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Proof of Wick's theorem

Note Authors: Joseph Tooby-Smith

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Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Field operators
    2.1. Field statistics
    2.2. Field specifications
    2.3. Field operators
    2.4. Field-operator free algebra
    2.5. Field-operator algebra
3. Time ordering
4. Normal ordering
5. Wick Contractions
    5.1. Definition
    5.2. Aside: Cardinality
    5.3. Uncontracted elements
    5.4. Constructors
    5.5. Sign
    5.6. Normal order
6. Static Wick's theorem
    6.1. Static contractions
    6.2. Static Wick terms
    6.3. The Static Wick's theorem
7. Wick's theorem
    7.1. Time contractions
    7.2. Wick terms
    7.3. Wick's theorem
8. Normal-ordered Wick's theorem

1. Introduction

Remark: wicks_theorem_context

In perturbative quantum field theory, Wick’s theorem allows us to expand expectation values of time-ordered products of fields in terms of normal-orders and time contractions. The theorem is used to simplify the calculation of scattering amplitudes, and is the precurser to Feynman diagrams.

There are actually three different versions of Wick’s theorem used. The static version, the time-dependent version, and the normal-ordered time-dependent version. PhysLean contains a formalization of all three of these theorems in complete generality for mixtures of bosonic and fermionic fields.

The statement of these theorems for bosons is simplier then when fermions are involved, since one does not have to worry about the minus-signs picked up on exchanging fields.

In this note we walk through the important parts of the proof of the three versions of Wick's theorem for field operators containing carrying both fermionic and bosonic statitics, as it appears in PhysLean. Not every lemma or definition is covered here. The aim is to give just enough that the story can be understood.

Before proceeding with the steps in the proof, we review some basic terminology related to Lean and type theory. The most important notion is that of a type. We don't give any formal definition here, except to say that a type `T`, like a set, has elements `x` which we say are of type `T` and write `x : T`. Examples of types include, the type of natural numbers `ℕ`, the type of real numbers `ℝ`, the type of numbers `0, …, n-1` denoted `Fin n`. Given two types `T` and `S`, we can form the product type `T × S`, and the function type `T → S`. Types form the foundation of Lean and the theory behind them will be used both explicitly and implicitly throughout this note.

2. Field operators

2.1. Field statistics

Definition 2.1 (FieldStatistic):

The type FieldStatistic is the type containing two elements bosonic and fermionic. This type is used to specify if a field or operator obeys bosonic or fermionic statistics.

Show Lean code:
inductive FieldStatistic : Type where
  | bosonic : FieldStatistic
  | fermionic : FieldStatistic
deriving DecidableEq
Definition 2.2 (FieldStatistic.instCommGroup):

The type FieldStatistic carries an instance of a commutative group in which

  • bosonic * bosonic = bosonic
  • bosonic * fermionic = fermionic
  • fermionic * bosonic = fermionic
  • fermionic * fermionic = bosonic

This group is isomorphic to ℤ₂.

Show Lean code:
instance : CommGroup FieldStatistic where
  one := bosonic
  mul a b :=
    match a, b with
    | bosonic, bosonic => bosonic
    | bosonic, fermionic => fermionic
    | fermionic, bosonic => fermionic
    | fermionic, fermionic => bosonic
  inv a := a
  mul_assoc a b c := by
    cases a <;> cases b <;> cases c <;>
    dsimp [HMul.hMul]
  one_mul a := by
    cases a <;> dsimp [HMul.hMul]
  mul_one a := by
    cases a <;> dsimp [HMul.hMul]
  inv_mul_cancel a := by
    cases a <;> dsimp only [HMul.hMul, Nat.succ_eq_add_one] <;> rfl
  mul_comm a b := by
    cases a <;> cases b <;> rfl
Definition 2.3 (FieldStatistic.exchangeSign):

The exchange sign, exchangeSign, is defined as the group homomorphism

FieldStatistic →* FieldStatistic →* ℂ,

for which exchangeSign a b is -1 if both a and b are fermionic and 1 otherwise. The exchange sign is the sign one picks up on exchanging an operator or field φ₁ of statistic a with an operator or field φ₂ of statistic b, i.e. φ₁φ₂ → φ₂φ₁.

The notation 𝓢(a, b) is used for the exchange sign of a and b.

Show Lean code:
def exchangeSign : FieldStatistic →* FieldStatistic →* ℂ where
  toFun a :=
      toFun := fun b =>
        match a, b with
        | bosonic, _ => 1
        | _, bosonic => 1
        | fermionic, fermionic => -1
      map_one' := by
        fin_cases a
        <;> simp
      map_mul' := fun c b => by
        fin_cases a <;>
          fin_cases b <;>
          fin_cases c <;>
  map_one' := by
    ext b
    fin_cases b
    <;> simp
  map_mul' c b := by
    ext a
    fin_cases a
    <;> fin_cases b <;> fin_cases c
    <;> simp

2.2. Field specifications

Definition 2.4 (FieldSpecification):

The structure FieldSpecification is defined to have the following content:

  • A type Field whose elements are the constituent fields of the theory.
  • For every field f in Field, a type PositionLabel f whose elements label the different position operators associated with the field f. For example,
    • For f a real-scalar field, PositionLabel f will have a unique element.
    • For f a complex-scalar field, PositionLabel f will have two elements, one for the field operator and one for its conjugate.
    • For f a Dirac fermion, PositionLabel f will have eight elements, one for each Lorentz index of the field and its conjugate.
    • For f a Weyl fermion, PositionLabel f will have four elements, one for each Lorentz index of the field and its conjugate.
  • For every field f in Field, a type AsymptoticLabel f whose elements label the different types of incoming asymptotic field operators associated with the field f (this also matches the types of outgoing asymptotic field operators). For example,
    • For f a real-scalar field, AsymptoticLabel f will have a unique element.
    • For f a complex-scalar field, AsymptoticLabel f will have two elements, one for the field operator and one for its conjugate.
    • For f a Dirac fermion, AsymptoticLabel f will have four elements, two for each spin.
    • For f a Weyl fermion, AsymptoticLabel f will have two elements, one for each spin.
  • For each field f in Field, a field statistic statistic f which classifies f as either bosonic or fermionic.
Show Lean code:
structure FieldSpecification where
  /-- A type whose elements are the constituent fields of the theory. -/
  Field : Type
  /-- For every field `f` in `Field`, the type `PositionLabel f` has elements that label the
    different position operators associated with the field `f`. -/
  PositionLabel : Field → Type
  /-- For every field `f` in `Field`, the type `AsymptoticLabel f` has elements that label
    the different asymptotic based field operators associated with the field `f`. -/
  AsymptoticLabel : Field → Type
  /-- For every field `f` in `Field`, the field statistic `statistic f` classifies `f` as either
    `bosonic` or `fermionic`. -/
  statistic : Field → FieldStatistic

2.3. Field operators

Definition 2.5 (FieldSpecification.FieldOp):

For a field specification 𝓕, the inductive type 𝓕.FieldOp is defined to contain the following elements:

  • For every f in 𝓕.Field, element of e of AsymptoticLabel f and 3-momentum p, an element labelled inAsymp f e p corresponding to an incoming asymptotic field operator of the field f, of label e (e.g. specifying the spin), and momentum p.
  • For every f in 𝓕.Field, element of e of PositionLabel f and space-time position x, an element labelled position f e x corresponding to a position field operator of the field f, of label e (e.g. specifying the Lorentz index), and position x.
  • For every f in 𝓕.Field, element of e of AsymptoticLabel f and 3-momentum p, an element labelled outAsymp f e p corresponding to an outgoing asymptotic field operator of the field f, of label e (e.g. specifying the spin), and momentum p.

As an example, if f corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, then

  • For inAsymp f e p, e would correspond to a spin s, and inAsymp f e p would, once represented in the operator algebra, be proportional to the creation operator a(p, s).
  • position f e x, e would correspond to a Lorentz index a, and position f e x would, once represented in the operator algebra, be proportional to the operator

    ∑ s, ∫ d³p/(…) (xₐ(p,s) a(p, s) e ^ (-i p x) + yₐ(p,s) a†(p, s) e ^ (-i p x)).

  • outAsymp f e p, e would correspond to a spin s, and outAsymp f e p would, once represented in the operator algebra, be proportional to the annihilation operator a†(p, s).
Show Lean code:
inductive FieldOp (𝓕 : FieldSpecification) where
  | inAsymp : (Σ f, 𝓕.AsymptoticLabel f) × (Fin 3 → ℝ) → 𝓕.FieldOp
  | position : (Σ f, 𝓕.PositionLabel f) × SpaceTime → 𝓕.FieldOp
  | outAsymp : (Σ f, 𝓕.AsymptoticLabel f) × (Fin 3 → ℝ) → 𝓕.FieldOp
Definition 2.6 (FieldSpecification.fieldOpStatistic):

For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp. The field statistic fieldOpStatistic φ is defined to be the statistic associated with the field underlying φ.

The following notation is used in relation to fieldOpStatistic:

  • For φ an element of 𝓕.FieldOp, 𝓕 |>ₛ φ is fieldOpStatistic φ.
  • For φs a list of 𝓕.FieldOp, 𝓕 |>ₛ φs is the product of fieldOpStatistic φ over the list φs.
  • For a function f : Fin n → 𝓕.FieldOp and a finite set a of Fin n, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨f, a⟩ is the product of fieldOpStatistic (f i) for all i ∈ a.
Show Lean code:
def fieldOpStatistic : 𝓕.FieldOp → FieldStatistic := 𝓕.statistic ∘ 𝓕.fieldOpToField
Definition 2.7 (CreateAnnihilate):

The type CreateAnnihilate is the type containing two elements create and annihilate. This type is used to specify if an operator is a creation, or annihilation, operator or the sum thereof or integral thereover etc.

Show Lean code:
inductive CreateAnnihilate where
  | create : CreateAnnihilate
  | annihilate : CreateAnnihilate
deriving Inhabited, BEq, DecidableEq
Definition 2.8 (FieldSpecification.CrAnFieldOp):

For a field specification 𝓕, the (sigma) type 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp corresponds to the type of creation and annihilation parts of field operators. It formally defined to consist of the following elements:

  • For each incoming asymptotic field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element written as ⟨φ, ()⟩ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, corresponding to the creation part of φ. Here φ has no annihilation part. (Here () is the unique element of Unit.)
  • For each position field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp written as ⟨φ, .create⟩, corresponding to the creation part of φ.
  • For each position field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp written as ⟨φ, .annihilate⟩, corresponding to the annihilation part of φ.
  • For each outgoing asymptotic field operator φ in 𝓕.FieldOp an element written as ⟨φ, ()⟩ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, corresponding to the annihilation part of φ. Here φ has no creation part. (Here () is the unique element of Unit.)

As an example, if f corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, it would contribute the following elements to 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp

  • For each spin s, an element corresponding to an incoming asymptotic operator: a(p, s).
  • For each each Lorentz index a, an element corresponding to the creation part of a position operator:

    ∑ s, ∫ d³p/(…) (xₐ (p,s) a(p, s) e ^ (-i p x)).

  • For each each Lorentz index a,an element corresponding to annihilation part of a position operator:

    ∑ s, ∫ d³p/(…) (yₐ(p,s) a†(p, s) e ^ (-i p x)).

  • For each spin s, element corresponding to an outgoing asymptotic operator: a†(p, s).
Show Lean code:
def CrAnFieldOp : Type := Σ (s : 𝓕.FieldOp), 𝓕.fieldOpToCrAnType s
Definition 2.9 (FieldSpecification.crAnFieldOpToCreateAnnihilate):

For a field specification 𝓕, 𝓕.crAnFieldOpToCreateAnnihilate is the map from 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp to CreateAnnihilate taking φ to create if

  • φ corresponds to an incoming asymptotic field operator or the creation part of a position based field operator.

otherwise it takes φ to annihilate.

Show Lean code:
def crAnFieldOpToCreateAnnihilate : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → CreateAnnihilate
  | ⟨FieldOp.inAsymp _, _⟩ => CreateAnnihilate.create
  | ⟨FieldOp.position _, CreateAnnihilate.create⟩ => CreateAnnihilate.create
  | ⟨FieldOp.position _, CreateAnnihilate.annihilate⟩ => CreateAnnihilate.annihilate
  | ⟨FieldOp.outAsymp _, _⟩ => CreateAnnihilate.annihilate
Definition 2.10 (FieldSpecification.crAnStatistics):

For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ in 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the field statistic crAnStatistics φ is defined to be the statistic associated with the field 𝓕.Field (or the 𝓕.FieldOp) underlying φ.

