PhysLean Documentation


Path operations; modify and alter #

This develops the necessary theorems to construct the modify and alter functions on RBSet using path operations for in-place modification of an RBTree.

path balance #

def Batteries.RBNode.OnRoot {α : Type u_1} (p : αProp) :
RBNode αProp

Asserts that property p holds on the root of the tree, if any.

Instances For
    def Batteries.RBNode.Path.fill' {α : Type u_1} :
    RBNode α × Path αRBNode α

    Same as fill but taking its arguments in a pair for easier composition with zoom.

    Instances For
      theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.zoom_fill' {α : Type u_1} (cut : αOrdering) (t : RBNode α) (path : Path α) :
      fill' (zoom cut t path) = path.fill t
      theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.zoom_fill {α✝ : Type u_1} {cut : α✝Ordering} {t : RBNode α✝} {path : Path α✝} {t' : RBNode α✝} {path' : Path α✝} (H : zoom cut t path = (t', path')) :
      path.fill t = path'.fill t'
      inductive Batteries.RBNode.Path.Balanced (c₀ : RBColor) (n₀ : Nat) {α : Type u_1} :
      Path αRBColorNatProp

      The balance invariant for a path. path.Balanced c₀ n₀ c n means that path is a red-black tree with balance invariant c₀, n₀, but it has a "hole" where a tree with balance invariant c, n has been removed. The defining property is Balanced.fill: if path.Balanced c₀ n₀ c n and you fill the hole with a tree satisfying t.Balanced c n, then (path.fill t).Balanced c₀ n₀ .

      Instances For
        theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Balanced.fill {α : Type u_1} {c₀ : RBColor} {n₀ : Nat} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {path : Path α} {t : RBNode α} :
        Path.Balanced c₀ n₀ path c nt.Balanced c n(path.fill t).Balanced c₀ n₀

        The defining property of a balanced path: If path is a c₀,n₀ tree with a c,n hole, then filling the hole with a c,n tree yields a c₀,n₀ tree.

        theorem Batteries.RBNode.Balanced.zoom {α✝ : Type u_1} {cut : α✝Ordering} {t : RBNode α✝} {path : Path α✝} {t' : RBNode α✝} {path' : Path α✝} {c₀ : RBColor} {n₀ : Nat} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} :
        t.Balanced c nPath.Balanced c₀ n₀ path c nzoom cut t path = (t', path') (c : RBColor), (n : Nat), t'.Balanced c n Path.Balanced c₀ n₀ path' c n
        theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Balanced.ins {α : Type u_1} {c₀ : RBColor} {n₀ : Nat} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {t : RBNode α} {path : Path α} (hp : Path.Balanced c₀ n₀ path c n) (ht : RedRed (c = t n) :
        theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Balanced.insertNew {α : Type u_1} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {v : α} {path : Path α} (H : Path.Balanced c n path 0) :
        theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Balanced.del {α : Type u_1} {c₀ : RBColor} {n₀ : Nat} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {c' : RBColor} {t : RBNode α} {path : Path α} (hp : Path.Balanced c₀ n₀ path c n) (ht : DelProp c' t n) (hc : c = RBColor.blackc' :
        def Batteries.RBNode.Path.Zoomed {α : Type u_1} (cut : αOrdering) :
        Path αProp

        The property of a path returned by t.zoom cut. Each of the parents visited along the path have the appropriate ordering relation to the cut.

        Instances For
          theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.zoom_zoomed₂ {α✝ : Type u_1} {cut : α✝Ordering} {t : RBNode α✝} {path : Path α✝} {t' : RBNode α✝} {path' : Path α✝} (e : zoom cut t path = (t', path')) (hp : Zoomed cut path) :
          Zoomed cut path'
          def Batteries.RBNode.Path.RootOrdered {α : Type u_1} (cmp : ααOrdering) :
          Path ααProp

          path.RootOrdered cmp v is true if v would be able to fit into the hole without violating the ordering invariant.

          Instances For
            theorem Batteries.RBNode.cmpEq.RootOrdered_congr {α : Type u_1} {a b : α} {cmp : ααOrdering} (h : cmpEq cmp a b) {t : Path α} :
            theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Zoomed.toRootOrdered {α : Type u_1} {v : α} {cmp : ααOrdering} {path : Path α} :
            Zoomed (cmp v) pathRootOrdered cmp path v
            def Batteries.RBNode.Path.Ordered {α : Type u_1} (cmp : ααOrdering) :
            Path αProp

            The ordering invariant for a Path.

