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Preliminaries #

noncomputable def Nat.div2Induction {motive : NatSort u} (n : Nat) (ind : (n : Nat) → (n > 0motive (n / 2))motive n) :
motive n

An induction principal that works on division by two.

Instances For
    theorem Nat.zero_and (x : Nat) :
    0 &&& x = 0
    theorem Nat.and_zero (x : Nat) :
    x &&& 0 = 0
    theorem Nat.one_and_eq_mod_two (n : Nat) :
    1 &&& n = n % 2
    theorem Nat.and_one_is_mod (x : Nat) :
    x &&& 1 = x % 2

    testBit #

    theorem Nat.zero_testBit (i : Nat) :
    theorem Nat.testBit_zero (x : Nat) :
    x.testBit 0 = decide (x % 2 = 1)
    theorem Nat.testBit_succ (x i : Nat) :
    x.testBit i.succ = (x / 2).testBit i
    theorem Nat.testBit_add_one (x i : Nat) :
    x.testBit (i + 1) = (x / 2).testBit i

    Depending on use cases either testBit_add_one or testBit_div_two may be more useful as a simp lemma, so neither is a global simp lemma.

    theorem Nat.testBit_add (x i n : Nat) :
    x.testBit (i + n) = (x / 2 ^ n).testBit i
    theorem Nat.testBit_div_two (x i : Nat) :
    (x / 2).testBit i = x.testBit (i + 1)
    theorem Nat.testBit_div_two_pow {n : Nat} (x i : Nat) :
    (x / 2 ^ n).testBit i = x.testBit (i + n)
    theorem Nat.testBit_to_div_mod {i x : Nat} :
    x.testBit i = decide (x / 2 ^ i % 2 = 1)
    theorem Nat.toNat_testBit (x i : Nat) :
    (x.testBit i).toNat = x / 2 ^ i % 2
    theorem Nat.ne_implies_bit_diff {x y : Nat} (p : x y) :
    theorem Nat.eq_of_testBit_eq {x y : Nat} (pred : ∀ (i : Nat), x.testBit i = y.testBit i) :
    x = y

    eq_of_testBit_eq allows proving two natural numbers are equal if their bits are all equal.

    theorem Nat.testBit_implies_ge {i x : Nat} (p : x.testBit i = true) :
    x 2 ^ i
    theorem Nat.testBit_lt_two_pow {x i : Nat} (lt : x < 2 ^ i) :
    theorem Nat.lt_pow_two_of_testBit {n : Nat} (x : Nat) (p : ∀ (i : Nat), i nx.testBit i = false) :
    x < 2 ^ n
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_add_eq (x i : Nat) :
    (2 ^ i + x).testBit i = !x.testBit i
    theorem Nat.testBit_mul_two_pow_add_eq (a b i : Nat) :
    (2 ^ i * a + b).testBit i = (decide (a % 2 = 1) ^^ b.testBit i)
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_add_gt {i j : Nat} (j_lt_i : j < i) (x : Nat) :
    (2 ^ i + x).testBit j = x.testBit j
    theorem Nat.testBit_mod_two_pow (x j i : Nat) :
    (x % 2 ^ j).testBit i = (decide (i < j) && x.testBit i)
    theorem Nat.not_decide_mod_two_eq_one (x : Nat) :
    (!decide (x % 2 = 1)) = decide (x % 2 = 0)
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_sub_succ {x n : Nat} (h₂ : x < 2 ^ n) (i : Nat) :
    (2 ^ n - (x + 1)).testBit i = (decide (i < n) && !x.testBit i)
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_sub_one (n i : Nat) :
    (2 ^ n - 1).testBit i = decide (i < n)
    theorem Nat.testBit_bool_to_nat (b : Bool) (i : Nat) :
    b.toNat.testBit i = (decide (i = 0) && b)

    testBit 1 i is true iff the index i equals 0.

    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow {n m : Nat} :
    (2 ^ n).testBit m = decide (n = m)
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_self {n : Nat} :
    (2 ^ n).testBit n = true
    theorem Nat.testBit_two_pow_of_ne {n m : Nat} (hm : n m) :
    (2 ^ n).testBit m = false
    theorem Nat.two_pow_sub_one_mod_two {n : Nat} :
    (2 ^ n - 1) % 2 = 1 % 2 ^ n
    theorem Nat.mod_two_pos_mod_two_eq_one {x j : Nat} :
    x % 2 ^ j % 2 = 1 0 < j x % 2 = 1

    bitwise #

    theorem Nat.testBit_bitwise {f : BoolBoolBool} (of_false_false : f false false = false) (x y i : Nat) :
    (bitwise f x y).testBit i = f (x.testBit i) (y.testBit i)

    bitwise #

    theorem Nat.bitwise_lt_two_pow {x n y : Nat} {f : BoolBoolBool} (left : x < 2 ^ n) (right : y < 2 ^ n) :
    bitwise f x y < 2 ^ n

