a.modifyM i (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_forIn'_loop {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : Array α) (f : γ(a : α) → a asβm (ForInStep β)) (i : Nat) (h : i as.size) (b : β) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.forIn'.loop as (f x) i h b
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_forIn' {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : Array α) (init : β) (f : γ(a : α) → a asβm (ForInStep β)) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => forIn' as init (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_forIn {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {α : Type uu} (as : Array α) (init : β) (f : γαβm (ForInStep β)) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => forIn as init (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_foldlM_loop {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γβαm β) (xs : Array α) (stop : Nat) (h : stop xs.size) (i j : Nat) (b : β) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.foldlM.loop (f x) xs stop h i j b
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_foldlM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γβαm β) (init : β) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.foldlM (f x) init xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_foldrM_fold {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαβm β) (xs : Array α) (stop i : Nat) (h : i xs.size) (b : β) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.foldrM.fold (f x) xs stop i h b
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_foldrM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαβm β) (init : β) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.foldrM (f x) init xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_mapM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (xs : Array α) (f : γαm β) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.mapM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_mapFinIdxM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (xs : Array α) (f : γ(i : Nat) → αi < xs.sizem β) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => xs.mapFinIdxM (f x)
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_findSomeM? {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Option β)) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.findSomeM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_findM? {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.findM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_findIdxM? {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.findIdxM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_anyM_loop {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (stop : Nat) (h : stop xs.size) (j : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.anyM.loop (f x) xs stop h j
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_anyM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.anyM (f x) xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_allM {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.allM (f x) xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_findSomeRevM? {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Option β)) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.findSomeRevM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_findRevM? {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] {m : TypeType v} [Monad m] [(α : Type) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type} (f : γαm Bool) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.findRevM? (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_array_forM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm PUnit) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.forM (f x) xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_array_forRevM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm PUnit) (xs : Array α) (start stop : Nat) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.forRevM (f x) xs start stop
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_flatMapM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Array β)) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.flatMapM (f x) xs
theorem Lean.Order.Array.monotone_array_filterMapM {m : Type u → Type v} [Monad m] [(α : Type u) → PartialOrder (m α)] [MonoBind m] {α β : Type u} {γ : Type w} [PartialOrder γ] (f : γαm (Option β)) (xs : Array α) (hmono : monotone f) :
monotone fun (x : γ) => Array.filterMapM (f x) xs