The following notation is used in relation to crAnStatistics:

  • For φ an element of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕 |>ₛ φ is crAnStatistics φ.
  • For φs a list of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕 |>ₛ φs is the product of crAnStatistics φ over the list φs.
Show Lean code:
def crAnStatistics : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → FieldStatistic :=
  𝓕.fieldOpStatistic ∘ 𝓕.crAnFieldOpToFieldOp
Remark: notation_remark

When working with a field specification 𝓕 the following notation will be used within doc-strings:

Some examples of these notation-conventions are:

2.4. Field-operator free algebra

Definition 2.11 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra):

For a field specification 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra is the free algebra generated by 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp.

Show Lean code:
abbrev FieldOpFreeAlgebra (𝓕 : FieldSpecification) : Type := FreeAlgebra ℂ 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp
Remark: naming_convention

For mathematicial objects defined in relation to FieldOpFreeAlgebra the postfix F may be given to their names to indicate that they are related to the free algebra. This is to avoid confusion when working within the context of FieldOpAlgebra which is defined as a quotient of FieldOpFreeAlgebra.

Definition 2.12 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofCrAnOpF):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a element φ of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, ofCrAnOpF φ is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra formed by φ.

Show Lean code:
def ofCrAnOpF (φ : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 :=
  FreeAlgebra.ι ℂ φ
Lemma 2.13 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.universality):

The algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra satisfies the universal property that for any other algebra A (e.g. the operator algebra of the theory) with a map f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A (e.g. the inclusion of the creation and annihilation parts of field operators into the operator algebra) there is a unique algebra map g : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra → A such that g ∘ ofCrAnOpF = f.

The unique g is given by FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f.

Show Lean code:
lemma universality {A : Type} [Semiring A] [Algebra ℂ A] (f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A) :
    ∃! g : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₐ[ℂ] A, g ∘ ofCrAnOpF = f := by
  use FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f
  apply And.intro
  · funext x
    simp [ofCrAnOpF]
  · intro g hg
    ext x
    simpa using congrFun hg x
Definition 2.14 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofCrAnListF):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, ofCrAnListF φs is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra obtained by the product of ofCrAnListF φ for each φ in φs. For example ofCrAnListF [φ₁, φ₂, φ₃] = ofCrAnOpF φ₁ * ofCrAnOpF φ₂ * ofCrAnOpF φ₃. The set of all ofCrAnListF φs forms a basis of FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕.

Show Lean code:
def ofCrAnListF (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 := ( ofCrAnOpF φs).prod
Definition 2.15 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofFieldOpF):

For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, ofFieldOpF φ is the element of 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra formed by summing over ofCrAnOpF of the creation and annihilation parts of φ.

For example, for φ an incoming asymptotic field operator we get ofCrAnOpF ⟨φ, ()⟩, and for φ a position field operator we get ofCrAnOpF ⟨φ, .create⟩ + ofCrAnOpF ⟨φ, .annihilate⟩.

Show Lean code:
def ofFieldOpF (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 :=
  ∑ (i : 𝓕.fieldOpToCrAnType φ), ofCrAnOpF ⟨φ, i⟩
Definition 2.16 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.ofFieldOpListF):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, 𝓕.ofFieldOpListF φs is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra obtained by the product of ofFieldOpF φ for each φ in φs. For example ofFieldOpListF [φ₁, φ₂, φ₃] = ofFieldOpF φ₁ * ofFieldOpF φ₂ * ofFieldOpF φ₃.

Show Lean code:
def ofFieldOpListF (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 := ( ofFieldOpF φs).prod
Remark: notation_drop

In doc-strings explicit applications of ofCrAnOpF, ofCrAnListF, ofFieldOpF, and ofFieldOpListF will often be dropped.

Definition 2.17 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.fieldOpFreeAlgebraGrade):

For a field specification 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra is graded by FieldStatistic. Those ofCrAnListF φs for which φs has an overall bosonic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = bosonic) span bosonic submodule, whilst those ofCrAnListF φs for which φs has an overall fermionic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = fermionic) span the fermionic submodule.

Show Lean code:
instance fieldOpFreeAlgebraGrade :
    GradedAlgebra (A := 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) statisticSubmodule where
  one_mem := by
    simp only [statisticSubmodule]
    refine Submodule.mem_span.mpr fun p a => a ?_
    simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]
    use []
    simp only [ofCrAnListF_nil, ofList_empty, true_and]
  mul_mem f1 f2 a1 a2 h1 h2 := by
    let p (a2 : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) (hx : a2 ∈ statisticSubmodule f2) : Prop :=
      a1 * a2 ∈ statisticSubmodule (f1 + f2)
    change p a2 h2
    apply Submodule.span_induction (p := p)
    · intro x hx
      simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hx
      obtain ⟨φs, rfl, h⟩ := hx
      simp only [p]
      let p (a1 : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) (hx : a1 ∈ statisticSubmodule f1) : Prop :=
        a1 * ofCrAnListF φs ∈ statisticSubmodule (f1 + f2)
      change p a1 h1
      apply Submodule.span_induction (p := p)
      · intro y hy
        obtain ⟨φs', rfl, h'⟩ := hy
        simp only [p]
        rw [← ofCrAnListF_append]
        refine Submodule.mem_span.mpr fun p a => a ?_
        simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]
        use φs' ++ φs
        simp only [ofList_append, h', h, true_and]
        cases f1 <;> cases f2 <;> rfl
      · simp [p]
      · intro x y hx hy hx1 hx2
        simp only [add_mul, p]
        exact Submodule.add_mem _ hx1 hx2
      · intro c a hx h1
        simp only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, p]
        exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ h1
      · exact h1
    · simp [p]
    · intro x y hx hy hx1 hx2
      simp only [mul_add, p]
      exact Submodule.add_mem _ hx1 hx2
    · intro c a hx h1
      simp only [Algebra.mul_smul_comm, p]
      exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ h1
    · exact h2
  decompose' a := DirectSum.of (fun i => (statisticSubmodule (𝓕 := 𝓕) i)) bosonic (bosonicProjF a)
    + DirectSum.of (fun i => (statisticSubmodule (𝓕 := 𝓕) i)) fermionic (fermionicProjF a)
  left_inv a := by
    trans a.bosonicProjF + fermionicProjF a
    · simp
    · exact bosonicProjF_add_fermionicProjF a
  right_inv a := by
    rw [coeAddMonoidHom_apply_eq_bosonic_plus_fermionic]
    simp only [DFinsupp.toFun_eq_coe, map_add, bosonicProjF_of_bonosic_part,
      bosonicProjF_of_fermionic_part, add_zero, fermionicProjF_of_bosonic_part,
      fermionicProjF_of_fermionic_part, zero_add]
    conv_rhs => rw [directSum_eq_bosonic_plus_fermionic a]
Definition 2.18 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.superCommuteF):

For a field specification 𝓕, the super commutator superCommuteF is defined as the linear map 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₗ[ℂ] 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₗ[ℂ] 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra which on the lists φs and φs' of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp gives

superCommuteF φs φs' = φs * φs' - 𝓢(φs, φs') • φs' * φs.

The notation [a, b]ₛF can be used for superCommuteF a b.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def superCommuteF : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₗ[ℂ] 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₗ[ℂ]
    𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra :=
  Basis.constr ofCrAnListFBasis ℂ fun φs =>
  Basis.constr ofCrAnListFBasis ℂ fun φs' =>
  ofCrAnListF (φs ++ φs') - 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φs, 𝓕 |>ₛ φs') • ofCrAnListF (φs' ++ φs)
Lemma 2.19 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_eq_sum):

For a field specification 𝓕, and two lists φs = φ₀…φₙ and φs' of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp the following super commutation relation holds:

[φs', φ₀…φₙ]ₛF = ∑ i, 𝓢(φs', φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • φ₀…φᵢ₋₁ * [φs', φᵢ]ₛF * φᵢ₊₁ … φₙ

The proof of this relation is via induction on the length of φs.

Show Lean code:
lemma superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_eq_sum (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) :
    (φs' : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) → [ofCrAnListF φs, ofCrAnListF φs']ₛF =
    ∑ (n : Fin φs'.length), 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φs, 𝓕 |>ₛ φs'.take n) •
    ofCrAnListF (φs'.take n) * [ofCrAnListF φs, ofCrAnOpF (φs'.get n)]ₛF *
    ofCrAnListF (φs'.drop (n + 1))
  | [] => by
    simp [← ofCrAnListF_nil, superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF]
  | φ :: φs' => by
    rw [superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_cons,
      superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_eq_sum φs φs']
    conv_rhs => erw [Fin.sum_univ_succ]
    congr 1
    · simp
    · simp [Finset.mul_sum, smul_smul, ofCrAnListF_cons, mul_assoc,
        FieldStatistic.ofList_cons_eq_mul, mul_comm]

2.5. Field-operator algebra

Definition 2.20 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra):

For a field specification 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra is defined as the quotient of the free algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra by the ideal generated by

  • [ofCrAnOpF φc, ofCrAnOpF φc']ₛF for φc and φc' field creation operators. This corresponds to the condition that two creation operators always super-commute.
  • [ofCrAnOpF φa, ofCrAnOpF φa']ₛF for φa and φa' field annihilation operators. This corresponds to the condition that two annihilation operators always super-commute.
  • [ofCrAnOpF φ, ofCrAnOpF φ']ₛF for φ and φ' operators with different statistics. This corresponds to the condition that two operators with different statistics always super-commute. In other words, fermions and bosons always super-commute.
  • [ofCrAnOpF φ1, [ofCrAnOpF φ2, ofCrAnOpF φ3]ₛF]ₛF. This corresponds to the condition, when combined with the conditions above, that the super-commutator is in the center of the algebra.
Show Lean code:
abbrev FieldOpAlgebra : Type := (TwoSidedIdeal.span 𝓕.fieldOpIdealSet).ringCon.Quotient
Definition 2.21 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ι):

For a field specification 𝓕, ι is defined as the projection

𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₐ[ℂ] 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra

taking each element of 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra to its equivalence class in FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕.

Show Lean code:
def ι : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₐ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
  toFun := (TwoSidedIdeal.span 𝓕.fieldOpIdealSet)'
  map_one' := by rfl
  map_mul' x y := by rfl
  map_zero' := by rfl
  map_add' x y := by rfl
  commutes' x := by rfl
Lemma 2.22 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.universality):

For a field specification, 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra satisfies the following universal property. Let f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A be a function and g : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra →ₐ[ℂ] A the universal lift of that function associated with the free algebra 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra. If g is zero on the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, then there exists algebra map g' : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₐ[ℂ] A such that g' ∘ ι = g, and furthermore this algebra map is unique.

Show Lean code:
lemma universality {A : Type} [Semiring A] [Algebra ℂ A] (f : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → A)
    (h1 : ∀ a ∈ TwoSidedIdeal.span 𝓕.fieldOpIdealSet, FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f a = 0) :
    ∃! g : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₐ[ℂ] A, g ∘ ι = FreeAlgebra.lift ℂ f := by
  use universalLift f h1
  simp only
  apply And.intro
  · ext a
  · intro g hg
    ext a
    obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective a
    simpa using congrFun hg a
Definition 2.23 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofCrAnOp):

For a field specification 𝓕 and an element φ of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, ofCrAnOp φ is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra given by ι (ofCrAnOpF φ).

Show Lean code:
def ofCrAnOp (φ : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (ofCrAnOpF φ)
Definition 2.24 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofCrAnList):

For a field specification 𝓕 and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, ofCrAnList φs is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra given by ι (ofCrAnListF φ).

Show Lean code:
def ofCrAnList (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (ofCrAnListF φs)
Definition 2.25 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofFieldOp):

For a field specification 𝓕 and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, ofFieldOp φ is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra given by ι (ofFieldOpF φ).

Show Lean code:
def ofFieldOp (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (ofFieldOpF φ)
Definition 2.26 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofCrAnList):

For a field specification 𝓕 and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, ofCrAnList φs is defined as the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra given by ι (ofCrAnListF φ).

Show Lean code:
def ofCrAnList (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (ofCrAnListF φs)
Remark: notation_drop

In doc-strings we will often drop explicit applications of ofCrAnOp, ofCrAnList, ofFieldOp, and ofFieldOpList

Definition 2.27 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.anPart):

For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, the annihilation part of 𝓕.FieldOp as an element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra. Thus for φ

  • an incoming asymptotic state this is 0.
  • a position based state this is ofCrAnOp ⟨φ, .create⟩.
  • an outgoing asymptotic state this is ofCrAnOp ⟨φ, ()⟩.
Show Lean code:
def anPart (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (anPartF φ)
Definition 2.28 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.crPart):

For a field specification 𝓕, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, the creation part of 𝓕.FieldOp as an element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra. Thus for φ

  • an incoming asymptotic state this is ofCrAnOp ⟨φ, ()⟩.
  • a position based state this is ofCrAnOp ⟨φ, .create⟩.
  • an outgoing asymptotic state this is 0.
Show Lean code:
def crPart (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := ι (crPartF φ)
Lemma 2.29 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart):

For field specification 𝓕, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp the following relation holds:

ofFieldOp φ = crPart φ + anPart φ

That is, every field operator splits into its creation part plus its annihilation part.