    This provides a bound on bitwise operations.

    theorem Nat.bitwise_div_two_pow {f : BoolBoolBool} {x y n : Nat} (of_false_false : f false false = false := by rfl) :
    bitwise f x y / 2 ^ n = bitwise f (x / 2 ^ n) (y / 2 ^ n)

    and #

    theorem Nat.testBit_and (x y i : Nat) :
    (x &&& y).testBit i = (x.testBit i && y.testBit i)
    theorem Nat.and_self (x : Nat) :
    x &&& x = x
    theorem Nat.and_comm (x y : Nat) :
    x &&& y = y &&& x
    theorem Nat.and_assoc (x y z : Nat) :
    x &&& y &&& z = x &&& (y &&& z)
    instance Nat.instAssociativeHAnd :
    Std.Associative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 &&& x2
    instance Nat.instCommutativeHAnd :
    Std.Commutative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 &&& x2
    instance Nat.instIdempotentOpHAnd :
    Std.IdempotentOp fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 &&& x2
    theorem Nat.and_lt_two_pow (x : Nat) {y n : Nat} (right : y < 2 ^ n) :
    x &&& y < 2 ^ n
    theorem Nat.and_pow_two_sub_one_eq_mod (x n : Nat) :
    x &&& 2 ^ n - 1 = x % 2 ^ n
    @[reducible, inline, deprecated Nat.and_pow_two_sub_one_eq_mod (since := "2024-09-11")]
    abbrev Nat.and_pow_two_is_mod (x n : Nat) :
    x &&& 2 ^ n - 1 = x % 2 ^ n
    Instances For
      theorem Nat.and_pow_two_sub_one_of_lt_two_pow {n x : Nat} (lt : x < 2 ^ n) :
      x &&& 2 ^ n - 1 = x
      @[reducible, inline, deprecated Nat.and_pow_two_sub_one_of_lt_two_pow (since := "2024-09-11")]
      abbrev Nat.and_two_pow_identity {n x : Nat} (lt : x < 2 ^ n) :
      x &&& 2 ^ n - 1 = x
      Instances For
        theorem Nat.and_mod_two_eq_one {a b : Nat} :
        (a &&& b) % 2 = 1 a % 2 = 1 b % 2 = 1
        theorem Nat.and_div_two_pow {a b n : Nat} :
        (a &&& b) / 2 ^ n = a / 2 ^ n &&& b / 2 ^ n
        theorem Nat.and_div_two {a b : Nat} :
        (a &&& b) / 2 = a / 2 &&& b / 2

        lor #

        theorem Nat.zero_or (x : Nat) :
        0 ||| x = x
        theorem Nat.or_zero (x : Nat) :
        x ||| 0 = x
        theorem Nat.testBit_or (x y i : Nat) :
        (x ||| y).testBit i = (x.testBit i || y.testBit i)
        theorem Nat.or_self (x : Nat) :
        x ||| x = x
        theorem Nat.or_comm (x y : Nat) :
        x ||| y = y ||| x
        theorem Nat.or_assoc (x y z : Nat) :
        x ||| y ||| z = x ||| (y ||| z)
        theorem Nat.and_or_distrib_left (x y z : Nat) :
        x &&& (y ||| z) = x &&& y ||| x &&& z
        theorem Nat.and_distrib_right (x y z : Nat) :
        (x ||| y) &&& z = x &&& z ||| y &&& z
        theorem Nat.or_and_distrib_left (x y z : Nat) :
        x ||| y &&& z = (x ||| y) &&& (x ||| z)
        theorem Nat.or_and_distrib_right (x y z : Nat) :
        x &&& y ||| z = (x ||| z) &&& (y ||| z)
        instance Nat.instAssociativeHOr :
        Std.Associative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 ||| x2
        instance Nat.instCommutativeHOr :
        Std.Commutative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 ||| x2
        instance Nat.instIdempotentOpHOr :
        Std.IdempotentOp fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 ||| x2
        theorem Nat.or_lt_two_pow {x y n : Nat} (left : x < 2 ^ n) (right : y < 2 ^ n) :
        x ||| y < 2 ^ n
        theorem Nat.or_mod_two_eq_one {a b : Nat} :
        (a ||| b) % 2 = 1 a % 2 = 1 b % 2 = 1
        theorem Nat.or_div_two_pow {a b n : Nat} :
        (a ||| b) / 2 ^ n = a / 2 ^ n ||| b / 2 ^ n
        theorem Nat.or_div_two {a b : Nat} :
        (a ||| b) / 2 = a / 2 ||| b / 2

