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Tensors and index notation 🚧

Note Authors: Joseph Tooby-Smith

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Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Tensor Species
    2.1. Example: Complex Lorentz tensors
3. Tensor trees
    3.1. Node identities
4. Elaboration
5. Example use: Pauli matrices

1. Introduction

This note is related to:, and concerns the implmentation of tensors and index notation into PhysLean, and its mathematical structure.

This note is not intended to be a first-introduction to tensors and index notation.

2. Tensor Species

Definition 2.1 (TensorSpecies): 🚧

The structure TensorSpecies contains the necessary structure needed to define a system of tensors with index notation. Examples of TensorSpecies include real Lorentz tensors, complex Lorentz tensors, and ordinary Euclidean tensors.

Show Lean code:
structure TensorSpecies where
  /-- The commutative ring over which we want to consider the tensors to live in,
    usually `ℝ` or `ℂ`. -/
  k : Type
  /-- An instance of `k` as a commutative ring. -/
  k_commRing : CommRing k
  /-- The symmetry group acting on these tensor e.g. the Lorentz group or SL(2,ℂ). -/
  G : Type
  /-- An instance of `G` as a group. -/
  G_group : Group G
  /-- The colors of indices e.g. up or down. -/
  C : Type
  /-- A functor from `C` to `Rep k G` giving our building block representations.
    Equivalently a function `C → Re k G`. -/
  FD : Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G
  /-- A specification of the dimension of each color in C. This will be used for explicit
    evaluation of tensors. -/
  repDim : C → ℕ
  /-- repDim is not zero for any color. This allows casting of `ℕ` to `Fin (S.repDim c)`. -/
  repDim_neZero (c : C) : NeZero (repDim c)
  /-- A basis for each Module, determined by the evaluation map. -/
  basis : (c : C) → Basis (Fin (repDim c)) k (FD.obj ( c)).V
  /-- A map from `C` to `C`. An involution. -/
  τ : C → C
  /-- The condition that `τ` is an involution. -/
  τ_involution : Function.Involutive τ
  /-- The natural transformation describing contraction. -/
  contr : OverColor.Discrete.pairτ FD τ ⟶ 𝟙_ (Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G)
  /-- Contraction is symmetric with respect to duals. -/
  contr_tmul_symm (c : C) (x : FD.obj ( c))
      (y : FD.obj ( (τ c))) :
    ( ( c)).hom (x ⊗ₜ[k] y) = ( ( (τ c))).hom
    (y ⊗ₜ ( (Discrete.eqToHom (τ_involution c).symm)).hom x)
  /-- The natural transformation describing the unit. -/
  unit : 𝟙_ (Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G) ⟶ OverColor.Discrete.τPair FD τ
  /-- The unit is symmetric. -/
  unit_symm (c : C) :
    (( ( c)).hom (1 : k)) =
    ((FD.obj ( (τ (c)))) ◁
      ( (Discrete.eqToHom (τ_involution c)))).hom
    ((β_ (FD.obj ( (τ (τ c)))) (FD.obj ( (τ (c))))).hom.hom
    (( ( (τ c))).hom (1 : k)))
  /-- Contraction with unit leaves invariant. -/
  contr_unit (c : C) (x : FD.obj ( (c))) :
    (λ_ (FD.obj ( (c)))).hom.hom
    ((( ( c)) ▷ (FD.obj ( (c)))).hom
    ((α_ _ _ (FD.obj ( (c)))).inv.hom
    (x ⊗ₜ[k] ( ( c)).hom (1 : k)))) = x
  /-- The natural transformation describing the metric. -/
  metric : 𝟙_ (Discrete C ⥤ Rep k G) ⟶ OverColor.Discrete.pair FD
  /-- On contracting metrics we get back the unit. -/
  contr_metric (c : C) :
    (β_ (FD.obj ( c)) (FD.obj ( (τ c)))).hom.hom
    (((FD.obj ( c)) ◁ (λ_ (FD.obj ( (τ c)))).hom).hom
    (((FD.obj ( c)) ◁ (( ( c)) ▷
    (FD.obj ( (τ c))))).hom
    (((FD.obj ( c)) ◁ (α_ (FD.obj ( (c)))
      (FD.obj ( (τ c))) (FD.obj ( (τ c)))).inv).hom
    ((α_ (FD.obj ( (c))) (FD.obj ( (c)))
      (FD.obj ( (τ c)) ⊗ FD.obj ( (τ c)))).hom.hom
    (( ( c)).hom (1 : k) ⊗ₜ[k]
      ( ( (τ c))).hom (1 : k))))))
    = ( ( c)).hom (1 : k)

2.1. Example: Complex Lorentz tensors

3. Tensor trees

Definition 3.1 (TensorTree): 🚧

A syntax tree for tensor expressions.

Show Lean code:
inductive TensorTree (S : TensorSpecies) : {n : ℕ} → (Fin n → S.C) → Type where
  /-- A general tensor node. -/
  | tensorNode {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} (T : S.F.obj ( c)) : TensorTree S c
  /-- A node corresponding to the scalar multiple of a tensor by a element of the field. -/
  | smul {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} : S.k → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
  /-- A node corresponding to negation of a tensor. -/
  | neg {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} : TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
  /-- A node corresponding to the addition of two tensors. -/
  | add {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} : TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
  /-- A node corresponding to the action of a group element on a tensor. -/
  | action {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} : S.G → TensorTree S c → TensorTree S c
  /-- A node corresponding to the permutation of indices of a tensor. -/
  | perm {n m : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} {c1 : Fin m → S.C}
      (σ : ( c) ⟶ ( c1)) (t : TensorTree S c) : TensorTree S c1
  /-- A node corresponding to the product of two tensors. -/
  | prod {n m : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} {c1 : Fin m → S.C}
    (t : TensorTree S c) (t1 : TensorTree S c1) : TensorTree S (Sum.elim c c1 ∘ finSumFinEquiv.symm)
  /-- A node corresponding to the contraction of indices of a tensor. -/
  | contr {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n.succ.succ → S.C} : (i : Fin n.succ.succ) →
    (j : Fin n.succ) → (h : c (i.succAbove j) = S.τ (c i)) → TensorTree S c →
    TensorTree S (c ∘ i.succAbove ∘ j.succAbove)
  /-- A node corresponding to the evaluation of an index of a tensor. -/
  | eval {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n.succ → S.C} : (i : Fin n.succ) → (x : ℕ) → TensorTree S c →
    TensorTree S (c ∘ i.succAbove)
Definition 3.2 (TensorTree.tensor): 🚧

The underlying tensor a tensor tree corresponds to.

Show Lean code:
def tensor {n : ℕ} {c : Fin n → S.C} : TensorTree S c → S.F.obj ( c) := fun
  | tensorNode t => t
  | smul a t => a • t.tensor
  | neg t => - t.tensor
  | add t1 t2 => t1.tensor + t2.tensor
  | action g t => (S.F.obj ( _)).ρ g t.tensor
  | perm σ t => ( σ).hom t.tensor
  | prod t1 t2 => ( (OverColor.equivToIso finSumFinEquiv).hom).hom
    ((Functor.LaxMonoidal.μ S.F _ _).hom (t1.tensor ⊗ₜ t2.tensor))
  | contr i j h t => (S.contrMap _ i j h).hom t.tensor
  | eval i e t => (S.evalMap i (Fin.ofNat' _ e)) t.tensor

3.1. Node identities

4. Elaboration

5. Example use: Pauli matrices