Show Lean code:
lemma ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    ofFieldOp φ = crPart φ + anPart φ := by
  rw [ofFieldOp, crPart, anPart, ofFieldOpF_eq_crPartF_add_anPartF]
  simp only [map_add]
Definition 2.30 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.fieldOpAlgebraGrade):

For a field statistic 𝓕, the algebra 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra is graded by FieldStatistic. Those ofCrAnList φs for which φs has an overall bosonic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = bosonic) span bosonic submodule, whilst those ofCrAnList φs for which φs has an overall fermionic statistic (i.e. 𝓕 |>ₛ φs = fermionic) span the fermionic submodule.

Show Lean code:
instance fieldOpAlgebraGrade : GradedAlgebra (A := 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) statSubmodule where
  one_mem := by
    simp only [statSubmodule]
    refine Submodule.mem_span.mpr fun p a => a ?_
    simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]
    use []
    simp only [ofCrAnList, ofCrAnListF_nil, map_one, ofList_empty, true_and]
  mul_mem f1 f2 a1 a2 h1 h2 := by
    let p (a2 : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) (hx : a2 ∈ statSubmodule f2) : Prop :=
      a1 * a2 ∈ statSubmodule (f1 + f2)
    change p a2 h2
    apply Submodule.span_induction
    · intro x hx
      simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hx
      obtain ⟨φs, rfl, h⟩ := hx
      simp only [p]
      let p (a1 : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) (hx : a1 ∈ statSubmodule f1) : Prop :=
        a1 * ofCrAnList φs ∈ statSubmodule (f1 + f2)
      change p a1 h1
      apply Submodule.span_induction (p := p)
      · intro y hy
        obtain ⟨φs', rfl, h'⟩ := hy
        simp only [p]
        rw [← ofCrAnList_append]
        refine Submodule.mem_span.mpr fun p a => a ?_
        simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq]
        use φs' ++ φs
        simp only [ofList_append, h', h, true_and]
        cases f1 <;> cases f2 <;> rfl
      · simp [p]
      · intro x y hx hy hx1 hx2
        simp only [add_mul, p]
        exact Submodule.add_mem _ hx1 hx2
      · intro c a hx h1
        simp only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, p]
        exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ h1
      · exact h1
    · simp [p]
    · intro x y hx hy hx1 hx2
      simp only [mul_add, p]
      exact Submodule.add_mem _ hx1 hx2
    · intro c a hx h1
      simp only [Algebra.mul_smul_comm, p]
      exact Submodule.smul_mem _ _ h1
  decompose' a := DirectSum.of (fun i => (statSubmodule (𝓕 := 𝓕) i)) bosonic (bosonicProj a)
    + DirectSum.of (fun i => (statSubmodule (𝓕 := 𝓕) i)) fermionic (fermionicProj a)
  left_inv a := by
    trans a.bosonicProj + a.fermionicProj
    · simp
    · exact bosonicProj_add_fermionicProj a
  right_inv a := by
    rw [coeAddMonoidHom_apply_eq_bosonic_plus_fermionic]
    simp only [DFinsupp.toFun_eq_coe, map_add, bosonicProj_of_bosonic_part,
      bosonicProj_of_fermionic_part, add_zero, fermionicProj_of_bosonic_part,
      fermionicProj_of_fermionic_part, zero_add]
    conv_rhs => rw [directSum_eq_bosonic_plus_fermionic a]
Definition 2.31 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.superCommute):

For a field specification 𝓕, superCommute is the linear map

FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕

defined as the descent of ι ∘ superCommuteF in both arguments. In particular for φs and φs' lists of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp in FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 the following relation holds:

superCommute φs φs' = φs * φs' - 𝓢(φs, φs') • φs' * φs

The notation [a, b]ₛ is used for superCommute a b.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def superCommute : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ]
    FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
  toFun := Quotient.lift superCommuteRight superCommuteRight_eq_of_equiv
  map_add' x y := by
    obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective x
    obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective y
    ext b
    obtain ⟨b, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective b
    rw [← map_add, ι_apply, ι_apply, ι_apply, ι_apply]
    rw [Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk]
    simp only [LinearMap.add_apply]
    rw [superCommuteRight_apply_quot, superCommuteRight_apply_quot, superCommuteRight_apply_quot]
  map_smul' c y := by
    obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective y
    ext b
    obtain ⟨b, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective b
    rw [← map_smul, ι_apply, ι_apply, ι_apply]
    simp only [Quotient.lift_mk, RingHom.id_apply, LinearMap.smul_apply]
    rw [superCommuteRight_apply_quot, superCommuteRight_apply_quot]

3. Time ordering

Definition 3.1 (FieldSpecification.crAnTimeOrderRel):

For a field specification 𝓕, 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel is a relation on 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp representing time ordering. It is defined such that 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁ is true if and only if one of the following holds

  • φ₀ is an outgoing asymptotic operator
  • φ₁ is an incoming asymptotic field operator
  • φ₀ and φ₁ are both position field operators where the SpaceTime point of φ₀ has a time greater than or equal to that of φ₁.

Thus, colloquially 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁ if φ₀ has time greater than or equal to φ₁. The use of greater than rather then less than is because on ordering lists of operators it is needed that the operator with the greatest time is to the left.

Show Lean code:
def crAnTimeOrderRel (a b : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : Prop := 𝓕.timeOrderRel a.1 b.1
Definition 3.2 (FieldSpecification.crAnTimeOrderList):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderList φs is the list φs time-ordered using the insertion sort algorithm.

Show Lean code:
def crAnTimeOrderList (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp :=
  List.insertionSort 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φs
Definition 3.3 (FieldSpecification.crAnTimeOrderSign):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderSign φs is the sign corresponding to the number of ferimionic-fermionic exchanges undertaken to time-order (i.e. order with respect to 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel) φs using the insertion sort algorithm.

Show Lean code:
def crAnTimeOrderSign (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : ℂ :=
  Wick.koszulSign 𝓕.crAnStatistics 𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φs
Definition 3.4 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.timeOrderF):

For a field specification 𝓕, timeOrderF is the linear map

FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕

defined by its action on the basis ofCrAnListF φs, taking ofCrAnListF φs to

crAnTimeOrderSign φs • ofCrAnListF (crAnTimeOrderList φs).

That is, timeOrderF time-orders the field operators and multiplies by the sign of the time order.

The notation 𝓣ᶠ(a) is used for timeOrderF a

Show Lean code:
def timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 :=
  Basis.constr ofCrAnListFBasis ℂ fun φs =>
  crAnTimeOrderSign φs • ofCrAnListF (crAnTimeOrderList φs)
Definition 3.5 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeOrder):

For a field specification 𝓕, timeOrder is the linear map

FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕

defined as the descent of ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 from FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 to FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕. This descent exists because ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF is well-defined on equivalence classes.

The notation 𝓣(a) is used for timeOrder a.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def timeOrder : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
  toFun := Quotient.lift (ι.toLinearMap ∘ₗ timeOrderF) ι_timeOrderF_eq_of_equiv
  map_add' x y := by
    obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := ι_surjective x
    obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := ι_surjective y
    subst hx hy
    rw [← map_add, ι_apply, ι_apply, ι_apply]
    rw [Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk]
  map_smul' c y := by
    obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := ι_surjective y
    subst hy
    rw [← map_smul, ι_apply, ι_apply]
Lemma 3.6 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeOrder_eq_maxTimeField_mul_finset):

For a field specification 𝓕, the time order operator acting on a list of 𝓕.FieldOp, 𝓣(φ₀…φₙ), is equal to 𝓢(φᵢ,φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • φᵢ * 𝓣(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φₙ) where φᵢ is the maximal time field operator in φ₀…φₙ.

The proof of this result ultimately relies on basic properties of ordering and signs.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_eq_maxTimeField_mul_finset (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    𝓣(ofFieldOpList (φ :: φs)) = 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ maxTimeField φ φs, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨(eraseMaxTimeField φ φs).get,
      (Finset.univ.filter (fun x =>
        (maxTimeFieldPosFin φ φs).succAbove x < maxTimeFieldPosFin φ φs))⟩) •
      ofFieldOp (maxTimeField φ φs) * 𝓣(ofFieldOpList (eraseMaxTimeField φ φs)) := by
  rw [ofFieldOpList, timeOrder_eq_ι_timeOrderF, timeOrderF_eq_maxTimeField_mul_finset]
Lemma 3.7 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeOrder_timeOrder_mid):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a, b, c in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, then 𝓣(a * b * c) = 𝓣(a * 𝓣(b) * c).

Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_timeOrder_mid (a b c : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) :
    𝓣(a * b * c) = 𝓣(a * 𝓣(b) * c) := by
  obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective a
  obtain ⟨b, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective b
  obtain ⟨c, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective c
  rw [← map_mul, ← map_mul, timeOrder_eq_ι_timeOrderF, timeOrder_eq_ι_timeOrderF,
  ← map_mul, ← map_mul, timeOrder_eq_ι_timeOrderF, timeOrderF_timeOrderF_mid]

4. Normal ordering

Definition 4.1 (FieldSpecification.normalOrderRel):

For a field specification 𝓕, 𝓕.normalOrderRel is a relation on 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp representing normal ordering. It is defined such that 𝓕.normalOrderRel φ₀ φ₁ is true if one of the following is true

  • φ₀ is a field creation operator
  • φ₁ is a field annihilation operator.

Thus, colloquially 𝓕.normalOrderRel φ₀ φ₁ says the creation operators are less than annihilation operators.

Show Lean code:
def normalOrderRel : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → Prop :=
  fun a b => CreateAnnihilate.normalOrder (𝓕 |>ᶜ a) (𝓕 |>ᶜ b)
Definition 4.2 (FieldSpecification.normalOrderList):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕.normalOrderList φs is the list φs normal-ordered using ther insertion sort algorithm. It puts creation operators on the left and annihilation operators on the right. For example:

𝓕.normalOrderList [φ1c, φ1a, φ2c, φ2a] = [φ1c, φ2c, φ1a, φ2a]

Show Lean code:
def normalOrderList (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp :=
  List.insertionSort 𝓕.normalOrderRel φs
Definition 4.3 (FieldSpecification.normalOrderSign):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, 𝓕.normalOrderSign φs is the sign corresponding to the number of fermionic-fermionic exchanges undertaken to normal-order φs using the insertion sort algorithm.

Show Lean code:
def normalOrderSign (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : ℂ :=
  Wick.koszulSign 𝓕.crAnStatistics 𝓕.normalOrderRel φs
Lemma 4.4 (FieldSpecification.normalOrderSign_eraseIdx):

For a field specification 𝓕, a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp and an i < φs.length, then normalOrderSign (φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ) is equal to the product of

  • normalOrderSign φ₀…φₙ,
  • 𝓢(φᵢ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) i.e. the sign needed to remove φᵢ from φ₀…φₙ,
  • 𝓢(φᵢ, _) where _ is the list of elements appearing before φᵢ after normal ordering, i.e. the sign needed to insert φᵢ back into the normal-ordered list at the correct place.
Show Lean code:
lemma normalOrderSign_eraseIdx (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) (i : Fin φs.length) :
    normalOrderSign (φs.eraseIdx i) = normalOrderSign φs *
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.get i), 𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.take i)) *
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.get i), 𝓕 |>ₛ ((normalOrderList φs).take (normalOrderEquiv i))) := by
  rw [normalOrderSign, Wick.koszulSign_eraseIdx, ← normalOrderSign]
Definition 4.5 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpFreeAlgebra.normalOrderF):

For a field specification 𝓕, normalOrderF is the linear map

FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕

defined by its action on the basis ofCrAnListF φs, taking ofCrAnListF φs to

normalOrderSign φs • ofCrAnListF (normalOrderList φs).

That is, normalOrderF normal-orders the field operators and multiplies by the sign of the normal order.

The notation 𝓝ᶠ(a) is used for normalOrderF a for a an element of FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕.

Show Lean code:
def normalOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 :=
  Basis.constr ofCrAnListFBasis ℂ fun φs =>
  normalOrderSign φs • ofCrAnListF (normalOrderList φs)
Definition 4.6 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.normalOrder):

For a field specification 𝓕, normalOrder is the linear map

FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕

defined as the descent of ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 from FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 to FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕. This descent exists because ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF is well-defined on equivalence classes.