        xor #

        theorem Nat.testBit_xor (x y i : Nat) :
        (x ^^^ y).testBit i = (x.testBit i ^^ y.testBit i)
        theorem Nat.zero_xor (x : Nat) :
        0 ^^^ x = x
        theorem Nat.xor_zero (x : Nat) :
        x ^^^ 0 = x
        theorem Nat.xor_self (x : Nat) :
        x ^^^ x = 0
        theorem Nat.xor_comm (x y : Nat) :
        x ^^^ y = y ^^^ x
        theorem Nat.xor_assoc (x y z : Nat) :
        x ^^^ y ^^^ z = x ^^^ (y ^^^ z)
        instance Nat.instAssociativeHXor :
        Std.Associative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 ^^^ x2
        instance Nat.instCommutativeHXor :
        Std.Commutative fun (x1 x2 : Nat) => x1 ^^^ x2
        theorem Nat.xor_lt_two_pow {x y n : Nat} (left : x < 2 ^ n) (right : y < 2 ^ n) :
        x ^^^ y < 2 ^ n
        theorem Nat.and_xor_distrib_right {a b c : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) &&& c = a &&& c ^^^ b &&& c
        theorem Nat.and_xor_distrib_left {a b c : Nat} :
        a &&& (b ^^^ c) = a &&& b ^^^ a &&& c
        theorem Nat.xor_mod_two_eq_one {a b : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) % 2 = 1 ¬(a % 2 = 1 b % 2 = 1)
        theorem Nat.xor_div_two_pow {a b n : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) / 2 ^ n = a / 2 ^ n ^^^ b / 2 ^ n
        theorem Nat.xor_div_two {a b : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) / 2 = a / 2 ^^^ b / 2

        Arithmetic #

        theorem Nat.testBit_mul_pow_two_add (a : Nat) {b i : Nat} (b_lt : b < 2 ^ i) (j : Nat) :
        (2 ^ i * a + b).testBit j = if j < i then b.testBit j else a.testBit (j - i)
        theorem Nat.testBit_mul_pow_two {i a j : Nat} :
        (2 ^ i * a).testBit j = (decide (j i) && a.testBit (j - i))
        theorem Nat.mul_add_lt_is_or {i b : Nat} (b_lt : b < 2 ^ i) (a : Nat) :
        2 ^ i * a + b = 2 ^ i * a ||| b

        shiftLeft and shiftRight #

        theorem Nat.testBit_shiftLeft {i j : Nat} (x : Nat) :
        (x <<< i).testBit j = (decide (j i) && x.testBit (j - i))
        theorem Nat.testBit_shiftRight {i j : Nat} (x : Nat) :
        (x >>> i).testBit j = x.testBit (i + j)
        theorem Nat.shiftLeft_mod_two_eq_one {x i : Nat} :
        x <<< i % 2 = 1 i = 0 x % 2 = 1
        theorem Nat.testBit_mul_two_pow (x i n : Nat) :
        (x * 2 ^ n).testBit i = (decide (n i) && x.testBit (i - n))
        theorem Nat.bitwise_mul_two_pow {f : BoolBoolBool} {x y n : Nat} (of_false_false : f false false = false := by rfl) :
        bitwise f x y * 2 ^ n = bitwise f (x * 2 ^ n) (y * 2 ^ n)
        theorem Nat.shiftLeft_bitwise_distrib {f : BoolBoolBool} {i a b : Nat} (of_false_false : f false false = false := by rfl) :
        bitwise f a b <<< i = bitwise f (a <<< i) (b <<< i)
        theorem Nat.shiftLeft_and_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a &&& b) <<< i = a <<< i &&& b <<< i
        theorem Nat.shiftLeft_or_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a ||| b) <<< i = a <<< i ||| b <<< i
        theorem Nat.shiftLeft_xor_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) <<< i = a <<< i ^^^ b <<< i
        theorem Nat.shiftRight_bitwise_distrib {f : BoolBoolBool} {i a b : Nat} (of_false_false : f false false = false := by rfl) :
        bitwise f a b >>> i = bitwise f (a >>> i) (b >>> i)
        theorem Nat.shiftRight_and_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a &&& b) >>> i = a >>> i &&& b >>> i
        theorem Nat.shiftRight_or_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a ||| b) >>> i = a >>> i ||| b >>> i
        theorem Nat.shiftRight_xor_distrib {i a b : Nat} :
        (a ^^^ b) >>> i = a >>> i ^^^ b >>> i

        le #

        theorem Nat.le_of_testBit {n m : Nat} (h : ∀ (i : Nat), n.testBit i = truem.testBit i = true) :
        n m
        theorem Nat.and_le_left {n m : Nat} :
        n &&& m n
        theorem Nat.and_le_right {n m : Nat} :
        n &&& m m