            Instances For
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Ordered.fill {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {path : Path α} {t : RBNode α} :
              RBNode.Ordered cmp (path.fill t) Ordered cmp path RBNode.Ordered cmp t All (RootOrdered cmp path) t
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Ordered.zoom' {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {cut : αOrdering} {t' : RBNode α} {path' : Path α} {t : RBNode α} {path : Path α} (ht : Ordered cmp t) (hp : Path.Ordered cmp path) (tp : All (Path.RootOrdered cmp path) t) (pz : Path.Zoomed cut path) (eq : RBNode.zoom cut t path = (t', path')) :
              Ordered cmp t' Path.Ordered cmp path' All (Path.RootOrdered cmp path') t' Path.Zoomed cut path'
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Ordered.zoom {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {cut : αOrdering} {t' : RBNode α} {path' : Path α} {t : RBNode α} (ht : Ordered cmp t) (eq : RBNode.zoom cut t = (t', path')) :
              Ordered cmp t' Path.Ordered cmp path' All (Path.RootOrdered cmp path') t' Path.Zoomed cut path'
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Ordered.ins {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {path : Path α} {t : RBNode α} :
              RBNode.Ordered cmp tOrdered cmp pathAll (RootOrdered cmp path) tRBNode.Ordered cmp (path.ins t)
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Ordered.insertNew {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {v : α} {path : Path α} (hp : Ordered cmp path) (vp : RootOrdered cmp path v) :
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Path.Ordered.del {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {path : Path α} {t : RBNode α} {c : RBColor} :
              RBNode.Ordered cmp tOrdered cmp pathAll (RootOrdered cmp path) tRBNode.Ordered cmp (path.del t c)

              alter #

              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Ordered.alter {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {f : Option αOption α} {cmp : ααOrdering} {t : RBNode α} (H : ∀ {x : α} {t' : RBNode α} {p : Path α}, RBNode.zoom cut t = (t', p)f t'.root? = some xPath.RootOrdered cmp p x OnRoot (cmpEq cmp x) t') (h : Ordered cmp t) :
              Ordered cmp (alter cut f t)

              The alter function preserves the ordering invariants.

              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Balanced.alter {α : Type u_1} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {cut : αOrdering} {f : Option αOption α} {t : RBNode α} (h : t.Balanced c n) :
              (c : RBColor), (n : Nat), (alter cut f t).Balanced c n

              The alter function preserves the balance invariants.

              theorem Batteries.RBNode.modify_eq_alter {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {f : αα} (t : RBNode α) :
              modify cut f t = alter cut ( f) t
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Ordered.modify {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {cmp : ααOrdering} {f : αα} {t : RBNode α} (H : OnRoot (fun (x : α) => cmpEq cmp (f x) x) (RBNode.zoom cut t).fst) (h : Ordered cmp t) :
              Ordered cmp (modify cut f t)

              The modify function preserves the ordering invariants.

              theorem Batteries.RBNode.Balanced.modify {α : Type u_1} {c : RBColor} {n : Nat} {cut : αOrdering} {f : αα} {t : RBNode α} (h : t.Balanced c n) :

              The modify function preserves the balance invariants.

              theorem Batteries.RBNode.WF.alter {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {f : Option αOption α} {cmp : ααOrdering} {t : RBNode α} (H : ∀ {x : α} {t' : RBNode α} {p : Path α}, zoom cut t = (t', p)f t'.root? = some xPath.RootOrdered cmp p x OnRoot (cmpEq cmp x) t') (h : WF cmp t) :
              WF cmp (RBNode.alter cut f t)
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.WF.modify {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {cmp : ααOrdering} {f : αα} {t : RBNode α} (H : OnRoot (fun (x : α) => cmpEq cmp (f x) x) (zoom cut t).fst) (h : WF cmp t) :
              WF cmp (RBNode.modify cut f t)
              theorem Batteries.RBNode.find?_eq_zoom {α : Type u_1} {cut : αOrdering} {t : RBNode α} (p : Path α := Path.root) :
              find? cut t = (zoom cut t p).fst.root?
              theorem Batteries.RBSet.ModifyWF.of_eq {α : Type u_1} {cmp : ααOrdering} {cut : αOrdering} {f : αα} {t : RBSet α cmp} (H : ∀ {x : α}, RBNode.find? cut t.val = some xRBNode.cmpEq cmp (f x) x) :
              t.ModifyWF cut f

              A sufficient condition for ModifyWF is that the new element compares equal to the original.

              def Batteries.RBMap.modify {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {cmp : ααOrdering} (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : ββ) :
              RBMap α β cmp

              O(log n). In-place replace the corresponding to key k. This takes the element out of the tree while f runs, so it uses the element linearly if t is unshared.

              Instances For
                def Batteries.RBMap.alter.adapt {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} (k : α) (f : Option βOption β) :
                Option (α × β)Option (α × β)

                Auxiliary definition for alter.

                Instances For
                  @[specialize #[]]
                  def Batteries.RBMap.alter {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {cmp : ααOrdering} (t : RBMap α β cmp) (k : α) (f : Option βOption β) :
                  RBMap α β cmp

                  O(log n). alterP cut f t simultaneously handles inserting, erasing and replacing an element using a function f : Option α → Option α. It is passed the result of t.findP? cut and can either return none to remove the element or some a to replace/insert the element with a (which must have the same ordering properties as the original element).

                  The element is used linearly if t is unshared.

                  The AlterWF assumption is required because f may change the ordering properties of the element, which would break the invariants.

                  Instances For