The notation 𝓝(a) is used for normalOrder a for a an element of FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def normalOrder : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
  toFun := Quotient.lift (ι.toLinearMap ∘ₗ normalOrderF) ι_normalOrderF_eq_of_equiv
  map_add' x y := by
    obtain ⟨x, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective x
    obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective y
    rw [← map_add, ι_apply, ι_apply, ι_apply]
    rw [Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk, Quotient.lift_mk]
  map_smul' c y := by
    obtain ⟨y, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective y
    rw [← map_smul, ι_apply, ι_apply]
Lemma 4.7 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.normalOrder_superCommute_eq_zero):

For a field specification 𝓕, and a and b in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra the normal ordering of the super commutator of a and b vanishes, i.e. 𝓝([a,b]ₛ) = 0.

Show Lean code:
lemma normalOrder_superCommute_eq_zero (a b : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) :
    𝓝([a, b]ₛ) = 0 := by
  obtain ⟨a, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective a
  obtain ⟨b, rfl⟩ := ι_surjective b
  rw [superCommute_eq_ι_superCommuteF, normalOrder_eq_ι_normalOrderF]
Lemma 4.8 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofCrAnOp_superCommute_normalOrder_ofCrAnList_sum):

For a field specification 𝓕, an element φ of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, a list φs of 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp, the following relation holds

[φ, 𝓝(φ₀…φₙ)]ₛ = ∑ i, 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • [φ, φᵢ]ₛ * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ).

The proof of this result ultimately goes as follows

  • The definition of normalOrder is used to rewrite 𝓝(φ₀…φₙ) as a scalar multiple of a ofCrAnList φsn where φsn is the normal ordering of φ₀…φₙ.
  • superCommuteF_ofCrAnListF_ofCrAnListF_eq_sum is used to rewrite the super commutator of φ (considered as a list with one element) with ofCrAnList φsn as a sum of super commutators, one for each element of φsn.
  • The fact that super-commutators are in the center of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra is used to rearrange terms.
  • Properties of ordered lists, and normalOrderSign_eraseIdx are then used to complete the proof.
Show Lean code:
lemma ofCrAnOp_superCommute_normalOrder_ofCrAnList_sum (φ : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp)
    (φs : List 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : [ofCrAnOp φ, 𝓝(ofCrAnList φs)]ₛ = ∑ n : Fin φs.length,
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.take n)) • [ofCrAnOp φ, ofCrAnOp φs[n]]ₛ
    * 𝓝(ofCrAnList (φs.eraseIdx n)) := by
  rw [normalOrder_ofCrAnList, map_smul]
  rw [superCommute_ofCrAnOp_ofCrAnList_eq_sum, Finset.smul_sum,
  funext n
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, List.get_eq_getElem, normalOrderList_get_normalOrderEquiv,
    normalOrderList_eraseIdx_normalOrderEquiv, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Fin.getElem_fin]
  rw [ofCrAnList_eq_normalOrder, mul_smul_comm, smul_smul, smul_smul]
  by_cases hs : (𝓕 |>ₛ φ) = (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[n])
  · congr
    erw [normalOrderSign_eraseIdx, ← hs]
    trans (normalOrderSign φs * normalOrderSign φs) *
      (𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.get n), 𝓕 |>ₛ ((normalOrderList φs).take (normalOrderEquiv n))) *
      𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.get n), 𝓕 |>ₛ ((normalOrderList φs).take (normalOrderEquiv n))))
      * 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.get n), 𝓕 |>ₛ (φs.take n))
    · ring_nf
      rw [hs]
    · simp [hs]
  · erw [superCommute_diff_statistic hs]
Lemma 4.9 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum):

For a field specification 𝓕, a φ in 𝓕.FieldOp and a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp then φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) is equal to

𝓝(φφ₀φ₁…φₙ) + ∑ i, (𝓢(φ,φ₀φ₁…φᵢ₋₁) • [anPart φ, φᵢ]ₛ) * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ).

The proof ultimately goes as follows:

  • ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart is used to split φ into its creation and annihilation parts.
  • The following relation is then used

    crPart φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) = 𝓝(crPart φ * φ₀φ₁…φₙ).

  • It used that anPart φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) is equal to

    𝓢(φ, φ₀φ₁…φₙ) 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) * anPart φ + [anPart φ, 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)]

  • Then it is used that

    𝓢(φ, φ₀φ₁…φₙ) 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ) * anPart φ = 𝓝(anPart φ * φ₀φ₁…φₙ)

  • The result ofCrAnOp_superCommute_normalOrder_ofCrAnList_sum is used to expand [anPart φ, 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)] as a sum.
Show Lean code:
lemma ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    ofFieldOp φ * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList φs) =
    ∑ n : Option (Fin φs.length), contractStateAtIndex φ φs n *
    𝓝(ofFieldOpList (optionEraseZ φs φ n)) := by
  rw [ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_superCommute]
  rw [anPart_superCommute_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_sum]
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, Fin.getElem_fin, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, contractStateAtIndex,
    Fintype.sum_option, one_mul]

5. Wick Contractions

5.1. Definition

Definition 5.1 (WickContraction):

Given a natural number n, which will correspond to the number of fields needing contracting, a Wick contraction is a finite set of pairs of Fin n (numbers 0, …, n-1), such that no element of Fin n occurs in more than one pair. The pairs are the positions of fields we ‘contract’ together.

Show Lean code:
def WickContraction (n : ℕ) : Type :=
  {f : Finset ((Finset (Fin n))) // (∀ a ∈ f, a.card = 2) ∧
    (∀ a ∈ f, ∀ b ∈ f, a = b ∨ Disjoint a b)}
Lemma 5.2 (WickContraction.mem_three):

For n = 3 there are 4 possible Wick contractions:

  • , corresponding to the case where no fields are contracted.
  • {{0, 1}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 0 and 1 are contracted.
  • {{0, 2}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 0 and 2 are contracted.
  • {{1, 2}}, corresponding to the case where the field at position 1 and 2 are contracted.

The proof of this result uses the fact that Lean is an executable programming language and can calculate all Wick contractions for a given n.

Show Lean code:
lemma mem_three (c : WickContraction 3) : c.1 ∈ ({∅, {{0, 1}}, {{0, 2}}, {{1, 2}}} :
    Finset (Finset (Finset (Fin 3)))) := by
  fin_cases c <;>
    simp only [Fin.isValue, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.reduceAdd, Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk,
      Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton]
  · exact Or.inl rfl
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inl rfl)
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl))
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr rfl))
Lemma 5.3 (WickContraction.mem_four):

For n = 4 there are 10 possible Wick contractions including e.g.

  • , corresponding to the case where no fields are contracted.
  • {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, corresponding to the case where the fields at position 0 and 1 are contracted, and the fields at position 2 and 3 are contracted.
  • {{0, 2}, {1, 3}}, corresponding to the case where the fields at position 0 and 2 are contracted, and the fields at position 1 and 3 are contracted.

The proof of this result uses the fact that Lean is an executable programming language and can calculate all Wick contractions for a given n.

Show Lean code:
lemma mem_four (c : WickContraction 4) : c.1 ∈ ({∅,
    {{0, 1}}, {{0, 2}}, {{0, 3}}, {{1, 2}}, {{1, 3}}, {{2,3}},
    {{0, 1}, {2, 3}}, {{0, 2}, {1, 3}}, {{0, 3}, {1, 2}}} :
    Finset (Finset (Finset (Fin 4)))) := by
  fin_cases c <;>
    simp only [Fin.isValue, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Nat.reduceAdd, Function.Embedding.coeFn_mk,
      Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton]
  · exact Or.inl rfl -- ∅
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inl rfl) -- {{0, 1}}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl)) -- {{0, 2}}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl))) -- {{0, 3}}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl)))) -- {{1, 2}}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr rfl))))))))
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl))))) -- {{1, 3}}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl))))))))
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl)))))) -- {{2, 3 }}
  · exact Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inr (Or.inl rfl)))))))
Remark: contraction_notation

Given a field specification 𝓕, and a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction of φs will mean a Wick contraction in WickContraction φs.length. The notation φsΛ will be used for such contractions. The terminology that φsΛ contracts pairs within of φs will also be used, even though φsΛ is really contains positions of φs.

Definition 5.4 (WickContraction.GradingCompliant):

For a field specification 𝓕, φs a list of 𝓕.FieldOp and a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, the Wick contraction φsΛ is said to be GradingCompliant if for every pair in φsΛ the contracted fields are either both fermionic or both bosonic. In other words, in a GradingCompliant Wick contraction if no contracted pairs occur between fermionic and bosonic fields.

Show Lean code:
def GradingCompliant (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :=
  ∀ (a : φsΛ.1), (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a]) = (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a])

5.2. Aside: Cardinality

Theorem 5.5 (WickContraction.card_eq_cardFun):

The number of Wick contractions in WickContraction n is equal to the terms in Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) A000085. That is: 1, 1, 2, 4, 10, 26, 76, 232, 764, 2620, 9496, …

Show Lean code:
theorem card_eq_cardFun : (n : ℕ) → Fintype.card (WickContraction n) = cardFun n
  | 0 => by decide
  | 1 => by decide
  | Nat.succ (Nat.succ n) => by
    rw [wickContraction_card_eq_sum_zero_none_isSome, wickContraction_zero_none_card,
    simp only [cardFun, succ_eq_add_one]
    rw [← card_eq_cardFun n, ← card_eq_cardFun (n + 1)]

5.3. Uncontracted elements

Definition 5.6 (WickContraction.uncontracted):

For a Wick contraction c, c.uncontracted is defined as the finset of elements of Fin n which are not in any contracted pair.

Show Lean code:
def uncontracted : Finset (Fin n) := Finset.filter (fun i => c.getDual? i = none) (Finset.univ)
Definition 5.7 (WickContraction.uncontractedListGet):

Given a Wick Contraction φsΛ of a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp. The list φsΛ.uncontractedListGet of 𝓕.FieldOp is defined as the list φs with all contracted positions removed, leaving the uncontracted 𝓕.FieldOp.

The notation [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ is used for φsΛ.uncontractedListGet.

Show Lean code:
def uncontractedListGet {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    List 𝓕.FieldOp := φsΛ φs.get

5.4. Constructors

Definition 5.8 (WickContraction.insertAndContract):

Given a Wick contraction φsΛ for a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, an i ≤ φs.length and a k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted i.e. is either none or some element of φsΛ.uncontracted, the new Wick contraction φsΛ.insertAndContract φ i k is defined by inserting φ into φs after the first i-elements and moving the values representing the contracted pairs in φsΛ accordingly. If k is not none, but rather some k, to this contraction is added the contraction of φ (at position i) with the new position of k after φ is added.

In other words, φsΛ.insertAndContract φ i k is formed by adding φ to φs at position i, and contracting φ with the field originally at position k if k is not none. It is a Wick contraction of the list φs.insertIdx φ i corresponding to φs with φ inserted at position i.

The notation φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k is used to denote φsΛ.insertAndContract φ i k.

Show Lean code:
def insertAndContract {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (k : Option φsΛ.uncontracted) :
    WickContraction (φs.insertIdx i φ).length :=
  congr (by simp) (φsΛ.insertAndContractNat i k)
Lemma 5.9 (WickContraction.insertLift_sum):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp and a i ≤ φs.length then a sum over Wick contractions of φs with φ inserted at i is equal to the sum over Wick contractions φsΛ of just φs and the sum over optional uncontracted elements of the φsΛ.

In other words,

∑ (φsΛ : WickContraction (φs.insertIdx i φ).length), f φsΛ

where (φs.insertIdx i φ) is φs with φ inserted at position i. is equal to

∑ (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length), ∑ k, f (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k) .

where the sum over k is over all k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted.

Show Lean code:
lemma insertLift_sum (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp}
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) [AddCommMonoid M] (f : WickContraction (φs.insertIdx i φ).length → M) :
    ∑ c, f c =
    ∑ (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length), ∑ (k : Option φsΛ.uncontracted), f (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k) := by
  rw [sum_extractEquiv_congr (finCongr (insertIdx_length_fin φ φs i).symm i) f
    (insertIdx_length_fin φ φs i)]
Definition 5.10 (WickContraction.join):

Given a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs and a Wick contraction φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ, join φsΛ φsucΛ is defined as the Wick contraction of φs consisting of the contractions in φsΛ and those in φsucΛ.

As an example, for φs = [φ1, φ2, φ3, φ4], φsΛ = {{0, 1}} corresponding to the contraction of φ1 and φ2 in φs and φsucΛ = {{0, 1}} corresponding to the contraction of φ3 and φ4 in [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ = [φ3, φ4], then join φsΛ φsucΛ is the contraction {{0, 1}, {2, 3}} of φs.

Show Lean code:
def join {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (φsucΛ : WickContraction [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ.length) : WickContraction φs.length :=
  ⟨φsΛ.1 ∪ φsucΛ (Finset.mapEmbedding uncontractedListEmd).toEmbedding, by
    intro a ha
    simp only [Finset.le_eq_subset, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_map,
      RelEmbedding.coe_toEmbedding] at ha
    rcases ha with ha | ha
    · exact φsΛ.2.1 a ha
    · obtain ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩ := ha
      rw [Finset.mapEmbedding_apply]
      simp only [Finset.card_map]
      exact φsucΛ.2.1 a ha, by
    intro a ha b hb
    simp only [Finset.le_eq_subset, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_map,
      RelEmbedding.coe_toEmbedding] at ha hb
    rcases ha with ha | ha <;> rcases hb with hb | hb
    · exact φsΛ.2.2 a ha b hb
    · obtain ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩ := hb
      rw [Finset.mapEmbedding_apply]
      apply uncontractedListEmd_finset_disjoint_left
      exact ha
    · obtain ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩ := ha
      rw [Finset.mapEmbedding_apply]
      apply uncontractedListEmd_finset_disjoint_left
      exact hb
    · obtain ⟨a, ha, rfl⟩ := ha
      obtain ⟨b, hb, rfl⟩ := hb
      simp only [EmbeddingLike.apply_eq_iff_eq]
      rw [Finset.mapEmbedding_apply, Finset.mapEmbedding_apply]
      rw [Finset.disjoint_map]
      exact φsucΛ.2.2 a ha b hb⟩

5.5. Sign

Definition 5.11 (WickContraction.sign):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, the complex number φsΛ.sign is defined to be the sign (1 or -1) corresponding to the number of fermionic-fermionic exchanges that must be done to put contracted pairs within φsΛ next to one another, starting recursively from the contracted pair whose first element occurs at the left-most position.

As an example, if [φ1, φ2, φ3, φ4] correspond to fermionic fields then the sign associated with

  • {{0, 1}} is 1
  • {{0, 1}, {2, 3}} is 1
  • {{0, 2}, {1, 3}} is -1
Show Lean code:
def sign (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : ℂ :=
  ∏ (a : φsΛ.1), 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φs[φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a],
    𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, φsΛ.signFinset (φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a) (φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a)⟩)
Lemma 5.12 (WickContraction.join_sign):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a grading compliant Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and a Wick contraction φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ, the following relation holds (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign = φsΛ.sign * φsucΛ.sign.

In φsΛ.sign the sign is determined by starting with the contracted pair whose first element occurs at the left-most position. This lemma manifests that this choice does not matter, and that contracted pairs can be brought together in any order.

Show Lean code:
lemma join_sign {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (φsucΛ : WickContraction [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ.length) (hc : φsΛ.GradingCompliant) :
    (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign = φsΛ.sign * φsucΛ.sign :=
  join_sign_induction φsΛ φsucΛ hc (φsΛ).1.card rfl
Lemma 5.13 (WickContraction.sign_insert_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a graded compliant Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an i ≤ φs.length, and a φ in 𝓕.FieldOp, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).sign = s * φsΛ.sign where s is the sign arrived at by moving φ through the elements of φ₀…φᵢ₋₁ which are contracted with some element.

The proof of this result involves a careful consideration of the contributions of different FieldOps in φs to the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none.

Show Lean code:
lemma sign_insert_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (hG : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).sign = 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, Finset.univ.filter
    (fun x => (φsΛ.getDual? x).isSome ∧ i.succAbove x < i)⟩) * φsΛ.sign := by
  rw [sign_insert_none_eq_signInsertNone_mul_sign]
  rw [signInsertNone_eq_filterset]
  exact hG
Lemma 5.14 (WickContraction.sign_insert_none_zero):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a graded compliant Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and a φ in 𝓕.FieldOp, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 none).sign = φsΛ.sign.

This is a direct corollary of sign_insert_none.

Show Lean code:
lemma sign_insert_none_zero (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 none).sign = φsΛ.sign := by
  rw [sign_insert_none_eq_signInsertNone_mul_sign]
  simp [signInsertNone]
Lemma 5.15 (WickContraction.sign_insert_some_of_not_lt):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted such that i ≤ k, the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k) is equal to the product of

  • the sign associated with moving φ through the φsΛ-uncontracted FieldOp in φ₀…φₖ₋₁,
  • the sign associated with moving φ through all the FieldOp in φ₀…φᵢ₋₁,
  • the sign of φsΛ.

The proof of this result involves a careful consideration of the contributions of different FieldOp in φs to the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k).

Show Lean code:
lemma sign_insert_some_of_not_lt (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (hk : ¬ i.succAbove k < i) (hg : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ ∧ (𝓕 |>ₛ φ) = 𝓕 |>ₛ φs[k.1]) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).sign =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x < ↑k)⟩)
    * 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, Finset.univ.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i)⟩) *
    φsΛ.sign := by
  rw [sign_insert_some,
    ← signInsertSome_mul_filter_contracted_of_not_lt φ φs φsΛ i k hk hg]
  rw [← mul_assoc]
  congr 1
  rw [mul_comm, ← mul_assoc]
Lemma 5.16 (WickContraction.sign_insert_some_of_lt):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted such that k<i, the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k) is equal to the product of

  • the sign associated with moving φ through the φsΛ-uncontracted FieldOp in φ₀…φₖ,
  • the sign associated with moving φ through all FieldOp in φ₀…φᵢ₋₁,
  • the sign of φsΛ.

The proof of this result involves a careful consideration of the contributions of different FieldOp in φs to the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k).

Show Lean code:
lemma sign_insert_some_of_lt (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (hk : i.succAbove k < i) (hg : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ ∧ (𝓕 |>ₛ φ) = 𝓕 |>ₛ φs[k.1]) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).sign =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x ≤ ↑k)⟩)
    * 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, Finset.univ.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i)⟩)
    * φsΛ.sign := by
  rw [sign_insert_some,
    ← signInsertSome_mul_filter_contracted_of_lt φ φs φsΛ i k hk hg]
  rw [← mul_assoc]
  congr 1
  rw [mul_comm, ← mul_assoc]
Lemma 5.17 (WickContraction.sign_insert_some_zero):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted, the sign of φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 (some k) is equal to the product of

  • the sign associated with moving φ through the φsΛ-uncontracted FieldOp in φ₀…φₖ₋₁,
  • the sign of φsΛ.

This is a direct corollary of sign_insert_some_of_not_lt.

Show Lean code:
lemma sign_insert_some_zero (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (hn : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ ∧ (𝓕|>ₛφ) = 𝓕|>ₛφs[k.1]) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 k).sign = 𝓢(𝓕|>ₛφ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x < ↑k))⟩) *
    φsΛ.sign := by
  rw [sign_insert_some_of_not_lt]
  · simp
  · simp
  · exact hn

5.6. Normal order

Lemma 5.18 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.normalOrder_uncontracted_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a i ≤ φs.length, then the following relation holds:

𝓝([φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none]ᵘᶜ) = s • 𝓝(φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)

where s is the exchange sign for φ and the uncontracted fields in φ₀…φᵢ₋₁.

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of normalOrder_superCommute_eq_zero.

Show Lean code:
lemma normalOrder_uncontracted_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none]ᵘᶜ)
    = 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i)⟩) •
    𝓝(ofFieldOpList (φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)) := by
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, instCommGroup.eq_1]
  rw [ofFieldOpList_normalOrder_insert φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ
    ⟨(φsΛ.uncontractedListOrderPos i), by simp [uncontractedListGet]⟩, smul_smul]
  trans (1 : ℂ) • (𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none]ᵘᶜ))
  · simp
  congr 1
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, uncontractedListGet]
  rw [← List.map_take, take_uncontractedListOrderPos_eq_filter]
  have h1 : (𝓕 |>ₛ φs.get (List.filter (fun x => decide (↑x < i.1)) φsΛ.uncontractedList))
        = 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x.val < i.1))⟩ := by
      simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, ofFinset]
      rw [uncontractedList_eq_sort]
      have hdup : (List.filter (fun x => decide (x.1 < i.1))
          (Finset.sort (fun x1 x2 => x1 ≤ x2) φsΛ.uncontracted)).Nodup := by
        exact List.Nodup.filter _ (Finset.sort_nodup (fun x1 x2 => x1 ≤ x2) φsΛ.uncontracted)
      have hsort : (List.filter (fun x => decide (x.1 < i.1))
          (Finset.sort (fun x1 x2 => x1 ≤ x2) φsΛ.uncontracted)).Sorted (· ≤ ·) := by
        exact List.Sorted.filter _ (Finset.sort_sorted (fun x1 x2 => x1 ≤ x2) φsΛ.uncontracted)
      rw [← (List.toFinset_sort (· ≤ ·) hdup).mpr hsort]
      ext a
  rw [h1]
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
  have h2 : (Finset.filter (fun x => x.1 < i.1) φsΛ.uncontracted) =
    (Finset.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i) φsΛ.uncontracted) := by
    ext a
    simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Finset.mem_filter, and_congr_right_iff]
    intro ha
    simp only [Fin.succAbove]
    · apply Iff.intro
      · intro h
      · intro h
        rename_i h
        rw [Fin.lt_def] at h
        simp only [Fin.coe_castSucc] at h
    · apply Iff.intro
      · intro h
        rename_i h'
        rw [Fin.lt_def]
        simp only [Fin.val_succ]
        rw [Fin.lt_def] at h'
        simp only [Fin.coe_castSucc, not_lt] at h'
      · intro h
        rename_i h
        rw [Fin.lt_def] at h
        simp only [Fin.val_succ] at h
  rw [h2]
  simp only [exchangeSign_mul_self]
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
  rw [insertAndContract_uncontractedList_none_map]
Lemma 5.19 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.normalOrder_uncontracted_some):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted, then 𝓝([φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)]ᵘᶜ) is equal to the normal ordering of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ with the 𝓕.FieldOp corresponding to k removed.

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions.

Show Lean code:
lemma normalOrder_uncontracted_some (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted) :
    𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)]ᵘᶜ)
    = 𝓝(ofFieldOpList (optionEraseZ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ φ ((uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ) k))) := by
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, insertAndContract, optionEraseZ, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv,
    Equiv.optionCongr_apply, Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some', Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply,
    Fin.coe_cast, uncontractedListGet]
  rw [congr_uncontractedList]
  erw [uncontractedList_extractEquiv_symm_some]
  simp only [Fin.coe_succAboveEmb, List.map_eraseIdx, List.map_map]
  conv_rhs => rw [get_eq_insertIdx_succAbove φ φs i]

6. Static Wick's theorem

6.1. Static contractions

Definition 6.1 (WickContraction.staticContract):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp and a Wick contraction φsΛ, the element of the center of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, φsΛ.staticContract is defined as the product of [anPart φs[j], φs[k]]ₛ over contracted pairs {j, k} in φsΛ with j < k.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def staticContract {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp}
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : ℂ 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
  ∏ (a : φsΛ.1), ⟨[anPart (φs.get (φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a)),
    ofFieldOp (φs.get (φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a))]ₛ,
      superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_mem_center _ _⟩
Lemma 6.2 (WickContraction.staticContract_insert_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a i ≤ φs.length, then the following relation holds:

(φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).staticContract = φsΛ.staticContract

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions.

Show Lean code:
lemma staticContract_insert_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).staticContract = φsΛ.staticContract := by
  rw [staticContract, insertAndContract_none_prod_contractions]
  ext a
Lemma 6.3 (WickContraction.staticContract_insert_some):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).staticContract is equal to the product of

  • [anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ if i ≤ k or [anPart φs[k], φ]ₛ if k < i
  • φsΛ.staticContract.

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions.

Show Lean code:
lemma staticContract_insert_some
    (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (j : φsΛ.uncontracted) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some j)).staticContract =
    (if i < i.succAbove j then
      ⟨[anPart φ, ofFieldOp φs[j.1]]ₛ, superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_mem_center _ _⟩
    else ⟨[anPart φs[j.1], ofFieldOp φ]ₛ, superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_mem_center _ _⟩) *
    φsΛ.staticContract := by
  rw [staticContract, insertAndContract_some_prod_contractions]
  congr 1
  · simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, insertAndContract_fstFieldOfContract_some_incl, finCongr_apply,
    List.get_eq_getElem, insertAndContract_sndFieldOfContract_some_incl, Fin.getElem_fin]
    · simp
    · simp
  · congr
    ext a

6.2. Static Wick terms

Definition 6.4 (WickContraction.staticWickTerm):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, φsΛ.staticWickTerm is defined as

φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ).

This is a term which appears in the static version Wick’s theorem.

Show Lean code:
def staticWickTerm {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
  φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)
Lemma 6.5 (WickContraction.staticWickTerm_empty_nil):

For the empty list [] of 𝓕.FieldOp, the staticWickTerm of the Wick contraction corresponding to the empty set (the only Wick contraction of []) is 1.

Show Lean code:
lemma staticWickTerm_empty_nil :
    staticWickTerm (empty (n := ([] : List 𝓕.FieldOp).length)) = 1 := by
  rw [staticWickTerm, uncontractedListGet, nil_zero_uncontractedList]
  simp [sign, empty, staticContract]
Lemma 6.6 (WickContraction.staticWickTerm_insert_zero_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 none).staticWickTerm is equal to

φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticWickTerm * 𝓝(φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)

The proof of this result relies on

  • staticContract_insert_none to rewrite the static contract.
  • sign_insert_none_zero to rewrite the sign.
Show Lean code:
lemma staticWickTerm_insert_zero_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 none).staticWickTerm =
    φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList (φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)) := by
  erw [staticWickTerm, sign_insert_none_zero]
  simp only [staticContract_insert_none, insertAndContract_uncontractedList_none_zero,
Lemma 6.7 (WickContraction.staticWickTerm_insert_zero_some):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted, (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 (some k)).wickTerm is equal to the product of

  • the sign 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁)
  • the sign φsΛ.sign
  • φsΛ.staticContract
  • s • [anPart φ, ofFieldOp φs[k]]ₛ where s is the sign associated with moving φ through uncontracted fields in φ₀…φₖ₋₁
  • the normal ordering of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ with the field operator φs[k] removed.

The proof of this result ultimately relies on

  • staticContract_insert_some to rewrite static contractions.
  • normalOrder_uncontracted_some to rewrite normal orderings.
  • sign_insert_some_zero to rewrite signs.
Show Lean code:
lemma staticWickTerm_insert_zero_some (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (k : { x // x ∈ φsΛ.uncontracted }) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 k).staticWickTerm =
    sign φs φsΛ • (↑φsΛ.staticContract *
    (contractStateAtIndex φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ ((uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ) (some k)) *
    𝓝(ofFieldOpList (optionEraseZ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ φ (uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ k))))) := by
  rw [staticWickTerm, normalOrder_uncontracted_some]
  simp only [← mul_assoc]
  rw [← smul_mul_assoc]
  congr 1
  rw [staticContract_insert_some_of_lt]
  · simp
  rw [smul_smul]
  by_cases hn : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ ∧ (𝓕|>ₛφ) = (𝓕|>ₛ φs[k.1])
  · congr 1
    · rw [ φsΛ.staticContract.2]
    · rw [sign_insert_some_zero _ _ _ _ hn, mul_comm, ← mul_assoc]
  · simp only [Fin.getElem_fin, not_and] at hn
    by_cases h0 : ¬ GradingCompliant φs φsΛ
    · rw [staticContract_of_not_gradingCompliant]
      simp only [ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, zero_mul, smul_zero, instCommGroup.eq_1, mul_zero]
      exact h0
    · simp_all only [Finset.mem_univ, not_not, instCommGroup.eq_1, forall_const]
      have h1 : contractStateAtIndex φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ (uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ k) = 0 := by
        simp only [contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
          Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some', Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply,
          instCommGroup.eq_1, Fin.coe_cast, Fin.getElem_fin, smul_eq_zero]
        simp only [uncontractedListGet, List.getElem_map,
          uncontractedList_getElem_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm, List.get_eq_getElem]
        rw [superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOpF_diff_grade_zero]
        exact hn
      rw [h1]
Lemma 6.8 (WickContraction.mul_staticWickTerm_eq_sum):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, the following relation holds

φ * φsΛ.staticWickTerm = ∑ k, (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 k).staticWickTerm

where the sum is over all k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted, so k is either none or some k.

The proof proceeds as follows:

  • ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum is used to expand φ 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ) as a sum over k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted of terms involving [anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ.
  • Then staticWickTerm_insert_zero_none and staticWickTerm_insert_zero_some are used to equate terms.
Show Lean code:
lemma mul_staticWickTerm_eq_sum (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    ofFieldOp φ * φsΛ.staticWickTerm =
    ∑ (k : Option φsΛ.uncontracted), (φsΛ ↩Λ φ 0 k).staticWickTerm := by
  trans (φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * (ofFieldOp φ * normalOrder (ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)))
  · have ht := (Subalgebra.smul_mem ( ℂ _)
      (φsΛ.staticContract).2 φsΛ.sign)
    conv_rhs => rw [← mul_assoc, ← ht]
    simp [mul_assoc, staticWickTerm]
  rw [ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum]
  rw [Finset.mul_sum]
  rw [uncontractedFieldOpEquiv_list_sum]
  refine Finset.sum_congr rfl (fun n _ => ?_)
  match n with
  | none =>
    simp only [contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
      Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_none', one_mul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Nat.succ_eq_add_one,
      Fin.zero_eta, Fin.val_zero, List.insertIdx_zero, staticContract_insert_none,
    rw [staticWickTerm_insert_zero_none]
    simp only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
  | some n =>
    simp only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Fin.zero_eta, Fin.val_zero,
    rw [staticWickTerm_insert_zero_some]

6.3. The Static Wick's theorem

Theorem 6.9 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.static_wick_theorem):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, the static version of Wick’s theorem states that

φs = ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.staticWickTerm

where the sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ.

The proof is via induction on φs.

  • The base case φs = [] is handled by staticWickTerm_empty_nil.

The inductive step works as follows:

For the LHS:

  1. The proof considers φ₀…φₙ as φ₀(φ₁…φₙ) and uses the induction hypothesis on φ₁…φₙ.
  2. This gives terms of the form φ * φsΛ.staticWickTerm on which mul_staticWickTerm_eq_sum is used where φsΛ is a Wick contraction of φ₁…φₙ, to rewrite terms as a sum over optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ

On the LHS we now have a sum over Wick contractions φsΛ of φ₁…φₙ (from 1) and optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ (from 2)

For the RHS:

  1. The sum over Wick contractions of φ₀…φₙ on the RHS is split via insertLift_sum into a sum over Wick contractions φsΛ of φ₁…φₙ and sum over optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ.

Both sides are now sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the lemmas used.

Show Lean code:
theorem static_wick_theorem : (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) →
    ofFieldOpList φs = ∑ (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length), φsΛ.staticWickTerm
  | [] => by
    simp only [ofFieldOpList, ofFieldOpListF_nil, map_one, List.length_nil]
    rw [sum_WickContraction_nil]
    rw [staticWickTerm_empty_nil]
  | φ :: φs => by
    rw [ofFieldOpList_cons, static_wick_theorem φs]
    rw [show (φ :: φs) = φs.insertIdx (⟨0, Nat.zero_lt_succ φs.length⟩ : Fin φs.length.succ) φ
      from rfl]
    conv_rhs => rw [insertLift_sum]
    rw [Finset.mul_sum]
    apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
    intro c _
    rw [mul_staticWickTerm_eq_sum]

7. Wick's theorem

7.1. Time contractions

Definition 7.1 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeContract):

For a field specification 𝓕, and φ and ψ elements of 𝓕.FieldOp, the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, timeContract φ ψ is defined to be 𝓣(φψ) - 𝓝(φψ).

Show Lean code:
def timeContract (φ ψ : 𝓕.FieldOp) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
    𝓣(ofFieldOp φ * ofFieldOp ψ) - 𝓝(ofFieldOp φ * ofFieldOp ψ)
Lemma 7.2 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeContract_of_timeOrderRel):

For a field specification 𝓕, and φ and ψ elements of 𝓕.FieldOp, if φ and ψ are time-ordered then

timeContract φ ψ = [anPart φ, ofFieldOp ψ]ₛ.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_of_timeOrderRel (φ ψ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (h : timeOrderRel φ ψ) :
    timeContract φ ψ = [anPart φ, ofFieldOp ψ]ₛ := by
  conv_rhs =>
    rw [ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart]
    rw [map_add, superCommute_anPart_anPart, superCommute_anPart_crPart]
  simp only [timeContract, instCommGroup.eq_1, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, add_zero]
  rw [timeOrder_ofFieldOp_ofFieldOp_ordered h]
  rw [normalOrder_ofFieldOp_mul_ofFieldOp]
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1]
  rw [ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart, ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart]
  simp only [mul_add, add_mul]
Lemma 7.3 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel_expand):

For a field specification 𝓕, and φ and ψ elements of 𝓕.FieldOp, if φ and ψ are not time-ordered then

timeContract φ ψ = 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ψ) • [anPart ψ, ofFieldOp φ]ₛ.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel_expand (φ ψ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (h : ¬ timeOrderRel φ ψ) :
    timeContract φ ψ = 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ψ) • [anPart ψ, ofFieldOp φ]ₛ := by
  rw [timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel _ _ h]
  rw [timeContract_of_timeOrderRel _ _ _]
  have h1 := (r := 𝓕.timeOrderRel) φ ψ
Lemma 7.4 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeContract_mem_center):

For a field specification 𝓕, and φ and ψ elements of 𝓕.FieldOp, then timeContract φ ψ is in the center of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_mem_center (φ ψ : 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    timeContract φ ψ ∈ ℂ 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := by
  by_cases h : timeOrderRel φ ψ
  · rw [timeContract_of_timeOrderRel _ _ h]
    exact superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_mem_center φ ψ
  · rw [timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel _ _ h]
    refine Subalgebra.smul_mem ( ℂ _) ?_ 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ψ)
    rw [timeContract_of_timeOrderRel]
    exact superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_mem_center _ _
    have h1 := (r := 𝓕.timeOrderRel) φ ψ
Definition 7.5 (WickContraction.timeContract):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp and a Wick contraction φsΛ the element of the center of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, φsΛ.timeContract is defined as the product of timeContract φs[j] φs[k] over contracted pairs {j, k} in φsΛ with j < k.

Show Lean code:
noncomputable def timeContract {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp}
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : ℂ 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
  ∏ (a : φsΛ.1), ⟨FieldOpAlgebra.timeContract
    (φs.get (φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a)) (φs.get (φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a)),
    timeContract_mem_center _ _⟩
Lemma 7.6 (WickContraction.timeContract_insert_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a i ≤ φs.length the following relation holds

(φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).timeContract = φsΛ.timeContract

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_insert_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).timeContract = φsΛ.timeContract := by
  rw [timeContract, insertAndContract_none_prod_contractions]
  ext a
Lemma 7.7 (WickContraction.timeContract_insert_some_of_not_lt):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted such that k < i, with the condition that φs[k] does not have time greater or equal to φ, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).timeContract is equal to the product of

  • [anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ
  • φsΛ.timeContract
  • the exchange sign of φ with the uncontracted fields in φ₀…φₖ₋₁.
  • the exchange sign of φ with the uncontracted fields in φ₀…φₖ.

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions and timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel_expand.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_insert_some_of_not_lt
    (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (ht : ¬ 𝓕.timeOrderRel φs[k.1] φ) (hik : ¬ i < i.succAbove k) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).timeContract =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x ≤ k))⟩)
    • (contractStateAtIndex φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ
      ((uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ) (some k)) * φsΛ.timeContract) := by
  rw [timeContract_insertAndContract_some]
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Fin.getElem_fin, ite_mul, instCommGroup.eq_1,
    contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
    Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some', Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply, Fin.coe_cast,
    List.getElem_map, uncontractedList_getElem_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm, List.get_eq_getElem,
    Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, uncontractedListGet]
  simp only [hik, ↓reduceIte, MulMemClass.coe_mul]
  rw [timeContract_of_not_timeOrderRel, timeContract_of_timeOrderRel]
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, smul_smul]
  have h1 : ofList 𝓕.fieldOpStatistic (List.take (↑(φsΛ.uncontractedIndexEquiv.symm k))
      ( φs.get φsΛ.uncontractedList))
      = (𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (Finset.filter (fun x => x < k) φsΛ.uncontracted)⟩) := by
    simp only [ofFinset]
    rw [← List.map_take]
    rw [take_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm, filter_uncontractedList]
  rw [h1]
  trans 𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, {k.1}⟩)
  · rw [exchangeSign_symm, ofFinset_singleton]
  rw [← map_mul]
  rw [ofFinset_union]
  ext a
  simp only [Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_sdiff, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_filter,
    Finset.mem_inter, not_and, not_lt, and_imp]
  apply Iff.intro
  · intro h
    subst h
  · intro h
    have h1 := h.1
    rcases h1 with h1 | h1
    · have h2' := h.2 h1.1 h1.2 h1.1
    · have h2' := h.2 h1.1 (by omega) h1.1
  have ht := (r := timeOrderRel) φs[k.1] φ
  simp_all only [Fin.getElem_fin, Nat.succ_eq_add_one, not_lt, false_or]
  exact ht
Lemma 7.8 (WickContraction.timeContract_insert_some_of_lt):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted such that i ≤ k, with the condition that φ has greater or equal time to φs[k], then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).timeContract is equal to the product of

  • [anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ
  • φsΛ.timeContract
  • two copies of the exchange sign of φ with the uncontracted fields in φ₀…φₖ₋₁. These two exchange signs cancel each other out but are included for convenience.

The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions and timeContract_of_timeOrderRel.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeContract_insert_some_of_lt
    (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (ht : 𝓕.timeOrderRel φ φs[k.1]) (hik : i < i.succAbove k) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).timeContract =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (φsΛ.uncontracted.filter (fun x => x < k))⟩)
    • (contractStateAtIndex φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ ((uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ) (some k)) *
      φsΛ.timeContract) := by
  rw [timeContract_insertAndContract_some]
  simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Fin.getElem_fin, ite_mul, instCommGroup.eq_1,
    contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
    Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some', Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply, Fin.coe_cast,
    List.getElem_map, uncontractedList_getElem_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm, List.get_eq_getElem,
    Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, uncontractedListGet]
  · simp only [hik, ↓reduceIte, MulMemClass.coe_mul]
    rw [timeContract_of_timeOrderRel]
    trans (1 : ℂ) • ((superCommute (anPart φ)) (ofFieldOp φs[k.1]) * ↑φsΛ.timeContract)
    · simp
    simp only [smul_smul]
    congr 1
    have h1 : ofList 𝓕.fieldOpStatistic (List.take (↑(φsΛ.uncontractedIndexEquiv.symm k))
        ( φs.get φsΛ.uncontractedList))
        = (𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (Finset.filter (fun x => x < k) φsΛ.uncontracted)⟩) := by
      simp only [ofFinset]
      rw [← List.map_take]
      rw [take_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm]
      rw [filter_uncontractedList]
    rw [h1]
    simp only [exchangeSign_mul_self]
    · exact ht
Lemma 7.9 (WickContraction.join_sign_timeContract):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, and a Wick contraction φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ, (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign • (join φsΛ φsucΛ).timeContract is equal to the product of

  • φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract and
  • φsucΛ.sign • φsucΛ.timeContract.
Show Lean code:
lemma join_sign_timeContract {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (φsucΛ : WickContraction [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ.length) :
    (join φsΛ φsucΛ).sign • (join φsΛ φsucΛ).timeContract.1 =
    (φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract.1) * (φsucΛ.sign • φsucΛ.timeContract.1) := by
  rw [join_timeContract]
  by_cases h : φsΛ.GradingCompliant
  · rw [join_sign _ _ h]
    simp [smul_smul, mul_comm]
  · rw [timeContract_of_not_gradingCompliant _ _ h]

7.2. Wick terms

Definition 7.10 (WickContraction.wickTerm):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, and a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, the element of 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra, φsΛ.wickTerm is defined as

φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ).

This is a term which appears in the Wick’s theorem.

Show Lean code:
def wickTerm {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
  φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)
Lemma 7.11 (WickContraction.wickTerm_empty_nil):

For the empty list [] of 𝓕.FieldOp, the wickTerm of the Wick contraction corresponding to the empty set (the only Wick contraction of []) is 1.

Show Lean code:
lemma wickTerm_empty_nil :
    wickTerm (empty (n := ([] : List 𝓕.FieldOp).length)) = 1 := by
  rw [wickTerm]
  simp [sign_empty]
Lemma 7.12 (WickContraction.wickTerm_insert_none):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and i ≤ φs.length, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).wickTerm is equal to

𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝(φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)

The proof of this result relies on

  • normalOrder_uncontracted_none to rewrite normal orderings.
  • timeContract_insert_none to rewrite the time contract.
  • sign_insert_none to rewrite the sign.
Show Lean code:
lemma wickTerm_insert_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).wickTerm =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (Finset.univ.filter (fun k => i.succAbove k < i))⟩)
    • (φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList (φ :: [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ))) := by
  rw [wickTerm]
  by_cases hg : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ
  · rw [normalOrder_uncontracted_none, sign_insert_none _ _ _ _ hg]
    simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, timeContract_insert_none, instCommGroup.eq_1,
      Algebra.mul_smul_comm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, smul_smul]
    congr 1
    rw [← mul_assoc]
    congr 1
    rw [← map_mul]
    rw [ofFinset_union]
    ext a
    simp only [Finset.mem_sdiff, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_filter, Finset.mem_univ, true_and,
      Finset.mem_inter, not_and, not_lt, and_imp]
    apply Iff.intro
    · intro ha
      have ha1 := ha.1
      rcases ha1 with ha1 | ha1
      · exact ha1.2
      · exact ha1.2
    · intro ha
      simp only [uncontracted, Finset.mem_filter, Finset.mem_univ, true_and, ha, and_true,
      have hx : φsΛ.getDual? a = none ↔ ¬ (φsΛ.getDual? a).isSome := by
      rw [hx]
      simp only [Bool.not_eq_true, Bool.eq_false_or_eq_true_self, true_and]
      intro h1 h2
  · simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, timeContract_insert_none, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc,
    rw [timeContract_of_not_gradingCompliant]
    simp only [ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, zero_mul, smul_zero]
    exact hg
Lemma 7.13 (WickContraction.wickTerm_insert_some):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, i ≤ φs.length and a k in φsΛ.uncontracted, such that all 𝓕.FieldOp in φ₀…φᵢ₋₁ have time strictly less than φ and φ has a time greater than or equal to all FieldOp in φ₀…φₙ, then (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).staticWickTerm is equal to the product of

  • the sign 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁)
  • the sign φsΛ.sign
  • φsΛ.timeContract
  • s • [anPart φ, ofFieldOp φs[k]]ₛ where s is the sign associated with moving φ through uncontracted fields in φ₀…φₖ₋₁
  • the normal ordering [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ with the field corresponding to k removed.

The proof of this result relies on

  • timeContract_insert_some_of_not_lt and timeContract_insert_some_of_lt to rewrite time contractions.
  • normalOrder_uncontracted_some to rewrite normal orderings.
  • sign_insert_some_of_not_lt and sign_insert_some_of_lt to rewrite signs.
Show Lean code:
lemma wickTerm_insert_some (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
    (i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted)
    (hlt : ∀ (k : Fin φs.length), timeOrderRel φ φs[k])
    (hn : ∀ (k : Fin φs.length), i.succAbove k < i → ¬ timeOrderRel φs[k] φ) :
    (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).wickTerm =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (Finset.univ.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i))⟩)
    • (φsΛ.sign • (contractStateAtIndex φ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ
      ((uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ) (some k)) * φsΛ.timeContract)
    * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList (optionEraseZ [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ φ (uncontractedFieldOpEquiv φs φsΛ k)))) := by
  rw [wickTerm]
  by_cases hg : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ ∧ (𝓕 |>ₛ φ) = (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[k.1])
  · by_cases hk : i.succAbove k < i
    · rw [WickContraction.timeContract_insert_some_of_not_lt]
      · exact hn _ hk
      · rw [normalOrder_uncontracted_some, sign_insert_some_of_lt φ φs φsΛ i k hk hg]
        simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, smul_smul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
        congr 1
        rw [mul_assoc, mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_assoc]
      · omega
    · have hik : i.succAbove ↑k ≠ i := Fin.succAbove_ne i ↑k
      rw [timeContract_insert_some_of_lt]
      · exact hlt _
      · rw [normalOrder_uncontracted_some]
        rw [sign_insert_some_of_not_lt φ φs φsΛ i k hk hg]
        simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, smul_smul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
        congr 1
        rw [mul_assoc, mul_assoc, mul_comm, mul_assoc, mul_assoc]
      · omega
  · rw [timeContract_insertAndContract_some]
    simp only [Fin.getElem_fin, not_and] at hg
    by_cases hg' : GradingCompliant φs φsΛ
    · have hg := hg hg'
      simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Fin.getElem_fin, ite_mul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc,
        instCommGroup.eq_1, contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
        Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some', Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply, Fin.coe_cast,
        List.getElem_map, uncontractedList_getElem_uncontractedIndexEquiv_symm, List.get_eq_getElem,
      by_cases h1 : i < i.succAbove ↑k
      · simp only [h1, ↓reduceIte, MulMemClass.coe_mul]
        rw [timeContract_zero_of_diff_grade]
        simp only [zero_mul, smul_zero]
        rw [superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOpF_diff_grade_zero]
        simp only [zero_mul, smul_zero]
        exact hg
        exact hg
      · simp only [h1, ↓reduceIte, MulMemClass.coe_mul]
        rw [timeContract_zero_of_diff_grade]
        simp only [zero_mul, smul_zero]
        rw [superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOpF_diff_grade_zero]
        simp only [zero_mul, smul_zero]
        exact hg
        exact fun a => hg (id (Eq.symm a))
    · rw [timeContract_of_not_gradingCompliant]
      simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Fin.getElem_fin, mul_zero, ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, smul_zero,
        zero_mul, instCommGroup.eq_1]
      exact hg'
Lemma 7.14 (WickContraction.mul_wickTerm_eq_sum):

For a list φs = φ₀…φₙ of 𝓕.FieldOp, a Wick contraction φsΛ of φs, an element φ of 𝓕.FieldOp, and i ≤ φs.length such that all 𝓕.FieldOp in φ₀…φᵢ₋₁ have time strictly less than φ and φ has a time greater than or equal to all FieldOp in φ₀…φₙ, then

φ * φsΛ.wickTerm = 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • ∑ k, (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k).wickTerm

where the sum is over all k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted, so k is either none or some k.

The proof proceeds as follows:

  • ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum is used to expand φ 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ) as a sum over k in Option φsΛ.uncontracted of terms involving [anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ.
  • Then wickTerm_insert_none and wickTerm_insert_some are used to equate terms.
Show Lean code:
lemma mul_wickTerm_eq_sum (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) (i : Fin φs.length.succ)
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (hlt : ∀ (k : Fin φs.length), timeOrderRel φ φs[k])
    (hn : ∀ (k : Fin φs.length), i.succAbove k < i → ¬timeOrderRel φs[k] φ) :
    ofFieldOp φ * φsΛ.wickTerm =
    𝓢(𝓕 |>ₛ φ, 𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨φs.get, (Finset.univ.filter (fun x => i.succAbove x < i))⟩) •
    ∑ (k : Option φsΛ.uncontracted), (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k).wickTerm := by
  trans (φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract) * ((ofFieldOp φ) * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ))
  · have ht := (Subalgebra.smul_mem ( ℂ _)
      (WickContraction.timeContract φsΛ).2 (φsΛ.sign))
    rw [wickTerm]
    rw [← mul_assoc, ht, mul_assoc]
  rw [ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum, Finset.mul_sum,
    uncontractedFieldOpEquiv_list_sum, Finset.smul_sum]
  simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, Nat.succ_eq_add_one]
  congr 1
  funext n
  match n with
  | none =>
    rw [wickTerm_insert_none]
    simp only [contractStateAtIndex, uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply,
      Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_none', one_mul, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, instCommGroup.eq_1,
    congr 1
    rw [← mul_assoc, exchangeSign_mul_self]
  | some n =>
    rw [wickTerm_insert_some _ _ _ _ _
      (fun k => hlt k) (fun k a => hn k a)]
    simp only [uncontractedFieldOpEquiv, Equiv.optionCongr_apply, Equiv.coe_trans, Option.map_some',
      Function.comp_apply, finCongr_apply, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, instCommGroup.eq_1, smul_smul]
    congr 1
    · rw [← mul_assoc, exchangeSign_mul_self]
      rw [one_mul]
    · rw [← mul_assoc]
      congr 1
      have ht := (WickContraction.timeContract φsΛ).prop
      rw [@Subalgebra.mem_center_iff] at ht
      rw [ht]

7.3. Wick's theorem

Theorem 7.15 (FieldSpecification.wicks_theorem):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, Wick’s theorem states that

𝓣(φs) = ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.wickTerm

where the sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ.

The proof is via induction on φs.

  • The base case φs = [] is handled by wickTerm_empty_nil.

The inductive step works as follows:

For the LHS:

  1. timeOrder_eq_maxTimeField_mul_finset is used to write 𝓣(φ₀…φₙ) as 𝓢(φᵢ,φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • φᵢ * 𝓣(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φₙ) where φᵢ is the maximal time field in φ₀…φₙ
  2. The induction hypothesis is then used on 𝓣(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φₙ) to expand it as a sum over Wick contractions of φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φₙ.
  3. This gives terms of the form φᵢ * φsΛ.wickTerm on which mul_wickTerm_eq_sum is used where φsΛ is a Wick contraction of φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φ, to rewrite terms as a sum over optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ

On the LHS we now have a sum over Wick contractions φsΛ of φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φ (from 2) and optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ (from 3)

For the RHS:

  1. The sum over Wick contractions of φ₀…φₙ on the RHS is split via insertLift_sum into a sum over Wick contractions φsΛ of φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φ and sum over optional uncontracted elements of φsΛ.

Both sides are now sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the lemmas used.

Show Lean code:
theorem wicks_theorem : (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) → 𝓣(ofFieldOpList φs) =
    ∑ (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length), φsΛ.wickTerm
  | [] => by
    rw [timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_nil]
    simp only [map_one, List.length_nil, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
    rw [sum_WickContraction_nil]
    simp only [wickTerm_empty_nil]
  | φ :: φs => by
    have ih := wicks_theorem (eraseMaxTimeField φ φs)
    conv_lhs => rw [timeOrder_eq_maxTimeField_mul_finset, ih, Finset.mul_sum]
    have h1 : φ :: φs =
        (eraseMaxTimeField φ φs).insertIdx (maxTimeFieldPosFin φ φs) (maxTimeField φ φs) := by
      simp only [eraseMaxTimeField, insertionSortDropMinPos, List.length_cons, Nat.succ_eq_add_one,
        maxTimeField, insertionSortMin, List.get_eq_getElem]
      erw [insertIdx_eraseIdx_fin]
    conv_rhs => rw [wicks_theorem_congr h1]
    conv_rhs => rw [insertLift_sum]
    apply Finset.sum_congr rfl
    intro c _
    rw [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, mul_wickTerm_eq_sum
      (maxTimeField φ φs) (eraseMaxTimeField φ φs) (maxTimeFieldPosFin φ φs) c]
    trans (1 : ℂ) • ∑ k : Option { x // x ∈ c.uncontracted },
      (c ↩Λ (maxTimeField φ φs) (maxTimeFieldPosFin φ φs) k).wickTerm
    · simp [uncontractedListGet]
    rw [smul_smul]
    simp only [instCommGroup.eq_1, exchangeSign_mul_self, Nat.succ_eq_add_one,
      Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Fintype.sum_option, timeContract_insert_none,
      Finset.univ_eq_attach, smul_add, one_smul, uncontractedListGet]
    · exact fun k => timeOrder_maxTimeField _ _ k
    · exact fun k => lt_maxTimeFieldPosFin_not_timeOrder _ _ k
termination_by φs => φs.length

8. Normal-ordered Wick's theorem

Lemma 8.1 (WickContraction.EqTimeOnly.timeOrder_staticContract_of_not_mem):

Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp and φsΛ a WickContraction with at least one contraction between 𝓕.FieldOp that do not have the same time. Then 𝓣(φsΛ.staticContract.1) = 0.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_staticContract_of_not_mem {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (hl : ¬ φsΛ.EqTimeOnly) : 𝓣(φsΛ.staticContract.1) = 0 := by
  obtain ⟨i, j, hij, φsucΛ, rfl, hr⟩ := exists_join_singleton_of_not_eqTimeOnly φsΛ hl
  rw [join_staticContract]
  simp only [MulMemClass.coe_mul]
  rw [singleton_staticContract]
  rw [timeOrder_timeOrder_left]
  rw [timeOrder_superCommute_anPart_ofFieldOp_neq_time]
  simp only [zero_mul, map_zero]
  intro h
Lemma 8.2 (WickContraction.EqTimeOnly.staticContract_eq_timeContract_of_eqTimeOnly):

Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp and φsΛ a WickContraction of φs within which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOps that have the same time, then φsΛ.staticContract = φsΛ.timeContract.

Show Lean code:
lemma staticContract_eq_timeContract_of_eqTimeOnly (h : φsΛ.EqTimeOnly) :
    φsΛ.staticContract = φsΛ.timeContract := by
  simp only [staticContract, timeContract]
  apply congrArg
  funext a
  simp only [List.get_eq_getElem]
  rw [timeContract_of_timeOrderRel]
  apply timeOrderRel_of_eqTimeOnly_pair φsΛ
  rw [← finset_eq_fstFieldOfContract_sndFieldOfContract]
  exact a.2
  exact h
Lemma 8.3 (WickContraction.EqTimeOnly.timeOrder_timeContract_mul_of_eqTimeOnly_left):

Let φs be a list of 𝓕.FieldOp, φsΛ a WickContraction of φs within which every contraction involves two 𝓕.FieldOps that have the same time and b a general element in 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra. Then 𝓣(φsΛ.timeContract.1 * b) = φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(b).

This follows from properties of orderings and the ideal defining 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra.

Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_timeContract_mul_of_eqTimeOnly_left {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp}
    (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length)
    (hl : φsΛ.EqTimeOnly) (b : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra) :
    𝓣(φsΛ.timeContract.1 * b) = φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(b) := by
  trans 𝓣(1 * φsΛ.timeContract.1 * b)
  simp only [one_mul]
  rw [timeOrder_timeContract_mul_of_eqTimeOnly_mid φsΛ hl]
Lemma 8.4 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eqTimeOnly):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, then

𝓣(φs) = ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓣(𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ))

where the sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ which only have equal time contractions.

This result follows from

  • static_wick_theorem to rewrite 𝓣(φs) on the left hand side as a sum of 𝓣(φsΛ.staticWickTerm).
  • EqTimeOnly.timeOrder_staticContract_of_not_mem and timeOrder_timeOrder_mid to set to those 𝓣(φsΛ.staticWickTerm) for which φsΛ has a contracted pair which are not equal time to zero.
  • staticContract_eq_timeContract_of_eqTimeOnly to rewrite the static contract in the remaining 𝓣(φsΛ.staticWickTerm) as a time contract.
  • timeOrder_timeContract_mul_of_eqTimeOnly_left to move the time contracts out of the time ordering.
Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eqTimeOnly (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    𝓣(ofFieldOpList φs) = ∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly (φs := φs)}),
    φsΛ.1.sign • φsΛ.1.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ)) := by
  rw [static_wick_theorem φs]
  let e2 : WickContraction φs.length ≃
    {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly} ⊕
    {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // ¬ φsΛ.EqTimeOnly} :=
    (Equiv.sumCompl _).symm
  rw [← e2.symm.sum_comp]
  simp only [Equiv.symm_symm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Fintype.sum_sum_type,
    Equiv.sumCompl_apply_inl, Equiv.sumCompl_apply_inr, map_add, map_sum, map_smul, e2]
  simp only [staticWickTerm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, map_smul]
  conv_lhs =>
    enter [2, 2, x]
    rw [timeOrder_timeOrder_left]
    rw [timeOrder_staticContract_of_not_mem _ x.2]
  simp only [Finset.univ_eq_attach, zero_mul, map_zero, smul_zero, Finset.sum_const_zero, add_zero]
  funext x
  rw [staticContract_eq_timeContract_of_eqTimeOnly]
  rw [timeOrder_timeContract_mul_of_eqTimeOnly_left]
  exact x.2
  exact x.2
Lemma 8.5 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.normalOrder_timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_eqTimeOnly_empty):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, then

𝓣(𝓝(φs)) = 𝓣(φs) - ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ))

where the sum is over all non-empty Wick contraction φsΛ which only have equal time contractions.

This result follows directly from

  • timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eqTimeOnly
Show Lean code:
lemma normalOrder_timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_eqTimeOnly_empty (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    𝓣(𝓝(ofFieldOpList φs)) = 𝓣(ofFieldOpList φs) -
    ∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly (φs := φs) ∧ φsΛ ≠ empty}),
    φsΛ.1.sign • φsΛ.1.timeContract.1 * 𝓣(𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ)) := by
  rw [timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_eqTimeOnly_empty]
Lemma 8.6 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.timeOrder_haveEqTime_split):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, then 𝓣(φs) is equal to the sum of

  • ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.wickTerm where the sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ which have no contractions of equal time.
  • ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * (∑ φssucΛ, φssucΛ.wickTerm), where the first sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ which only have equal time contractions and the second sum is over all Wick contraction φssucΛ of the uncontracted elements of φsΛ which do not have any equal time contractions.

The proof proceeds as follows

  • wicks_theorem is used to rewrite 𝓣(φs) as a sum over all Wick contractions.
  • The sum over all Wick contractions is then split additively into two parts based on having or not having an equal time contractions.
  • Using join, the sum ∑ φsΛ, _ over Wick contractions which do have equal time contractions is split into two sums ∑ φsΛ, ∑ φsucΛ, _, the first over non-zero elements which only have equal time contractions and the second over Wick contractions φsucΛ of [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ which do not have equal time contractions.
  • join_sign_timeContract is then used to equate terms.
Show Lean code:
lemma timeOrder_haveEqTime_split (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) :
    𝓣(ofFieldOpList φs) = (∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // ¬ HaveEqTime φsΛ}),
    φsΛ.1.sign • φsΛ.1.timeContract.1 * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ))
    + ∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ // φsΛ.EqTimeOnly (φs := φs) ∧ φsΛ ≠ empty}), φsΛ.1.sign • φsΛ.1.timeContract *
    (∑ φssucΛ : { φssucΛ : WickContraction [φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ.length // ¬ φssucΛ.HaveEqTime },
      φssucΛ.1.wickTerm) := by
  rw [wicks_theorem]
  simp only [wickTerm]
  let e1 : WickContraction φs.length ≃ {φsΛ // HaveEqTime φsΛ} ⊕ {φsΛ // ¬ HaveEqTime φsΛ} := by
    exact (Equiv.sumCompl HaveEqTime).symm
  rw [← e1.symm.sum_comp]
  simp only [Equiv.symm_symm, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, Fintype.sum_sum_type,
    Equiv.sumCompl_apply_inl, Equiv.sumCompl_apply_inr, ne_eq, sub_left_inj, e1]
  rw [add_comm]
  congr 1
  let f : WickContraction φs.length → 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra := fun φsΛ =>
    φsΛ.sign • (φsΛ.timeContract.1 * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ))
  change ∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // HaveEqTime φsΛ}), f φsΛ.1 = _
  rw [sum_haveEqTime]
  funext φsΛ
  simp only [f]
  conv_lhs =>
    enter [2, φsucΛ]
    rw [← Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
    rw [join_sign_timeContract φsΛ.1 φsucΛ.1]
  conv_lhs =>
    enter [2, φsucΛ]
    rw [mul_assoc]
  rw [← Finset.mul_sum, ← Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
  funext φsΛ'
  simp only [ne_eq, Algebra.smul_mul_assoc]
  congr 1
  rw [@join_uncontractedListGet]
Theorem 8.7 (FieldSpecification.FieldOpAlgebra.wicks_theorem_normal_order):

For a list φs of 𝓕.FieldOp, the normal-ordered version of Wick’s theorem states that

𝓣(𝓝(φs)) = ∑ φsΛ, φsΛ.wickTerm

where the sum is over all Wick contraction φsΛ in which no two contracted elements have the same time.

The proof proceeds by induction on φs, with the base case [] holding by following through definitions. and the inductive case holding as a result of

  • timeOrder_haveEqTime_split
  • normalOrder_timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_eqTimeOnly_empty
  • and the induction hypothesis on 𝓣(𝓝([φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ)) for contractions φsΛ of φs which only have equal time contractions and are non-empty.
Show Lean code:
theorem wicks_theorem_normal_order : (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) →
    𝓣(𝓝(ofFieldOpList φs)) =
    ∑ (φsΛ : {φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length // ¬ HaveEqTime φsΛ}), φsΛ.1.wickTerm
  | [] => wicks_theorem_normal_order_empty
  | φ :: φs => by
    rw [normalOrder_timeOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_not_haveEqTime_sub_inductive]
    simp only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, ne_eq, add_right_eq_self]
    apply Finset.sum_eq_zero
    intro φsΛ hφsΛ
    simp only [smul_eq_zero]
    have ih := wicks_theorem_normal_order [φsΛ.1]ᵘᶜ
    rw [ih]
    simp [wickTerm]
termination_by φs => φs.length
  simp only [uncontractedListGet, List.length_cons, List.length_map, gt_iff_lt]
  rw [uncontractedList_length_eq_card]
  have hc := uncontracted_card_eq_iff φsΛ.1
  simp only [List.length_cons, φsΛ.2.2, iff_false] at hc
  have hc' := uncontracted_card_le φsΛ.1
  simp_all only [Algebra.smul_mul_assoc, List.length_cons, Finset.mem_univ, gt_iff_lt]